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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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I am looking for a voice actor to perform the role of "Duck Fumblecorn-Idiot Savant of Warfare" for a pilot episode. He is a comedic foil as opposed to the other characters and events. Here is the script. The other roles have already been filled. Only Duck Fumblecorn needs filling. If interested please PM me with a sample of your voice.




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Reaally Need a voice actor for Duck Fumblecorn


Character info: Duck Fumblecorn Idiot Savant of warfare. Duck is a mercenary in a PMC and is not retarded just really dumb.


Think Michael Scott if he was good at being a mercenary and literally nothing else.


Heres a photo of him


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I might need a voice actor for my companion mod. I had my wife do some test recordings and my mic was not very flattering- it sounded like she was pinching her nose shut, lol. Please link me a couple samples. I'm looking for someone who can sound somewhat gruff, uninterested even. I don't want her to sound like a peppy anime girl. ; )

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Also, I am available for voice acting. I have a pretty deep voice, but I can speak clearly and enunciate well, no speech impediments or anything. I can manage a variety of accents, as well. I'm from california but my family lived in Idaho for a couple years, dad was a trucker, I'm a bus driver, so I can do military/radio lingo pretty well, and can fake a hillbilly accent like a pro.



Edited by sleekblind
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I have a wide array of voice resources that I'd like to make available to everyone here; I'm involved in my local film and theater communities and we have a recording studio at my house, so in addition to my own abilities (I've been doing voice acting for many years for film projects and such and am very good at it) I have a wide variety of other talent that I can bring in to suit any modder's needs, and of course the sound files are professional-grade, comparable in quality to those in the vanilla game.


The two most accessible talents in my catalog are myself (of course) and my dad.

My own voice is tenor/alto and fairly nasal; it sits somewhere between Edward R. Murrow and Richard Dreyfuss. I have a very wide range of tones, accents, and character voices which I can employ, and am able to learn new accents if something specific is required.

My dad's voice sits in the baritone/bass range - think a mix of the movie trailer voice guy and Leonard Cohen - which is great both for menacing villains and for warm and inviting characters. He also does a great Tom Waits growl.


If you're interested, feel free to send me a PM!

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Looking for a few voice actors for my upcoming mod Factions Reloaded - Followers Of The Apocalypse. Here's the main thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1123191-wipfactions-reloaded-followers-of-the-apocalypse/





Head of Security for the town of New Dayglow.

Age 30-40ish

Voice type: Tough

"My name's Mike. I'm the security chief, and I try to keep everyone safe here. This is a dangerous area, but we've managed to survive so far which definitely wasn't because of luck."


Jacob: A Follower who feels that violence is necessary in some cases.

Age: 18-25ish

Voice type: Somewhat gruff, angry.

"Thanks. I know Dr. Hernandez doesn't think it's right, but sometimes killing is a necessary evil."


Liz: A very strong-minded follower who doesn't give second chances.

Age: 20-30s

Voice type: Sort of angry, very serious.

"Because we're the only ones helping the wastes. Look around. Do you see any NCR? No. They're hiding behind their walls and leaving us to die."

"What we need is the type of firepower of the Brotherhood, and the manpower of the NCR. That's how we'd get things done."


Alex: A very nerdy Follower Scientist who is obsessed with pre-war junk

Age: 40s

Voice type: Nasally, nerdy

"Anyways, on to your task. I require assistance with an important project. I need some protection from the outside forces."

"I don't think you understand what I've done to contribute to the Followers and to the wastelanders here. This discussion is over."


Dr. Hernandez: A doctor who believes that life is the most important thing there is

Age: late 40s, early 50s

Voice type: Soft, calming

"I'm doctor Hernandez. I feel that everyone should have a chance to survive, no matter what they've done. I hope you feel the same way."

"My parents always taught me to help everyone. Helping others is what I do best, and the refugees here need all the help they can get."


Chase: The cook for the refugees in New Dayglow.

Age: 30s

Voice type: Normal

"I'm Chase. I'm supposedly the chef here, although I don't really do much other than hand out old boxes of dandy apples and 200 year old steak."


Josiah: The leader of the marauders. He is very interested in what happened before the wars.

Age: 60s or 70s

Voice type: Calm, intelligent

"My name is Josiah. I am the leader of the marauders. We are waging a war against the fiends. Even with our numbers we have been very successful."

"These flags all represent remnants of the past. Even though most of them are still here today, they all represent parts of the world from before."


