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It Seemed To Be A Good Idea At The Time (Redux)


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One 43.1[68]{68}


The enemy taskforce no longer pretended to represent the United Nations but it was a mystery who was behind them and what they were really after. For it switched direction before getting even close to the CCC Zone. Instead they turned roughly northwards to start following a great sweeping river bigger than any found on Terra. They used a dirt highway built in the early years of the Lunar Labyrinth Colony but only used heavily back then; it was maintained only as a matter of government regulation and its light, but important, use by locals; it was also a good emergency route.

The locals had been taken by surprise and the easy way the taskforce had penetrated the colony proved how badly even important things were organised and how vulnerable was the colony's defence and security. The Lunar Labyrinth section of the UN Government quickly proved useless in dealing with the situation.

A large UNMSIA taskforce, hitech and well trained, was already on its way in big jumpjets, escorted by smaller jumpjets, to deal with the intruders. The UNMSIA had gone through recent purges and was now far more trusted by the UNPSIA in general. Trouble was that the purge had meant that many 'troublesome' people had been exiled to the LL to carry out the last of their service contracts there. Even the UNMSIA Command appeared concerned, realising a grave mistake had been made, when they contacted the UNPSIA Command to ask what their own taskforce was doing; apparently they had cut themselves off from their own official command.

Word came of UNMSIA personnel being found abandoned and stripped of all but basic survival equipment and supplies; they were the only truly loyal ones that had been in the taskforce. A couple of older jumpjets were with them but they had been sabotaged.

Jonnie arrived at the site of the two big old jumpjets, being slowly rejuvenated as all was in the LL, and from the sleek black-grey stealth hubcopter he noted the big machines were being used as shelters, as temporary bases, by those abandoned. Locals had arrived bring help but also making trade, often for services as the UNMSIA people had some good practical skills to trade with.

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One 43.2[69]{69}


Jonnie's people began special scanning those there, offending the UNMSIA people until Jonnie got the highest ranking officers to one side and explained to them what was happening. He stood with them as they were at first shocked but then came to support his fears. There had been some odd things happening in the UNMSIA in the Lunar Labyrinth that could not be explained easily.


Jonnie observed quietly as the first biozay infiltrator was scanned and captured. Then others were captured, all being middle ranking officers who could well spy on what was going on but keep to the background more than higher ranks could. The questioning went badly as the biozay died, taking their hosts with them, much to the anger of Jonnie and others, especially those who had been close to the victims.


It was Jonnie himself who discovered the nanobots, using a specialised device guided by his own exotic abilities, that had killed the biozay-humans. It seemed that the biozay had not chosen to die. Through those devices he found the human traitor.


Lieutenant Shei was born of the LL and thus rejuvenation influenced him highly. He had a high psychic potential which he squandered mostly through lack of discipline of mind-body-spirit. He scowled at Jonnie as he was bound to a special chair that read different kinds of physical feedback with various devices.


Shei grinned. "You will never guess who is behind this action."


Johnnie shrugged. "The Cult Conspiracy through the Big13 and now with some kind of dubious alliance with the biozay, some of which were betrayed today thanks to your work."


Shei looked into Jonnie's hard sad eyes and broke just like that. "Yes, as far as I know. I was not suppose to know this but you are correct. Those conspiracy scum treat people like idiots. That is why I was not going to report in but sell some information on them that I had gained. I only killed those biozay because they were booby-trapped; if I had not killed them, they would have exploded and killed many."


Surprisingly enough it turned out that he was telling the truth, as deep bone scans soon revealed.







One 43a


Juno Station was where data was found in a datastick, either hidden away in a rush behind a shelf unit or accidentally dropped there. Modestia decrypted it and the data indicated that somebody, unidentified, in Juno Station had expected a teleportation experiment to result in the appearance of undead entities. Other data indicated that the experiment had the secret secondary agenda of reaching a particular dimensional realm of immense danger. That is not just dangerous because of its intrinsic nature but because of the entities that existed there; most of those entities were 'native' to that realm but not all were.


Scully wondered if that realm could be the NullVoid where the Great Enemy, that was both one and more than one, had been imprisoned by its own ancient enemies an extremely long time ago.


