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Do you use Skyrim as help for depression?


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I don't think I'm depressed, not at all. And while I'm not impressed with the overall state of this world, I'm far from giving up on it.


Actually, I prefer living in this world over the Elder Scroll's. Most who have heard the depressing interpretations of Kirkbride's texts would, I guess...

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I don't think I'm depressed, not at all. And while I'm not impressed with the overall state of this world, I'm far from giving up on it.


Actually, I prefer living in this world over the Elder Scroll's. Most who have heard the depressing interpretations of Kirkbride's texts would, I guess...


Even when you are well off and at the top of your class you can still suffer from debilitating depression. Robin Williams, rest his soul, is a perfect example of this. It is not the state of the world, but your view of that world that affects you. That is why it is so difficult for those who do not suffer to understand or even identify those that do. I did so enjoy playing Oblivion. To be able to walk through a forest among the trees or skinny dip in the many cool bodies of water were feelings that I cannot enjoy in this so called real life world. Almost my entire contact with human society comes from typing in a missive such as this. So it has been since May of 1997 and so it will be until I go home. Such is the will of the Fates.




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To be quite honest Skyrim and other MMORPGs actually help with being at the house for way too long before going to college or getting a job loneliness. Lately I've been having that issue because I can't find a job in too small of a town, and I have to wait for things to go through for me so that I can get into a college with better job and transportation methods. So yeah, I'd say Skyrim and the MMO I've been playing lately, Chinese or Taiwanese Blade and Soul, help wonders.

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I think I probably do too. I too have/had depression (it's under control with meds anyway), although I don't think I use skyrim to help with that. Rather, it helps more with just relaxing my brain when it's in overdrive. See, I have high functioning autism, and real life can often get quite overwhelming. Playing skyrim helps my mind to slow down, and is also a good escape from the stresses in life. However, I mainly play skyrim because I love it, and it's all I ever seem to want to do lol :P

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I think I probably do too. I too have/had depression (it's under control with meds anyway), although I don't think I use skyrim to help with that. Rather, it helps more with just relaxing my brain when it's in overdrive. See, I have high functioning autism, and real life can often get quite overwhelming. Playing skyrim helps my mind to slow down, and is also a good escape from the stresses in life. However, I mainly play skyrim because I love it, and it's all I ever seem to want to do lol :tongue:


I'm actually trying to get into a college for people with disorders like that, mainly because I'm a mixture of high functioning, adhd, aspergers and sensory integration. Some psychiatrist told me to lower my risperidone because I may get tardive dyskinesia even though he wanted to get rid of the risperidone far before he "knew" that. My tongue twitched impulsively a bit. To be quite honest I haven't twitched more often since earlier than November when he did check so after my appointment tomorrow I am switching psychatrists or something like that. I think it's the sensory, really. I do many things to get my mind off of crap like this, and loneliness by playing video games such as Skyrim, and 3d mmorpgs. Hey since you now brought it up, may as well tell you what's up with me, am I right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My anxiety sometimes makes it difficult for me to enjoy larger crowds of people. It's not that I feel hemmed in or anything, it's just that I get kind of over-stimulated with all the sensory input. If I'm at a party, it's not unusual for me to find a quiet room to sit down in for 20 minutes or so.


My computer is a link to the world for me. Facebook keeps me in touch with family and friends. I hang out in the Nexus chatroom, which I enjoy. I do a lot of shopping and so forth online, since I don't have my own vehicle and I live in a small town with not much in the way of public transportation.

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I feel hollow most of the time...like life just flows through me and I have to conform to its demands or suffer. And games like Skyrim help a good deal.


I actually decided to go back to school and learn programming and game development. My first class starts in like 4 days. I figured since I spent most of my time gaming I might as well make a living off of it.


EDIT: I was gonna do Psychology but I decided it wasn't for me.

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  • 5 years later...

This game has always saved me from depression. I am often in a state of anxiety, so I start playing Skyrim every time. This is an effective medicine that has helped me several times in my life, probably every year several times since my life is quite a nervous thing. This is why I take kratom herb that were advised by a close friend of mine. This friend is a great player in Skyrim, he plays this game from the very exit and still does not quit, even makes good money on it, shooting the passage of games on the camera and then puts it on YouTube and twitch

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