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The Nexus State of the Union - 2015


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Will there be more information provided in a later post for those who are interested in applying for the community manager position? Sounds interesting and I'd like to put forward a CV if possible. :)


Thanks for keeping us up to date Robin, its always good to hear that progress is being made!

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I'm overjoyed to hear that we'll soon know when someone replies to a comment. Let's face it - the comment system is used more than the forums because its integrated into the main Nexus site. Its the first line of communication for everyone. Another thing I would dearly love to see is the ability to make fully expanded advanced searches the default for an account. Its annoying to hit that search link up top, click "advanced" and THEN have to expand all those trees. I really miss having the full search dialog right next to the file lists - SO much easier. Basically anything that makes searching quicker, smarter or easier to get at is a huge plus in my book. Regarding the impending sight makeover - please, for the love of all that's good and true, NO FLAT DESIGN BS. Seriously, I cannot express how much this affront to user-friendliness needs to die.


Something that I really think needs to be encouraged is documentation within mod archives. Its silly to have to go to the Nexus every time you need to view the info about a mod. How hard is it for authors to stick a TXT file in there? I don't know what could be done to incentivize this but I really think its should be a priority. Maybe have a gold star to show "hey, this modder actually cared enough to include instructions!" And TWO gold stars if its NMM/BAIN compliant. Some kind of badge of honor system. Maybe there could also be some kind of searchable tag that modders who either can't or don't want to make FOMODs could use to request help from others in the community. This could be expanded for other purposes: I could imagine "need" tags like "needs mod manager data, "needs a new developer" (when mods are being abandoned), "needs compatibility patches made", and so on. There could even be an optional new tab on a mod's page explaining the details about what's needed.


Wishing many, MANY more great years for the Nexus :)

Edited by psycros
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