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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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Calling any good GHOUL voice actors or male voice actors in generally. Also seeking child voice actor and female voice actor. PM me with info of any of the following to be considered


"Baby Face" Late 20s. fast talkin fast thinker (think wolf from pulp fiction)


"Nice-guy" 30 something year old think snide and unforgiving but with a slightly younger then 40 voice. (any "wise-guy" role ever played)


"Ol' mickey" a 200+ year old Italian mafioso ghoul that was living in the Nevada during the bombing, hasn't left.


Male child big ego attitude (think the jarl bulgruffs child that likes you licking boots)


if possible provide voice sample.





I am looking to voice act for people as well.


Refer to my mod for voice samples.



Cheers on this thread OP.

I would be happy to fill the role for the child, I'm Twelve, and I could sound like that. I'll work for free, of course, just give he some credit, if you choose to accept me.

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Hello! I am a 30 year old male dude who likes to do lots of voices. I love Fallout and recently got New Vegas as a gift. Needless to say I LOVE IT. I have hopes of becoming a paid voice actor some day so I would love the opportunity to lend my voice abilites to help make a mod! And also it would be good practice for me!


As far as what I sound like, my normal voice sounds... normal, I guess! I really enjoy doing impressions and can pull off a decent swath of characters. I can do from rough and gravelly to weird and spastic, almost anything in between. I am high energy and can spit out a lotta gab quite quickly.

I have a soundcloud site with some samples, and I can record samples or read lines if this is preferred.

I use headphones and a desktop USB microphone, and use Audacity to balance and clean up my samples.

Of course I would provide any work for free out of my intense love for the modding community, just simple credits are all I would ask.


Please let me know via forum PM if you'd be interested in putting my cords to use!

Edited by Ubik22
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Hey everyone! http://tesalliance.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/aa_smile.gif
I'll start with a quick introduction; I'm Otellino, and, well, I love modding. I've made mods for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fallout 3, and now my most ambitious mod for Fallout: New Vegas, "For the Enclave". I have been working on this mod with a friend of mine, CNC (Although sadly he's not actively involved with the mod anymore) since about December of 2010.

The mod, "For the Enclave", focuses around a splinter group of the Enclave, and their struggle against another Enclave group in the Mojave. After the continued loss and lack of a centralised leadership structure, the Enclave eventually fell into various splinter groups, some with different morals and attitudes to the wastes. Your roles is to assist a more open-minded group in their survival.

On the 27th of November, 2013, I released Version 2.0 of the mod (Nexus link: http://www.nexusmods...as/mods/39531/? )

I've been working hard since then, almost daily between University work to bring you the last/final part of the mod. The mod is feature complete now. All scripts have been coded and are working correctly, all characters are in, all missions, both side quests and main are in and working, all locations are there etc. All I need are the final voices to go with the mod before I can upload the final version!

The roles I have right now are a Brotherhood of Steel diplomat and an NCR Diplomat (Gender/Age isn't an issue, I can modify them accordingly as they aren't major roles, not many lines of dialogue here)

I also need a voice for General Rowlandson. He's the antagonist of the mod (Picture: http://i.imgur.com/GbfMuLF.jpg ), a survivor from the Enclave's Poseidon Oil Rig from Fallout 2. He's got quite a few lines, although nothing major.

Also, I'm really in major need for voice actors for mechanics, Enclave Troops and Officers, both male and female. Role sizes vary greatly, from small to big roles. All is welcome and needed. http://tesalliance.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/aa_smile.gif

I'll happily provide more detail on roles/characters to anyone who asks. http://tesalliance.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/aa_smile.gif

If you're interested, please send me a message! I won't be able to reply until after the 6th of January as I'll be travelling however.

Thanks all!


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'Ello everyone, my name's Chris and I'm wanting to make a start as a New Vegas mod voice actor.

I'm 17 years of age and I'm pretty sure that I sound 17 or younger, and I'm American and have no accent from what I can tell. I believe myself to be a decent voice actor but that's to be decided by outside opinion rather than tooting my own horn.

I'll do pretty much any voice acting jobs except for ghouls (unless you want a really healthy sounding ghoul). Most of my fields would probably range from children/teenager/young adult voices as I don't sound very old. Also, I kind of aspire to do the voices for a companion mod somewhere in the future.

PM me if you're interested and I'll record a soundclip of my voice and send it to you via my YouTube channel.

Thanks for your time, I'm out.



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Hello everyone! I can do a child voice with a moderately good microphone. If you want a voice sample, Contact me on Steam, My Steam ID is "PROBRAD" and the name is "Muggy". You'll know you've found me when my avatar looks like this:


Edited by ProfessorHappycat
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Guest deleted7001342

Hello people of the Nexus. I am looking for several voice actors of all races and genders. The two largest roles are already filled but there are several mid to smaller characters still available.



Octavius, 30 - This is the largest role available. He's a former Legion soldier who hates everything about the NCR. He's tough, but not a stereotypical macho generic guy. He's smart, decisive, and philisophical.


Grapes, mid 20's - Grapes is a guard/bouncer type character who doesn't take crap from anyone. He does have a sensative side, and genuinely cares about people.


Sergeant Conroy, mid to late 20's - Conroy is a sergeant in the NCR who doesn't lip from any of his men and doesn't care much for the player character or the officers in charge.


I'm also looking for 3 unnamed "customers", one of which has a large number of lines for an unnamed character.



If you're interested just send me a message and a voice sample and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest deleted7001342

Well, my lead voice actor decided to bail last minute, so I need someone to take over.



Zombie, late 20's - The largest or possibly second largest role of my mod. Zombie is the leader of a mercenary group trying to destroy both the NCR and Legion. He's former NCR himself, kicked out for morally questionable reasons. He's not the generic "evil" character who'd kill his mother if dinner wasn't up to standards, but he is a bit psychotic. He's always smiling and laughing. Vocally, think somewhere along the lines of Mark Hamill's Joker.


I'm still looking for someone who can played the unnamed "customers' I mentioned earlier. They're small roles, but roles none the less.

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I'd definitely be willing to lend my voice to whoever needed it. 17 year old male from Midwest America. Definitely would be willing to put my own input into whichever character I play as well as I am a film enthusiast and aspiring director.

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