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New paid full-time community manager and development lead job role open for applications


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Just a quick update to let you all know that we've added a new full-time paid position to the site that's immediately available to be filled. We are looking for a dedicated community manager and development lead who will become a public facing ambassador for the sites both domestically, on the Nexus, and abroad, within official game communities. Improving the community for those of us already here while helping to spread the word about the Nexus to other (official) game communities.


I alluded to this role in my State of the Union post back at the start of the year. A few people showed concern that I'd stop writing my bi-annual banal twitterings that go off on wild tangents. Never fear, I'll still be writing these articles and carrying on with my responsibilities as normal.


If you're interested in the role and fit the requirements then please send in a CV.


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It's pretty amazing that you guys offer these to people of the community. I wish I had 40 hours a week available so that I could apply. Don't suppose there are any part time openings?
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I'm 46. I remember when Pong was a really big deal. My first video game ever was a Telestar Pong "console" my parents got us for Christmas in 1975. I just stare in amazement at what is on my screen these days. These modders are really a cut above the rest. I hope whomever lands this job is appreciated!
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