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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Well, first of all i hope that you are now cancer free and if not i wish you good luck. Thanks for sharing your wish to the community God bless you.

A suggestion i would like to see in skyrim is a joinable necromancer guild/faction, all dlc available for ps3 owners and it would be great to be a lich you know? Like a small side quest or in the story line of the necromancer guild (path of trascendence).


Again good luck and my best wishes.

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i realy dont think i went over the top there. they have almost an entire year left... what i ask is simple for a large development team




FINE (angry face)


could you ask them to do overlays on characters (they will know what i mean if you dont)? i know they will do beards but an overlay system for bodies might help them diversify people. with this bethseda could...


-give facial features like light beards to characters, add freckles,spots,dimples,lines, scars,darkening,weather effects like rain and so on to characters

- add spots on the face could be a VISUAL sign of disease)

-add tattoos (especialy since the nords,khajit and dumner and wood elfs did that) (and dremora NEED the awesome glowing tattoos) this will help personify characters.

-add different fur patterns to khajits

-add bodily hair

-add injuries like missing skin, burnt flesh, gashes, arrow holes

- allow the environment to alter looks, like wetness, snow, dirt, ash, mud, blood


this means that bethseda/modders dont have to make a new race every time they want a character to look different (it would also look awesome/ help with immersion)



could you ask them to maintain the morrowind lore, i want glass swords back to being light! and i want skirts to not change into trousers when a man equips them! and i want other animals to have an armour system (a horse with a daedric helmet, a dwemer back armour thing, and enchanted iron shoes?. it might not be neccesary for horses but it would be cool for skeletons/ akaviri guys if most of our theories are correct




actually- why dont you ask them to look at this thread?

I am also sure that Skyrim has something similar to the environment thingy, the characters are able to choose beards.



Chances are they're way too far into the development cycle for anything major at this point.


However, since you're asking them:


Better lighting - no more BS going through the walls and lighting up stuff the walls should have blocked.

Proper shadows on everything, not just on creatures.

Open Cities. If Morrowind could do it, Oblivion should have done it, and Skyrim owes it to us to do it :)

More smaller villages. No need to get ridiculous crazy about it, but the game maps I see always have loads of them, and we never get to see those.

Better DLCs. Knights of the Nine was the only one worth a crap. The rest were barely worth even calling DLC. They got this far more right with Fallout 3.

More than one XPack would be nice too - Shivering Isles was awesome, I kept hoping we'd see at least one more that size.


The first two are probably already beyond reasonable to hope for, but the rest is still within the realm of possibility.

I am sure Skyrim already has open cities, I heard it being mentioned in an article. The shadow suggestion seems to be alright if you have seen the gameplay trailer.

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The major cities in Skyrim will NOT be open. This comes directly from an interview with Todd where he was talking about what Bethesda could have done if they waited for a next-gen console.
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so then the question remains. how are the dragons going to go about attacking cities if they are closed in?


They could easily go through a loading screen through the top of the city... Maybe the city loads in all directions.


Or they just might attack small towns/settlements which are open, and avoid the big cities. Or it could be a scripted event. Or they are clever enough to use doors! :O

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Haha, who knows. Too bad they won't be making open cities just for the computer, which would be really nice. We shouldn't be held back just because the consoles can't handle open cities. Hell, that might be a first project to try for modding.
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First and foremost I just want to wish you the best of luck with fighting your cancer. I'm sure the team over at Bethesda will give you the royal treatment and your experience will be great. People have pretty much already stated any improvements I was thinking, but there is one that I just want to say. I'm not sure if someone has said it already because after page 15 the reading got a little tedious, but I think it would be really funny if somewhere in the game an imperial guard pops out of nowhere shouting STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM! I really don't care how it is implemented, whether as an easter egg or anything really it would really make me laugh to see that old glitchy imperial guard come running out of nowhere as you commit a crime in the dead of night with no one within miles of you. I don't know if you found this funny as well, but what the hell I think it would be worth mentioning.
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