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resident evil :Afterlife


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i just watched the trailer,well its more like an action movie now instead of horror.but its okay for me tough since there's wesker in it =D.he's my favourite villain of all time, now it feel more related to the video game series.
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Not long got back from watching this and i will say it was a good movie. Few flaws along the way though that my sad sad very sad mind pointed out that went against the games.


@Chibievil - Jill was in the movie ;D At the very end of it. Don't wanna post anything to save spoilers XD

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Will need to see this, especially in 3D, if I can here in Australia.


Sounds good.


About the dropping backwards and firing guns, it has been done a few times as have variations of it. See Ghost in a Shell, etc.



Edited by Maharg67
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Every Resident Evil film has been worse than the one before it. I really enjoyed the first film; probably the best game-to-film adaption I've seen on the big screen. Each one after that has had increasing amounts of "meh" in it; just action to bring in the kiddies rather than any tangible suspense or intrigue.


I went to see Afterlife and wasn't impressed. It's the worst of the Resident Evil films so far. Zombies play an extremely minor role in the film, taking a back drop to Alice doing her YouTube videos and a group of dull characters moping about with an utterly unintriguing background story that everyone knew would be an Umbrella trap from the get-go. The only actor worth their salt in the cast list is Wentworth Miller and they used him sparingly.


I went to see a zombie horror/action film and ended up with an action flick rip-off of Matrix effects only in 3D. It's quite clear they wanted to be the first to claim Matrix-style gunfights in 3D. The gimmick that it is.


Realistically there's about 5 minutes of zombies in the whole film. If that. I immediately went home and put 28 Days Later on to remind myself that there is at least one good "zombie" film that isn't made for the pre-pubescents or utter idiots.


Haven't played Resident Evil since RE3 and as far as I'm aware it's gone down-hill. I have RE5 sitting in my desk; played about an hour of it with a housemate and was very much looking forward to co-op Resident Evil. What I played wasn't Resident Evil; it was some other game using the Resident Evil name to sell boxes.


Rant over I guess.


TL;DR the film is crap. Don't pay to watch it.

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We do not speak of the "sequel". In my opinion (which is right) 28 Days Later is the best "zombie" film to have come out in the past 10 years. Better than Dawn of the Dead. Better than any George Romero crap.


I like my Zombie films to be plausable. I understand that the concept of zombies is rather daft, but everyone knows what a zombie looks like, what a zombie does and how to kill a zombie. I absolutely hate these zombie films where the first hour is spent watching idiots prance around wondering why Bobby has blood around his mouth and is walking towards them menacingly looking like he wants to eat them. Joe goes to help his friend Bobby only to get bitten himself but the whole group continues on with infected Joe gradually deteriorating in health until he turns and takes a few more with them. That's the zombie film blueprint.


28 Days Later is nothing like that. It's 28 Days Later, so the survivors know what they need to do to survive. You sit watching it thinking "yes, I can see myself actually doing that if such a situation were to ever occur" rather than sitting there thinking "for crap's sake you would never do that in that situation".

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I 100% agree with Dark0ne on this, there hasn't been a good game to movie adaptation ever, they have been all crap. Though valve might be think of making a Half Life Movie with there own actors and budget, wonders what that would be like, also using there own writers. Its if, if any chance it'll happen, i say it won't.


But its a good idea..




That's the way they should make a game based movie.

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