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Your game of the year, what you are most looking forward to in 2k11.


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Mass Effect 2 for me, Bioware at its best worst.


Fixed. Sorry bro, just wasn't feeling the ME2. I borrowed my friends laptop for a week to play it, and I couldn't stand it. Just a big letdown on ME. I never was a huge ME fan to begin with, and ME2 just put a bullet in anything ME-related for me. I heard they were actually working on a MMO/FPS something or another related to ME. I think it's starting to just milk the franchise.


EDIT: Hey Monster, you play Black Ops on PC, right? I tried playing MW2 the other day, and I honestly got bored to death. I thought it was too easy now, having played Black Ops. Not to mention that MW2 was dead in my region. I hit almost 130 ping before I found a game.


No need to be sorry, the world would be a very dull place if we all liked the same things.

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No need to be sorry, the world would be a very dull place if we all liked the same things.


ZOMG, logic!! ON THE INTERWEBZ! Kidding, of course. But yeah, Mass Effect just wasn't for me, but I'm not going to say it's a terrible game. I have a few friends who swear by it, and the sequel as being Bioware's gift to gaming. I've always been more of a MMO/FPS player, in all fairness, so I can't say I was all that surprised to find that something much more RPG-based wasn't my cup of tea. Although, I have recently enjoyed FO:NV.

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No game of the year for me...the only thing I bought this year was Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light and I beat it in 3 days lol. Didn't bother with anything else because nothing looked worth paying $50 for.


As for 2011...The Witcher II is the game I'm looking forward to. First one is just awesome and from the gameplay videos, the second one is going to be incredibly sweet. Other than that, unless TESV is going to come out (which I doubt highly), there's nothing so far that has caught my eye.

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It's hard to say as I'm years behind on my consoles, but PC-wise I'd vote for Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition as it deserves the best of the year just on my raw play time alone.


As for 2011, I'm mostly looking forward to Star Wars: The Old Republic and maybe Guild Wars 2 if they can pull off all they said they want to. SW:TOR is going to have Bioware's hand in it so we should avoid the tedious:"Get me 5 rat tails" quests, and Guild Wars 2 looks to break to unholy trinity of needing tank-healer-dps for all your MMO encounters. If Portal 2 comes out, that will be very high on my list as well as the first one was great. Diablo III looks to be slated for 2012 now, but I loved Diablo II.

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Well obviously now that TES V is official, that's what I'm most looking forward to in 2011. All else is secondary.
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For me:


Mass Effect 2 : Stunning graphics, very long, so much to do!

F:NV: I've put 36+hours into it by exploring before I blow up the BoS , it may be buggy but that doesn't matter since it such a great game.

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Well obviously now that TES V is official, that's what I'm most looking forward to in 2011. All else is secondary.


hahah and I said in my post that I highly doubted it...guess I was wrong! I don't even care about The Witcher II anymore now lol

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TES V and Guild Wars 2 for sure!


And anymore Professor Layton NDS games <3


I've definitely been looking forward to GW2 since it was first announced that they were making it, if they even manage to pull off half of the things they are talking about i will be very very impressed. Having Daniel Dociu as their Concept man makes me very happy since i love his work.

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