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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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I'm going to see how things escalate from here.
I really feel like I need to turn my frown away from EA for a moment, and take another good look at Valve and their Steamworks. They've had a psuedo-monopoly on the PC gaming scene for years now. If they even manage to attract the modding scene and make a profit out of that, then they will gain another huge advantage, and giving Steam anymore advantages now is dangerous, I feel.

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If Valve doesn't put the kaibosh on this, which they probably won't because they're evil money-grubbing f*#@ers who don't give a s*** about gamers and haven't since 2007 when they decided to just refuse to work on the promised Episode 3 (and yes, it was promised), the only way to kill this is to make the pay-for workshop unusable.




This guy has the right idea.


1) Release mods that seem functional, but carry 'logic bombs' in them that corrupt and destroy save games when you try to remove it, or do something like contain script timers with no stoppages so they eventually bloat and make the game unstable.


2) Create fake mods that seem amazing, but are locked in some fashion until the 24 hour 'refund' timer elapses. Tie it to endgame content, or simply put an in-game timer that locks it. People who are buying on the Workshop are probably not familiar with the console and Creation Kit. When they access the content, they find out that it's one really neat area where you took your screenshots, and then a few rooms of untextured, half-assed garbage.


3) Maliciously hand out reviews that make the 'popularity' rating put garbage, terrible ripoff mods at the top. Good mods should be downvoted by EVERYONE to sink them in the list. s*** mods like the one I linked should be sent to the top.


If we fill the pay-for Workshop with terrible game-ruining content, it undermines all faith anyone has in the system, and customers will be turned away from it. Valve will have to deal with the fallout of people's games being corrupted by shitty modding, and the 'modders' run away with the cash.


Sometimes the only way to fight evil is with evil.


Nope nope nope nope and soooo much nope.


Aside from it being a terrible idea, it could backlash against other modding sites or in the worst case scenario Bethesda pulling the plug on modding capability in their future games.

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I'm sending this email out to everyone who's listed in the 'special thanks' of Wet and Cold v2.0. I suggest you all do the same.




As you might be aware, Valve has teamed up with Bethesda to monetize modding. This promises to essentially destroy the modding scene as we know it - as we *have* known it. The knock-on effects of this decision are abhorrent and wide-reaching, and could result in developers locking out ability to mod games outside of the monetized Steam Workshop. What's more, Bethesda games have always been given something of a pass with regards to stability and bugs, in part because of the mods that fix issues with the game later. We are now entering a world where players could essentially be forced to pay money for game patches, created by third-parties, while the developers receive money for doing effectively nothing.


This also promises to solidify a monopoly Valve has even further, as modders will be drawn to monetize their creations which can only be done through Steam, leaving sites like the Nexus to founder and die as content slowly disappears.


Several modders, such a Nivea, are taking a stand against this and retracting any and all permissions granted to ever be used on a monetized mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13486/?


I am contacting you because your mod is used in the now-monetized mod 'Wet and Cold v2.0'. I am requesting that for the sake of the entire Nexus community and the venerable mod scene as a whole, you immediately issue a cease and desist, and pull your permissions from Isoku to use your content or any and all derivative works. His contact information may be found here: https://sites.google.com/site/modsbyisoku/about-the-author


Thank you for your time, and all you have done.




Here's the people who have content used in Wet and Cold:







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If Valve doesn't put the kaibosh on this, which they probably won't because they're evil money-grubbing f*#@ers who don't give a s*** about gamers and haven't since 2007 when they decided to just refuse to work on the promised Episode 3 (and yes, it was promised), the only way to kill this is to make the pay-for workshop unusable.




This guy has the right idea.


1) Release mods that seem functional, but carry 'logic bombs' in them that corrupt and destroy save games when you try to remove it, or do something like contain script timers with no stoppages so they eventually bloat and make the game unstable.


2) Create fake mods that seem amazing, but are locked in some fashion until the 24 hour 'refund' timer elapses. Tie it to endgame content, or simply put an in-game timer that locks it. People who are buying on the Workshop are probably not familiar with the console and Creation Kit. When they access the content, they find out that it's one really neat area where you took your screenshots, and then a few rooms of untextured, half-assed garbage.


3) Maliciously hand out reviews that make the 'popularity' rating put garbage, terrible ripoff mods at the top. Good mods should be downvoted by EVERYONE to sink them in the list. s*** mods like the one I linked should be sent to the top.


If we fill the pay-for Workshop with terrible game-ruining content, it undermines all faith anyone has in the system, and customers will be turned away from it. Valve will have to deal with the fallout of people's games being corrupted by shitty modding, and the 'modders' run away with the cash.


Sometimes the only way to fight evil is with evil.


Nope nope nope nope and soooo much nope.


Aside from it being a terrible idea, it could backlash against other modding sites or in the worst case scenario Bethesda pulling the plug on modding capability in their future games.


I would rather no modding capabilities than to be basically forced to pay for bugfixes.

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I just hope more of the modders who choose to take advantage of this carefully read the terms and services. The only positive spin on this - supporting modders - is killed when you do. They only receive 25% and the payout is only given after they've made over $100 on that specific item/mod. And you can bet that's likely $100 -after- the 75% cut, meaning they'd have to sell $400 worth of their mod before they see a dime. Ridiculous.

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You know what's really sad they have a refund option and you have 24 hour to get a refund. What is going to prevent people to buy the mods and save the files and re-upload or still use them and get the money back ?


This is just a terrible system.

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If Valve doesn't put the kaibosh on this, which they probably won't because they're evil money-grubbing f*#@ers who don't give a s*** about gamers and haven't since 2007 when they decided to just refuse to work on the promised Episode 3 (and yes, it was promised), the only way to kill this is to make the pay-for workshop unusable.




This guy has the right idea.


1) Release mods that seem functional, but carry 'logic bombs' in them that corrupt and destroy save games when you try to remove it, or do something like contain script timers with no stoppages so they eventually bloat and make the game unstable.


2) Create fake mods that seem amazing, but are locked in some fashion until the 24 hour 'refund' timer elapses. Tie it to endgame content, or simply put an in-game timer that locks it. People who are buying on the Workshop are probably not familiar with the console and Creation Kit. When they access the content, they find out that it's one really neat area where you took your screenshots, and then a few rooms of untextured, half-assed garbage.


3) Maliciously hand out reviews that make the 'popularity' rating put garbage, terrible ripoff mods at the top. Good mods should be downvoted by EVERYONE to sink them in the list. s*** mods like the one I linked should be sent to the top.


If we fill the pay-for Workshop with terrible game-ruining content, it undermines all faith anyone has in the system, and customers will be turned away from it. Valve will have to deal with the fallout of people's games being corrupted by shitty modding, and the 'modders' run away with the cash.


Sometimes the only way to fight evil is with evil.


I think a better option would just be to not use it.

If the majority of modders rufuse to monetize their work, or upload it to steam workshop, but instead continue to make good, high quality, free mods and post them on the nexus, then people will say "Why am I buying this weapon pack for $5 when I can get 50 weapon packs on nexus for free"??

If a mod author makes an amazing mod and puts it behind a paywall, well then take it as inspritation, and make your own vesrion of it and distribute for free.

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