The Maharg Institute took over Juno Station as it determined to do a longer investigation of it and then to, perhaps, use it as a base. Once the undead were gone, from it, the complex was typical of its kind. Or so it seemed at the time.


Jane examined the discovered data on a big 3Dwallscreen. "I wonder at the sanity of those behind such madness. Why would anybody seeking to get to the NullVoid? Perhaps they would help free the Great Enemy but that is just further madness."


Modestia nodded. "Humans are driven by so many complexities. Yet this might not be the work of humans at all or even humans of the kind that are of Terra (Earth). Do you know of the dysfunctional Unity theory? That is that humanity, as we know it, is a Unity gone wrong, a Unity attacked and broken."


Jane gave the other woman an odd smile. "That is no mere theory but it the truth, or at least a very basic version, or reflection, of the truth that is far more complex and subtle than that theory is. The real truth is beyond Terran human comprehension."


Modestia frowned softly and then switched subjects back to the data, from the discovered datastick, that they were examining.

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One 44.1[70]{70}


Field-Marshal Elisa Harrington activated the small rainbow cube following instructions that had been implanted in her mind by the Rainbowwoman, they vanishing after being used. The cube dematerialised with a sparkling shimmer and was gone. Then the transformations began. At first they were hidden from humans and most others in the colony but then there were soft shudders running through the ground and odd sparkling, tingling, effects. Oddly enough no electrics, or electronics, seemed to be effected.


The metallic stone supercity rose up through, and around, the colony and lifeforms vanished to appear inside it; this happened also to many things. Great transparent domes appeared, at least they were transparent from the inside and translucent from the outside but they let through a healthy degree of sunlight. 13 great domes arose, in truth being parts of bubbles half full of such as earth, infrastructure, water and more.


The undead armies were driven back, by the transformation, but even as that took place shapeshifting doppelgangers struck through out areas of the colony not yet engulfed by what would become called Jungletropolis. But not just the undead creatures struck but also treacherous followers of undeath, of the TrueLife Cult, who attacked sometimes with unnatural powers but mostly with more conventional weapons.


Elisa was at first surprised by just how fast the treacherous uprising had failed but then she realised it had depended on the undead armies not retreating back into the darkest depths of the Shadow Continent. The treacherous attack had been carried out, she figured, in desperate panic. The doppelgangers, and traitors to the living, should have simply fled for most of them were quickly killed or, in the case of the cultists, often captured for questioning.


Unlifen, nonhumans, exotic tribal humans and others began to flood into the new city as refugees that had generated areas specifically for them. The field-marshal made sure they were made welcome and began negotiations and trade with them. Mostly she sought vital information in exchange for many useful resources.

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This writing added to that of the previous posted episode so you may need to do some rereading.


One 44.2[71]{71}


As the 'rainbow cube' transformed Junglenam it seemed also to transform the LL area of Tarrytown and the strange airport being transformed into a UNPSIA base. Metallic stone structures arose, absorbed other structures, and somehow managed to do no death and destruction. It was incredible, from a human point of view, and much studied and recorded.


But the transformation was spreading beyond that point, through the LL, and arising from other points in the Known Lunar Labyrinth.


What was happening in the Unknown Lunar Labyrinth was a mystery, of course. As the exploration of the LL had continued, the area needing to be explored had expanded exponentially the roughly part bubble shaped KLL had slowed in its expansion. Military security, law enforcement, civil regulation, and other concerns meant that exploration became heavily regulated, at least in theory. Yet it was people themselves who seemed decide on a cautious approach plus the fact that there was a great deal of already explored, charted, territory to be utilised with out further expansion.


Another reason were hushed stories, whispers, of deep exploration parties that had vanished. They had been sent out in early colonisation times and though many had returned safely, some of those had disturbing reports to make. Government managed to hush up most of it but some vague stories had gotten through of strange aliens, deranged human tribes, monsters and other such things. Such deep exploration expeditions had been banned ever since those early times though their were whispers of super secret expeditions having been sent but there was no real evidence to say if the whispers were real or not.


