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After Skyrim.... I doubt they are going to do a cold and snowy part of the world. They will mix it up to remain diverse as a developer.


Also the next fallout will likely be a launch title on the next Xbox. Their dev cycle time frame will coincide almost perfectly with the expected release date.


NY might be ok.


China is unlikely, their primary audience is English speaking and most of the dialogue in Cantonese would be a pretty out there a risk for a developer< English isn't widely spoken, less than 1% speak it, and after a nuke war.. they won't be teaching it at school., I was in Hong Kong and that maybe viable, everything is kinda bilingual there... crazy city man.

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Well Fallout 3 was set in Washington DC, a world known city and New Vegas was set in Las Vegas. Yet another world recognised city.

This makes New York a big possibility.


This is because we have Resistance 3 coming out soon which will be set in New York.


Also the entire world enjoys to see New York destroyed or attacked for some reason. (In games and movies, Cloverfield and Day after tomorrow come to mind)

But we have to bear in mind that we have seen New York destroyed far too many times and it's getting a tad boring.


So who knows.

Obviously we'd all love to see other parts of the world but looking at Fallout's previous titles. It's unlikely to leave USA ever.

However USA owned territories are a possibility.


So long as it brings back the destroyed world atmosphere that was in Fallout 3 and not like New Vegas I'll be happy. (I enjoyed New Vegas however due to it's similarities to Fallout 1 and 2)


It's anyones guess...

Edited by KDStudios
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I like the idea of setting FO4 in Detroit, maybe - the Motor City, reborn as a nuclear-blasted wasteland terrorized by roaming mutated gangs on barely-working nuclear-powered motorcycles and the very occasional nuclear car. If there's anything stereotypically American, it's the car, after all.


Just my 2 cents...



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So who knows.

Obviously we'd all love to see other parts of the world but looking at Fallout's previous titles. It's unlikely to leave USA ever.

However USA owned territories are a possibility.


So long as it brings back the destroyed world atmosphere that was in Fallout 3 and not like New Vegas I'll be happy. (I enjoyed New Vegas however due to it's similarities to Fallout 1 and 2)


It's anyones guess...

USA owned teriitories? hmm I'm immediately thinking about Anchorage, since it's probably been a target for the Chinese after having lost it. (and by proxy, the rest of Alaska along with it.


Hawaii also comes to mind, but I'm afraid that might become too much like New Vegas. Too "clean" looking.


If I'd have to pick a non-American city however, I'd say London might be worth a try.

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It would be nice to see other areas of the world including london.

But like I said... America or American owned territories would stay true to "Fallout"


However. DLC including other areas of the world are indeed a possibility I guess.

Fallout 3 was close enough by sending us to Anchorage, Alaska (Even if we weren't really there and was a simulation)


People obviously still have access to the outside world considering there are people from England and Ireland (potentially although may be native Irish people)

The chinese soldiers wouldn't have been around in 2077 dressed like that, they'd have been spies. Otherwise they came from China after the great war to perhaps check on the US's situation.

We know there is working aircraft so flying to other countries is possible too.


At the end of the day it's up to the developers. Fallout games are always set in America.

New York seems like a prime candidate for me.

DC, Vegas and New York... It'd make sense.


We should be asking whether it will be a sequel or a prequel. I'd personally rather a sequel.

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Yeah, I'd love to see New York too. And it would definitely have to be a sequel.

I'd also like to see a bit more from the Commonwealth other then some runaway android and his former "master". (hopefully without the ridiculous "Railroad" movement :wallbash: )

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California has a pretty diverse land structure if you go from North to South. They could work it out to finally have some kind of weather effect and be snowy up North like it was in Bruma in Oblivion.


I was thinking about this very question the other day and what Evil D said ^^ is exactly what I thought. You could extend down into Mexico, or go all the way North to Canada. Got coastland, the ocean, petrified forests, wine country. The possibilites are truly exciting and endless! :thumbsup:

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Fallout 4 Australia edition: Yeah ok, this is just mad max.

Yep with Mutated Dropbears, Bunyips, Crocs, Roos, Snakes & FunnelWebs.


"Australia...where the spiders are so big they have healthbars" :)

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