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This guy knows what's up. FOMM is solid, reliable and does everything I want it to do except for make a fresh pot of coffee in the mornings. Wouldn't trade it for any other mod manager.



FOMM! Unless you need NMM to manage other games (there are better alternatives for Skyrim).

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I can't seem to be able to use the Package Manager because it says "Something bad has happened." I had this issue before with FOMM years ago, which I think is the main reason why I switched to NMM. What's going on?


FOMM, Fallout Mod Manager. Why would you use anything else for a Fallout game?


When you go "Package Manager", you will be asked to signin. DON'T. It hasn't worked in years. Instead, go to "Settings" and make sure "Check for new FOMod versions" does not have a check mark to the left. If it does, un-check it.

You will now be able to proceed with whatever you want to do without a crash.

Edited by M48A5
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I can't seem to be able to use the Package Manager because it says "Something bad has happened." I had this issue before with FOMM years ago, which I think is the main reason why I switched to NMM. What's going on?


FOMM, Fallout Mod Manager. Why would you use anything else for a Fallout game?


When you go "Package Manager", you will be asked to signin. DON'T. It hasn't worked in years. Instead, go to "Settings" and make sure "Check for new FOMod versions" does not have a check mark to the left. If it does, un-check it.

You will not be able to proceed with whatever you want to do without a crash.




I've also found a re-uploaded version of FOMM, I think it was "Forked" or something? Is this a better version?


Edit: No matter what I can't see to add one mod without FOMM Coming up with an error, I checked also, check for new versions is off....



Edited by Scottvrakis
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Use 14.11.9. It's the most recent version: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54991/?


If something fails with that one, my advice is to roll back to FOMM 13.10. You'll have to go to the FOMM page at sourceforge.net to find it but it installed everything I threw at it for about 4 years no matter how old the fomods were.

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FOMM, simply because It's what I've been using for all of my FO3/FNV playthroughs. NMM is solid but I've had some minor issues with it in the past, nothing that I couldn't figure out how to fix in a couple of seconds however.


If not FOMM I would probably use Mod Organizer, I've been eyeing it for a while but I can't be arsed to migrate to it, FOMM works well.

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