The UNPSIA Taskforce took some reforming as the home world suffered a schism between the old United Nations Government and a new United World Government. Like the UNMSIA, and other organisations, the UNPSIA remained loyal to the UNG. Others went over to the side of the UWG. The same could be said of nations or even parts of nations. The Russian Federation, USA, the European Union and other nations staid loyal to the UN while losing territories to the UWG.


Which was when big Waygates fully activated through out the expanding, transforming influence of the rainbow cube; those Waygates linked to each other and linked the LL Colony to the Junglenam Colony and other places on the home world.








Briefly events seemed to repeat themselves in the ancient metallic stone chamber. Yet even as the actions took place, again, there was a tiny flickering sensation to them that put them in doubt as far as the shadowy observer was concerned. The entity was there, but not there, in more than one way.


Jonnie smashed into Emma and hurled her backwards though she was wearing light exopower body-armour, along with being high on a cocktail of enhancement drugs. Jessie threw of Elton, hurling his body against a stony hard wall of ancient origins, stunning him despite his exopower body-armour.


Somebody went right through the shadowy observer or so it seemed; there was no actual contact made, just the illusion of it happening.


As for Jennie, she went after the insane leader of that crazy posse of superdrugged genius teen-adults. He was heading towards the 'big slot' where electronic data was placed after careful choice, editing and review. That is the 'big slot' in the 'front' of the hulking Ancient Alien Artefact, if it truly had such a thing.


Darren dribbled, and giggled, as he clutched in his hands an odd assortment of solid-state super data storage tablets, or SSDSTs. The triplets doubted that Darren knew what was really was in them but was simple out to do something really stupid because 'he wanted to do so'.


The disconcerted observer stepped back away from the action instinctively though in truth it was not even truly close to it.


Jennie pulled out her pulse-pistol with amazing speed, and skill, and shot Darren in the back. It was a gamble but there was a good chance that he would not die thanks to his body-armour. He cried out in agony but as he fell forwards the SSDSTs flew from his hand. Was it luck or was some kind of force directing what took place but all of the compact squat tablets, of slightly glistening black plastic, fell into the 'big gap'. Perhaps if they had just landed and had staid there, had been scooped out again, then things would have been different. But all of the data tablets vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer as had all accepted items before them.


Was it actually a repetition of real events? The shadowy observer realised that the Rainbowman was standing there also, almost as if he had always been there. He was looking very thoughtful. He turned to the shadowy one and spoke. "Go and report to your dysfunctional, delusional, masters but go now!"


A sparkling shimmer went through everything, and everybody, including the stun gassed bodies of those who had been staffing the chamber before the insane trio had struck.


Jessie rushed towards a large, complicated, bank of hitech hardware and focused on getting to a central console with locked controls. A man was partly draped over it, a director in an impressive looking jumpsuit, but she pushed him off so that he struck the floor heavily. She simply had no time to be nice.


Jessie inputted a high security code, that in theory she should not have known, used an advanced thumb print lock device, flipped the safety off the 'big red button' that was only to be pressed in dire emergencies, and pressed it hard, fast and desperately. At once the security safety stabilisation program was instigated.


Even as that happened, the triplets wondered if it had been a good, or bad, decision to instigate the SSP but either way it was done and dusted. Only the future could reveal the truth and even that might not do so.


The Rainbowman frowned softly and then vanished almost as if he had never been there.

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One 45.1[72]{72}


At the original materialised airport, now the new main UNPSIA Base in the LL, surprises had been found such as the Space Exploration Museum with its exhibitions of satellites, spacecraft, spacestations, probes, robots, astronaut gear and much else. This included US, Russian, Chinese, European, big corporate and other efforts including that of the United Nations Aerospace Agency.


At first the museum seemed to be straight forward as security explored it first, it being an underground area, but the first surprise was that artefacts were in metallic stone alcoves. Take one out and another one slowly replaced it. This included even the five famous Voyager spacecraft that had been launched from the Moon as huge probes sailing out from the solar system.


As the security teams were joined by others, oddities were found in the discovery of satellites, spacecraft and other machines that had never openly, officially, existed. These were in an area separate from the rest of the museum, that was turning out to be more than just a museum.


