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Computer Case

k3v Man

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Right now my computer kinda suxs becuase the two fans on my case either don't work or spin very very slowly.


I was wondering would it be worth it to buy a new cuase with new fans and or liquid cooling or buy new fans for my existing case. I was also looking at getting liquid cooling becuase my computer overheats too much with the fans when they were working.


I was thinking about getting a case from newegg but didn't know what to buy.

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  Abramul said:
  Marxist ßastard said:

Cases really are optional.

I suppose you *could* just have your computer as a pile of parts...



*Reminds me of my server*.


I didnt knew people where getting fans on cases. I would get annoyed by the vruring sound anyway, unless they're Uber Silent. Does the liquid cooler has the Aquarium syntom? Belive me, GluGluGluGLu is extremely disturbing until you get used to it.

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Don't spend more than £60 on a computer case; waste of money, spend it on more processor power, RAM or a better GFX card. However make sure you have two fans; one at the front bringing air in and one at the back taking the hot air out. That's all you need. Water cooling is for those people who like to overclock their 2.4ghz processors to 3.0ghz.
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I was watching a show where a guy built his computer into an old suitcase. He took this suitcase, stripped the inside, insulated it, then put the guts in. I believe he then put a top over the stuff underneith. That way you can set the monitor, mouse and keyboard on it. I suppose if he had a flat screen monitor, he could just have carried his whole computer right in his suitcase. You know, put pockets on the top to hold the mouse and keyboard in place and something to strap in the flat screen monitor. I think it would be fun.


My case is a red and black Viper. I dont remember everything else about it so thats all I can tell you. And I like it. My other computer has a bleak white case that I would like to replace.

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  Marxist ßastard said:
Cases really are optional.




Wouldn't there be massively more dust in the parts i you did that? Not to mention it would be open to spilling drinks as well. If didn't have a case around my PC, it would be a sticky, tea filled mess by now. The case has saved it several times. Plus it looks nice and really completes the look of my room :happy:




I couldn't bear to have an ugly PC.





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