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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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I'd like to give something back to the modding community too. I'm age 26, male, half southern (London) - half midlands UK accent, with a relatively gravelly voice thanks to a decade of smoking. I have no formal training but am willing to help where possible, PM me for a contact e-mail.

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Alrighty, I've posted here a couple of lines a while ago, and now I'm requesting voice acting again. Sadly, I did not like myself as a voice actor due to my voice not fitting the guy I wanted to hear so... This time it'd be requiring:


- A woman (pretty young, maybe around 25 or so, working as a waiter to fulfill her caps' needs)

- A ghoul (age unknown, a mercenary. Seems to be tough, but has fancy hair and moustache)

- A man (age around 25-40, nothing exact is said by him about himself though...)


More about that man:


Serious, beaten up by life and Crimson Caravan as he used to lead his own caravan company a while ago in Shady Sands. Can tell some stories about his past, but not in details. Can tell some information about NCR capital's region. Thinks that Legion is a bunch of slavers who tries to build a militaristic empire. Doesn't take NCR seriously because he failed because of it. Even through every piece of s**t being thrown at him, still tries to rebuild his caravan company in New Vegas, which was the second reason for his departure from Shady Sands along with his caravans' deaths (just like Cass's).


That's all. Looking forward for these people who can do such voice actings to contact me via PM.

P.S. No, that don't mean my previous mod is forfeit. It means it'll be at Nexus soon, and meanwhile I was creating another mod.

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Hello again, everyone! I just wanted to update my demo here so anyone looking for a voice actress can view my demo here, and hear the voices from a mod I am currently working on (except one of the lines in there - it's from another mod).

Thank you for taking the time to see my updated demo, and I hope to be working with you soon. Have a wonderful day.....would you kindly? :)

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Hey everybody! New voice actor coming through! I've got a pretty good setup and can produce some decent-quality vocal tracks.

To give you an idea of what I'm working with, I have a Samson VR88 Ribbon Microphone, the line of which was discontinued some years ago,

which ran for roughly $350~400 retail when first released. It has a fairly wide diaphragm which really picks up the low-end of whatever instrument or voice you're recording. It has a very distinctive, "late night radio host," sound about it as you may hear in the recording. My audio interface is the M-Track Plus by M-Audio. It's a great beginner interface that I have to settle with due to the fact that I can't afford a higher-end interface. It only has two mic inputs, but that's all you really need if you're only recording your voice.

In the recording itself I throw a couple hard plosives around which overload the mic a tad and I feel that I must apologize for that, I don't have a screen to prevent that at present so I have to to my best to contain myself whilst performing more energetic pieces. I know I already address it in the recording itself, but I don't showcase very many of the voices I can do here, I mostly did this to show you guys that I have a good setup and can use proper vocal cadence and dynamics whilst delivering lines. I thank you in advance for listening and look forward to working with you in the future!



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Hey everyone, been using mods for a while and i couldn't agree more that we need more (as well as quality) voice actors. I've never voice acted before but i am a Midwestern born American. Currently serving with the US Marines, so i can do...emotionless speaking, better perhaps? But more then likely speak with quality as well. I'm down with helping with any serious mods that will not just be personal mods. Mods with a purpose that are to be distributed more or less. Just give me a reply of what you'd like!

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Ok, I've been here before, and I'm developing a DLC-sized mod which currently has around 20 voice actors working on it. Today I'm back, looking for an Australian (preferably) or American male voice actor. I need someone who can record lines asap (hopefully today, as soon as I send you a script). The part is for a radio DJ, working the Mojave's latest radio station! It's a pretty huge part in the mod, and your voice talents will be heard by all who download it, so it's important that the radio has a DJ!


If you're interested, please send me a PM, or add me on Skype at:




I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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