When the supersoldiers entered, smoothly and quietly, they took over the whole complex and forced all others to leave it. They gave no explanations, answered no questions, and made it clear that they would execute any who did not leave. Clearly the supersoldiers were not following UNPSIA orders, not even from special operations units such as those commanded by Marshal Collins, Captain Armstrong and others.


Coming from exhausting meetings in LabyrinthCity, Marshal Collins was far from pleased by what was happening. He confronted Jennie, of the J-Triplets, at the main entrance to the museum. The entrance was designed to look like that of a typical human museum as generally most of the complex was.


Collins scowled softly at Jennie-J. "We formed an agreement that you would serve the interests of the UNPSIA. Now you are breaking that agreement."


The female supersoldier nodded. "Yes but not out of choice. We are bound to follow powerful, subtle, program-conditioning that we even did not know about until it was activated on the discovery of this museum, that is not just a museum, down here in the basement levels. Yet we can show you what we can not, as yet, show others. Bring a maximum of two bodyguards and two personal assistants."

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One 45.2[73]{73}


Collins reluctantly agreed to the terms and chose Mulder, and Scully, because of their exotic experiences and knowledge. The two bodyguards were two elite cyborgs.


Jennie led the marshal, and the other four, through the complex until they reached the area full of official secret space machines. She pointed out precise replicas of orbital nuclear weapons, an experimental stealth spacecraft that had ended up crashing into an important communications satellite, sophisticated stealth spy satellites, a prototype orbital battle-shuttle, a big Skynet weapons platform and other items. The chamber was truly huge and they moved along a laneway in a white electric golfcar.


Collins was impressed but still puzzled by the supersoldiers' isolation of the complex. "The UNPSIA knows about all of this except a few that we had strong hints at. There is nothing here..."


Then he stopped speaking in shock as they came upon the first chosen destination. It was a British World War Two Lancaster Bomber upgraded thanks to Havenlander influence. 20mm autocannon turrets, the great wings, the cockpit shape, all were very familiar except the changed features. There were big strange wire frame structures running along the length of the machine and where the bomb bays should have been was an odd machine poking below the aircraft; this went down only a short distance so as not to interfere with the landing, and taking off, of the bomber.


The big machine was surrounded by metahuman supersoldiers and two big powerful looking metadogs equipped with their own body-armour and other hitech. While some focus was on the rest of the museum, most was on the bomber and there was the strong feeling of preparedness for trouble.


Jennie climbed out of the golfcar with typical supersoldier gracefulness. "World War Two, 1946AD, 3rd of October, the aeroplane was supposed to be able to teleport, to 'blink', from England to Germany and then back again in less than five minutes. It carried six people being three air crew and three scientific specialists. It vanished and did not return until 1951AD, December, 8th of October. It crash landed and out from it came six terrible creatures that killed many Royal Air Force personnel, including armed soldiers, before they were destroyed. It was brightening sunlight that probably finished the monsters off despite all of the bullets being fired at them and grenades being thrown at them. When the aircraft was investigated, carefully, strange dust was discovered on it of a kind later found in the Lunar Labyrinth."


Collins frowned hard, knowing that the Lancaster represented an important find.


Next post will continue this episode.

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This post continues an episode from the last post and you may need to do some rereading.


One 45.3[74]{74}


Scully spoke next. "The incident has a brief mention in a large XFile dedicated to secret experiments of World War Two including those linked to the Spanish Civil War and the South Atlantic Islands Action. The XFile is full of brief explanations of which only some are linked to their own XFiles. The Lancaster you see was one of three that vanished and never came back. The second two, that were launched, carried no humans but there was trouble."


Jennie nodded agreement in a fast, sharp, fashion often used by her kind. "Smaller lifeforms were turned into monsters and the RAF Base had to be totally fumigated with hazmat suited humans trying to track down and destroy what had been some mice, flies and such like. The fear was always that some things had escaped, such as distorted bacteria, but nothing bad seemed to happen after that. The project was closed down and further research, like it, was banned by the British Government. Puzzle was that the genius, behind the project, vanished along with much research data and it was discovered that his identity was fake, that no such man had ever existed."