There will be plenty more roles in the future as this mod develops, so don't be sad if you didn't find a role that fit you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again, I'm currently looking for a small number of actors to fill roles in my mod, A Trip To The Bank. The mod has grown substantially over the past few months, and now requires six characters to be voiced for it to feel complete. The characters of Ryker, Conley, Constantine, Kaitlynn, and Slade Fawes are all still available.


Ryker was one of the NCR Veteran Rangers who led an assault on The Nevada Grand, whom, despite being a great shot and handy with tech, was seen as just another ranger by his superiors. His family on the other hand held him dear, and enjoyed his enthusiasm when it came to kicking butt for the good guys. Little did he know that they sent him and a small team on a suicide mission into the bank to prove a point. The bank was impenetrable. His squad was killed, and he was severely wounded, forced to hide in the bathroom stalls. However, he found something; A vent just large enough for him to climb through. Inside, he would meet Beckett, An Enclave Lieutenant who had been surviving by the skin of his teeth. His audio logs, with the exception of the first are of his conversations with this man, and how they overcome their differences to achieve a common goal. (Beckett's voice actor has already been cast, and is ready for work.)


Mr. Conley is one of the many bots secured by the wealthy owner of The Nevada Grand, and was one of his prized possessions. Of all of the machines from the Prime-Beta series, Mr. Conley was the most costly due to his auto-repair subroutines, top-of-the-line hydraulics, and rare AI core source. In his prime, Mr. Conley was used by The banks owner in robotic death-matches. He faced many a robotic monstrosity, but always came out on top, resulting in a massive winning streak of 86 consecutive wins before his core began to overheat. However, his fighting days were cut short when P.E.T.A.I. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Intelligences), forcing him into an early retirement. For the rest of his days he wandered about the bank, entertaining guests with his new musical hobbies. Even after the bombs fell, he continued to play his tune to a crowd that would never come.


Constantine an Kaitlynn are both survivors of the great war. He was an engineer for Robco who was working on both the Prime-Beta series as well as the Robo-Brain series of robots under contract with the United States govenment in a facility known as The Black Cathedral. She worked there as well, one of the scientists studying the effects of the Forced Evolutionary Virus on humans. They met in the lunchroom. He fell for her wit, and she fell for his goofy charm. On what seemed like a normal day, the sirens blared, warning of the chinese nukes on approach. Even if they survived the blasts, the radiation would kill them. There was no vault to hid in, no escape routes, just doom approaching on the horizon. In their desperation, Kaitlynn injected Constantine with the virus, causing him to begin to change just as the bombs hit. When he came to, he was alive, but in great pain from the constant changes. However, she was still out cold, dying slowly. He knew what he had to do. He took her to the labs and removed her brain for insertion into a robo-brain AI core. Knowing that she would be safe, though as a disembodied version of herself, he trekked out into the wastes, carrying her on his back through all the pain, all the combat until he reached the Mojave. He knew that there was only one place other than the Black Cathedral and Pentagon that had received any of the Prime-series of robots, and that was The Nevada Grand. Once there, he was finally able to give her back a body of some sort. With some work, he attached her AI core to a re-modeled Prime-Beta guard, and was finally able to feel as if he had done the right thing. With Constantine being the only one left alive beyond Robert House himself who could control the Prime-series robots, they made the Nevada Grand their home. It was happy for a time. But as Constantine consumed more food, and became more radiation, he grew. Eventually, he became unable to leave the Bank Vault where He and his lover had set up their home. For a time, He was able to instruct Kaitlynn on how to maintain the Prime-series AI cores, but after some time, they malfunctioned, causing them to attack anything on site, including them. Since then, they've been contacting everyone and anyone who could possibly help them escape their home turned prison.


Slade Fawes was a businessman and a good one at that. From where he stood, he looked down on all of the people who called him names and terrorized him for being intelligent. Now, he had everything, and they had nothing. He could buy any movie prop, any machine, any vehicle, any home, anywhere. Yet, even when he had everything he thought he wanted, he was still missing something: companionship. He was still alone, and he became bitter.


If any of these characters tickle your fancy, then send me an email at [email protected].

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Hi, I'm just a dude with a strangely deep voice, however, I can provide a multitude of voices. I don't have a way to record my voice though, so.... Any ideas? I really wanna join the voice acting phenomena here on the Nexus, so message me if you need voice acting.




Daniel. :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty skilled with audio editing, so if anyone needs voice effects (distortion, reverb, radio noise), I can help add that. I can also do some voice acting, but only kinda. I'm not that great at it, I can only record it well.

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