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I would like to see what the Fallout universe has to say about the Philippines. I mean, realistically, if there were a war between the U.S. and China, China would have to obliterate the Philippines first. Not only is it the closest allies of the US in southeast Asia, but the US has many active military bases here. For the same reason Japan overran our country in World War II, I believe.


The game setting would be very tropical, with fresh drinking water also being an issue. Island hopping would be an interesting feature too. Perhaps even actual boats you can ride. Local mutated flora and fauna, and with China being literally just a boat ride away, could make for some really advanced storyline stuff.

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I'm really hoping they return to a more dangerous, untamed wasteland like FO3. The Large factions and lack of overall danger and disparity in New Vegas was just terrible to me...


The Rust Belt would be best IMO, Detroit, Chicago, Toledo etc.


I think Michigan would work best though, being already very worn down by the decline of industry.

well said and i agree, new vegas wasn't as interesting as far as areas to explore and enemies to fight as FO3, as for the next location of fallout i kinda agree with you on this also, detroit, chicago would be excellent cites to use for the next fallout, its gonna have a lot of city area i think, FO3 was orginally gonna be much more city area but they kept making it smaller down to where about 1/ 4 of it was city area, and that was from an interview i read with todd howard, many of the developers wanted more city but some thought it would be too complex, so i think much of the map is gonna be city type area, the opposite of new vegas and even more city area than FO3, almost for sure this is gonna be the case.

Edited by arcanewizard
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I personally would like to see it in chicago. They could do a lot with the area, such as maybe the enclave are the good guys in this or at least the main story would have something to do with the enclave. Within the fallouts they have mentioned chicago being an enclave station and with Maybe dlc or the size of the map you could head on over to Wisconsin, in the deep woods there could be tribes and Yao gui maybe you could even see lake michigan, or Atleast the remnents of it. There is a lot to be done in his region maybe even have the brotherhood be the enemies of the people. I hope, like in new Vegas, you can choose a side that dramatically effects the games ending. I can only hope there is a new fallout :)
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I can see value in a widespread game, that shows areas across the country that haven't been really explored, at least in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Maybe the game could have a way of moving across the country like fast travel in Fallout 3/New Vegas, and also have large areas to explore. I think it would give a broader sense of the post-war Fallout world.


Some places I would be interested in seeing eventually:

- Kennedy Space Center in Florida

- Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD) in Colorado

- Niagara Falls

- New York City (or what's left of it)

- Hawaii

- Alaska (more explorable than in Operation Anchorage)

- Area 51 in Nevada (if you believe it exists)

- Mount Rushmore

- White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico (Yes, i know, lots of military bases, but if the game had a broader scope, major factions (Brotherhood of Steel, etc.) could be seeking to gain power on a more national level.)

- American territories, mostly the nearby ones.


Those are just some random ideas I've thought of, and not the only places that would be explorable. And if Area 51 was in the game, it wouldn't have to be a "sequel" to Mothership Zeta. I just think it would be interesting to see the installation as a military test facility, and who if anyone would possess and/or use the once-top secret (and Earth-based) projects and technology inside this and other once-vital military bases across the country.


Going to other countries is an idea, but I think this should be minimal at most. Maybe individuals from the remnants of other countries could arrive, and bring with them more detailed information on the fate of the rest of the world. Fallout has been a series with a somewhat consistent theme, and focusing too much on other countries directly might be unwise. Hopefully there will be many more good Fallout games, so many places can be explored (preferably while maintaining the Fallout theme). Fallout games should really only focus heavily on the U.S. and the immediate surrounding areas.

To begin with, I might have to go with a very localized setting in the center of the United States, like Nebraska or Colorado, and expand to other areas in California, Nevada, New York, etc. later in the game and/or in DLCs.


I think natural hazards would be interesting as well. Having to walk through a large mountain range with high winds and cold temperatures to reach another part of the in-game world, for example, or having to find shelter from sudden tornadoes in Tornado Alley.


That's my opinion on what Fallout 4 and possibly any following game(s) in the series should include.

Edited by terickson227
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Since the Fallout Series is about Post-Apocalyptic America, I would say either in New York or somewhere in the Central Plains Region. (i.e. Texas, Arkansas, Arizona)


I would also like the game to take place in China, to see how they are holding up since their defeat before the Firestorm in 2077.

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My guess is that, since computers and other relevant technology is constantly improving, a much larger game area could be possible. My point is that I think traveling across the continent (without teleporting) is not technically out of the question, but I doubt that most would want to seriously take the time to walk that far. Maybe working vehicles like buses, trains, Vertibirds, etc. could be added as routinely rideable and maybe even Player-operated later in the game (if you could afford it). I don't think the game should allow by default the all-powerful status that some mods allow in Fallout 3, but should be available through difficult quests/expensive purchases.


I personally might actually be interested in long walks from coast to coast, as long as there were plenty of quests and things to do along the way, like a much bigger Capital Wasteland. I suppose that large of an area would take up an insanely high amount of memory, so maybe that idea has to be reserved for Fallout VIII [8].

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London. Just as long as they actually name the landmarks correctly (Big Ben is only the name of the largest bell in the clock tower, not the tower itself) and, I don't know why, but I'd like to see the London Eye be usable as a bridge. And an irradiated Natural History Museum (it has some great architecture), a mutant infested Legoland Windsor and the London Underground could be VERY scary if done properly.
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