The tour was not over. They drove past a long prototype machine designed for war in the LL and then came the second surprise. They stopped even as a swarm of superbugs appeared with a rush, moving around them as if protecting them. They halted the vehicle at the site of the massive probe, an almost graceful ugly thing of hulking proportions with much armour and many odd protrusions of bumps and rods.


As they climbed out of the golfcar, the superbugs became agitated. There was a whole platoon of supersoldiers there, including three metadogs, with them being more superbugs.


Jennie pointed to a data plate, of a kind found with all of the exhibits. "Only basic data but this indicates something that came to our timespace from some other timespace. It was here only briefly before returning to where it came from. It appears to be an 'alien machine'."


Suddenly the Rainbowman was there, almost as if he had always been there. He spoke quietly but all there heard him quietly even as superbugs darted in-out of some of his pockets to grab bits of food and some water. By this time superbugs were sleeping on the shoulders of Fox, Dana and Jennie-J along with a few others.

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One 45.4[75]{75}

"Alien? It came from another aspect of the Greater Multiverse, from the 'Mirrored Multiverse' of this Multiverse just as this Multiverse is the Mirrored Multiverse of that one. Life, death, are of this Multiverse and unlife, undeath, are of the other Multiverse. Both are necessary for the Greater Multiverse to function as it must but there, in theory, should be no movement across the Grand Multiverse Barrier. Now and then it happens, though it is very rare. Perhaps it is meant to happen for reasons that even I-we, the RainbowGuardian, find obscure."


There was a strong feeling that if the RainbowGuardian found such matters to be obscure, that it meant a good deal for the RainbowGuardian radiated a strong, subtle, impression of being vastly ancient and of having a vast amount of knowledge, a truly amazing intelligence of a very 'alien' nature.


The Rainbowman spoke again. "We must move on to the important exhibit that the metafolk did not recognise, for very good reasons. I will come with you on your golfcar that I have enlarged."


The golfcar was longer, now, with two extra sets of bench seats. On the rear most one were two large rainbow splashed storage canisters. The Rainbowman was happy enough to sit back, on the second last bench-seat, and yet his presence was still strongly felt by all.


As soon as all were safely on board, the vehicle vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer.







One 45a


Androids, of the replicant kind, began to emerge from the metallic stone alcoves of the 'museum'. They were an amazing array of copies of historical figures. Astronauts, cosmonauts, lunanauts, scientists and others. They came with skills, false memories, knowledge and were soon contributing to the Known Lunar Labyrinth, being granted full citizenship though not all humans were pleased with this idea. There were also replicant monkeys, rats and other animals.


These replicants came from the part of the museum that was not to be sealed up in future, where the metallic alcoves had less dangerous, less mysterious, artefacts that would replicate automatically to replace those taken.


If anybody recognised subtle, non threatening, 'oddities' about the replicants they were very few and kept their observations to themselves, to each other.

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One 46.1[76]{76}


Lieutenant Samantha Carter was standing and waiting for the arrival of the golfcar along with others who had come from the same UN Waygate Project based inside a mountain in the USA, that is inside an AraAncient Complex found there.


There were also members of the former Fringe Division of the now defunct FBI organisation that had vanished with the splintering of the USA into the USA and the new Confederate States of America.


There were also metahuman supersoldiers and metadogs. Swarms of superbugs flew in clouds in the immediate area, as if trying to protect people from what was there in that vast chamber.


The Rainbowman slipped out of the changed electric golfcar and the two rainbow canisters floated after him as if this was a natural thing to happen. The others moved out from the vehicle even as the Rainbowman spoke. "This area of the 'museum' is sealed off, hidden from, the main museum. You can see why. Do not try to focus directly on anything and if you begin to feel disturbed, nauseous or other troubles please look away or even close your eyes. "


The massive 'things' floating high in the air were distorted, twisted, hard to define for the actual shapes of them appeared to distort even as one looked at them. Looking just to one side of any of the objects brought more clarity but not more pleasure. The things were horrifically distorted machines that had likely once been spacecraft of some kind, many of them of familiar shapes.


