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What exactly is truth?


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For Christians, Truth is not an idea it is a person. Jesus is the walking embodiement of Truth. In John 8:32 Jesus references himself when he says "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free".




Might want to shelve that line of reasoning.

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For Christians, Truth is not an idea it is a person. Jesus is the walking embodiement of Truth. In John 8:32 Jesus references himself when he says "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free".

Please read rthe rules. Discussion of religion is banned here.

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Truth is the one thing that people hate to hear but always seek, it can destroy a friendship or bond you closer. Truth can save someones life or condemn them to death, it can give or take away when it is used.The simple answer to me is truth is like a sword and shield, they are both used for attacking and defending but no matter which way you use it someones always hurt, be it physically or mentally. With that said maybe the real question is not what exactly is truth but what does truth get you?

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I've started to read the linked articles, but stopped reading once I got to the sentence "It is a fact that Sam is sad ". (Sam could be an actor and is not really sad, Sam could be pretending/lying).

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Truth is and truth isn't. It is true and it is not true (which is true). To me Truth is the paradox that arises when you add together what is and what isn't

Every "Is" implies an "Is not". One truth implies every other truth.

We can't be more exact when we say truth, it's the stuff that all other stuffs are made of.

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For Christians, Truth is not an idea it is a person. Jesus is the walking embodiement of Truth. In John 8:32 Jesus references himself when he says "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free".

Please read rthe rules. Discussion of religion is banned here.


I respect the rules, and understand why that one was made.

But, this actually is an accurate response to the question. It IS the philosophical answer held for 1500 years by many greats.

One of the reasons I hate most absolutes.





Personally, I like the Answer from the Mimbari (I forget his name) from the tv show Babylon 5

A man points a lamp at a wall:

God is the wall, you are the man, knowledge and wisdom are the lamp, and the light it shines is truth.

(I think thats how it goes)

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