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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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If you need a quality voice actor with a good mic please email me! [email protected] . Please feel free to contact me with any questions! I can do a variety of voices. Just send me the script and a few little details like what that character is feeling whats their personality like and i can record it right away and send you the audio file. If something is wrong feel free to email me saying you don't like a certain part or the whole thing and i will record it again for you no problem, please don't hesitate if that is the case! All i ask is that you give me some form of credit being if there are credits, if not just stick me in your description at the end or whatever, so all you have to write is www.youtube.com/arcmester just to give me credit!! Thanks for reading and i hope i can be of use to some of these great modders out there!!

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Hello! I'm currently looking for somebody to record some lines for a doctor NPC.


While the NPC in question is currently African-American and male, I'd be more than capable of changing those details if the need arises. The primary focus would be lines for medical services along with a few miscellaneous topics and banter. I'm looking for somebody with decent skill and mic quality, preferably so that the voice blends in relatively well with vanilla voice acting.


Additionally, I'm looking for some lines for 1-2 generic patients, depending. These can be left to the same VA depending on how much range they have, or additional VAs entirely.


PM me if you're interested. It would also help if you supplied me with some previous work if it's possible, but it's entirely optional.


Thank you to anyone willing to apply in advance!

Edited by BlooperReel
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If you're interested in doing some voice acting, then you may be pleased to know that I am currently developing a fairly large mod, for which I am in need of a range of voice actors. The mod essentially brings a new casino to the Mojave (around the 188 Trading Post), but when players go further into it, they will find a secret underground organisation (much like the BoS). This organisation will offer the player various tasks, which will allow them to progress through the ranks in the organisation. Although it may sound simple, there is a lot more to this mod than you can first see.


The organisation:

  • A scientific group of researchers, protected by their own private military of heavy troops, and robots.
  • The group works in a vault under the DEFCON One Casino.
  • The group mainly research ways of developing new spacecraft, in the hope that they will find a way to escape the wasteland.
  • The organisation has recently began developing ICBMs, which the player is told will be used to eliminate the legion, although this could potentially spell a final nuclear massacre.
  • The player may either choose to help the faction, and become an important officer among their ranks, or to destroy their entire organisation.


So, in short, I am looking for voice actors who would be interested in voicing the following characters:

  • Johnny Vargas, the charismatic DEFCON One Casino Floor Manager (American Male)
  • The DEFCON One Casino Cashier (American Male)
  • DEFCON One Bartender(s) (Male And Female Actors Wanted)
  • Guards For The Organisation (Multiple Voice Actors Needed- Anyone Can Apply)
  • Nuclear Physicist Rex "Rads" Miranti (American Male)
  • Corporation Scientists And Researchers (Multiple Voice Actors Needed- Anyone Can Apply)


Anyone who performs a voice acting role in this mod will, of course, be given full credit on the mod's main page, and you will be given a special, early-access release of the mod, as soon as it is ready.


And just to let you know, in case you are wondering, I have already built the casino. I am currently working on all of the dialogues for the NPCs.


If you would like to apply, please send me a PM, or add me on Skype at:




Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon!

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~EDIT~ We have already found our Marilyn Monroe, so Casting for her is already over unfortunately ladies! Sorry D: But if anyone feels like they could pursue this mod and and think we could use your skills please feel free to drop by and talk about it with any of us in the forums!~EDIT~


Hows it going guys/gals,

Just wanted to take a moment to inform any ladies here that I'm working with a group on a Project: MarilynMonroeProject and our previous voice actress has not logged in for quite awhile,so needless to say if you are confident in your voice and acting please follow this link straight to our forum and let us know you are interested!


A little background info on the Project to make sure you'd be interested in working on this: Our goal is simple, we want to recreate a follower that Bethesda Should have made the time to structure, Marilyn( Yes THE Marilyn Monroe), as one of Mr. Robert House's girls, preserved as Securitron, just like the Lovely Jane Securitron, but we not only want to create her as a follower, we want to give her a story, a meaning to this wasteland if you will, so upon discovering her among Mr. Houses valuables, we learn more to her story as we get to know her, and upon getting her to trust us she tells of a dream she's fantasized about since she was trapped in Mr. House's horrid plans, to be kept alive for generations. Having a human body again.


Which will bring us to the epic follower quest we intend to bring with this Amazing follower! We plan to embark on an epic quest to rescue Marilyn's Beautiful brain, and find a way to reunite it with a body she can love again!(Story is subject to change)


If you are at all interested please feel free to drop by our forums.

You can also message either me or my friend here DevonPatterson(The genius behind all this!) and apply! You will of course be fully credited with any work you give to this project, and for those of you that read this and wish to a part of such a project please feel free to message either of us and we will see if we can find a place for you here in the Marilyn Project!

Edited by TruxtonMiles
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Male - Willing to voice any dialogue with near any attitude. I have a Blue Yeti microphone w/ sound boom & soundproofed home. I can definitely get into the mood!


P.S.: Sorry I couldn't read over all the requests here, but if you are interested-please let me know! I will respond asap.


Thanks guys. Great thread.

Edited by xBearGrylls
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Here's a link to my demo reel.


I've done voice acting for my own mod War Trash, and a lot of the demo reel features those characters, but there also a few more roles as well.


I'm a 21 year old male. My voice is sort of mid to low range. I'm very good at villains, ghouls (which you can see in the reel), humble/quiet heroes, and crazy psychos alike. I also do my own audio editing. If you're interested, just send me a message and I'll be happy to take a look at the role.


As an aside, I'm completing my degree in Literature and people seemed to like the writing in War Trash enough, so if you'd like someone to take a look at your script I'm more than willing to do some editing as well.

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If anyone needs any female voice acting I would be happy to help, i can speak in different tones and ranges, just message me and let me know. All i have at the moment to show my voice is a youtube video from my guild in another game i play, it doesnt show my ranges, tones, or different styles of voices I can speak, its just my regular voice lol but if you want to check it out heres the link




Personal message me with any comments, questions, or of need of a female voice. Thanks!

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Sickle Cell Episode 3 - Shot and hastily slapped together -


New voices needed!


For all 5 of you guys who saw Sickle Cell episode 2 on the nexus, thanks alot I really appreciate the views. Episode 3 has already been shot and put together now I just need the last step of adding the voices.


Petrov Kutskova - Illana's father - Voice needs to be fatherly, warm, etc.





William ??? I havent wrote his last name - Needs to be nasally, high pitched.







If you guys could pm for these I'd be really greatful. Im not the type to say "your not good enough" so I go by first come first serve. Really like some help with this - Just pm me with the character you want to play and ill send you the script. Thanks alot!

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I'm currently looking for several voice actors to record lines for a series of generic NPCs for a mod. At the very least, I'm looking for two male voices and one female voice capable of doing raderish voices:


-One male voice with more of a controlled, calm tone with hints of instability.

-One male voice with a more wilder, frenzied inflection.

-One female voice to fill out of the requirement for one.


Additional voices are appreciated!


I already have the script ready (Read here!) And all I need now are the voice files. I'm looking for people with decent VA skill and good mic quality. If you have any questions or wish to send the voice files to me, feel free to PM me.


Thanks in advance!

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