Carter spoke. "No mortals are allowed to spend more than three hours in this chamber and this includes meta-supersoldiers. Madness, disorientation, and other effects threaten otherwise."


Jennie grinned. "We could take longer shifts but we get bigger breaks this way."


Carter smiled. "You were not meant to admit to that in open. Even you supersoldiers stay close to the group."


Jennie nodded. "We are not foolish. There is something very wrong in this chamber and it is not just the spacecraft that passed very briefly through out timespace sector. That is why the 'museum' has represented them here, because they did move through local space even if for only a few minutes at most. What is to be feared is what is inside the spacecraft that had lifeforms in them; some of the spacecraft are fully autorobotic with no life."

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One 46.2[77]{77}


The Rainbowman spoke gravely. "There are true artificial intelligences in some of those autorobotic ships, that you speak of, and they are just as distorted though all of these are replicas. As replicas they are very dangerous but less so than the original distorted entities like those that appeared at the RAF Base in England, coming out of that Lancaster bomber plane. The reason smaller, distorted, entities were not released into the world was the work of we the RainbowGuardian. We would have intervened to strike down the monsters, that had been the humans in the altered bomber, but we were forbidden to do so by our 'mentors'. Humanity had to pay something for its stupidity and the monsters killed all of the main culprits behind the program except for the one 'genius'. He was not even human and not even a 'he' but for now I will not give out her true identity."


The Rainbowman clapped his hands and all life vanished from the chamber, including any very smaller lifeforms that had staid with the group. The chamber was now empty but for the Rainbowman, who was not 'alive' as the others were, and the two rainbow canisters.


He spoke quietly but his voice was heard across the chamber, by every distorted being. "Remain as you are, where you are, lest you leave and more replicas replace you. Here is healing, harmony, good sleeping and other gifts for you."


One rainbow canister vanished with a sparkling shimmer but the sparkling shimmer expanded out to fill the whole chamber for some seconds before fading off quickly.


He spoke again. "The second rainbow canister will activate if any of you try to escape or if any entity tries again to make you fully active as the Shadowman did with his failed attempt that made you only semiactive. How it activates, what happens, depends on if you try to full activate yourselves or if it is outside interference; the first will punish you but the latter will punish the intruders. I wish you the best; please be wise in your choices."


He vanished almost as if he had never been there; the rainbow storage canister remained there looking far more normal, and harmless, than it was.







One 46a


Evana Ellenavi looked out from her high rise office and at the yet to be finished city of RaccoonCity, the official city of the colony of Raccoona. Promised resources had not arrived, sometimes because convoys were attacked by mysterious forces but more often because of other, more mundane, factors.


Local resources had been discovered, had become vital in the survival of the colony. Some were more exotic than others. Thornplants, mogsberry bushes, big meatworms, fish, hornlizards and other flora-fauna were carefully utilised, even cultivated. Then there was the strange box-dispenser giving out an odd, short, list of useful survival items. The concentrated healing serum was most impressive but while most items were useful, the food rations were most demanded by the colonists, or Raccoonars.


Two raccoons, mascots, were sleeping curled up in a basket close to her desk. They were a gift from AlphaOmega, who had also been sending convoys, of vital resources, that made actually got to the colony. It was he who confirmed to Evana what she had always suspected, that corrupt fools in the Big13 had been stealing many of the resources meant to go to Raccoona. They had also been quickly, efficiently, and harshly dealt with.


Even AlphaOmega could do little against the monstrous tentacles threatening to isolate the colony and perhaps threatening its very existence. Amongst the resources, that he helped make sure got to Raccoona, were more defensive, security, and weapon network-systems. Problem was that this meant less other kinds of important resources were getting to Raccoona.


Making matters worse was her arrival at the colony revealed a mess of corruption, incompetence and factional fighting. She had purged most of the fools, recycling the bodies of the dead, and had strengthened her hold on Raccoona, and RaccoonCity, but had to remain vigilant at all times despite having a large loyal, dependable, following.


Evana was annoyed that, as yet, she still had not learned the real reason for the creation of the colony. The woman had a bad feeling that she would not like the answer.

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