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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24583704. #24583729, #24583829, #24584239, #24584394 are all replies on the same post.

Bladehawk27 wrote:
Gopher wrote: Modgate? I love it :)
WightMage wrote: Apparently it's split 40/35 Beth/Valve, according to some reddit post. I apologize but I have lost the link...
SirPanda1 wrote: The saddest thing is that's probably a test before Fallout 4 or TES6 release! the Nexus should probably encourage users to donate, and modders to create donation links, because I totaly agree with you that modders are allowed to make money out of their workn but maybe it would be more in the spirit of the mod community to donate, and let the people unable to pay free to use mods, for the love of modded Games :D

(sry for my bad english bro)
truehardlol wrote: Agree, good modders should be rewarded, that why we need Patreon-type system for this.

Bethesda did not invent the concept of DLC. Mostly, you have Microsoft to thank for that. Even then, the concept of paid-for downloadable content has been a part of gaming since the days of the Atari 2600.
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In response to post #24583709. #24583774, #24583929, #24584364, #24584414 are all replies on the same post.

Gopher wrote:
maybenexttime wrote: Your theory on the Valve contacting modders was right. Some of them admitted it was planned.
Elegost75 wrote: Well that bone armor guy has already made 100$, assuming the lowest price possible, so it might be even more.

People are sheep. They will buy it. This is forced down consumers throats on top of paying AAA game prices.

Pay AAA prices. Pay for AAA priced DLC. Pay for Mods.

Surely I can't be the only one thinking this has to end somewhere.

The issue is not modders selling their mods. The issue is Valve creating a monopoly and Beth wanting to have their cake and eat it too.
Morferous wrote: Gopher. If you have followed the conversation in Steam, you know that they do not have any community moderators there. Ilja and Nazenn have tried to contact Bethesda and Steam, but both have completely ignored them, or recommended turning to other. This has been going on for months.

Steam forum has relied on global moderators for a long time now. I guess they could have used community moderators now. Conversation may have developed to better direction that way.

I have made my own decisions about this mess. This includes using more Donate buttons here in Nexus, but I do hope that clunky PayPal system would have alternatives.
boulegue wrote: before i went to sleep there were a couple of people here basically asking for the heads of everyone that uploads or supports the steam workshop too

The problem are not the mod authors, the problem is Steam and Bethesda being greedy.

And the endless stupidity of mankind, of course.
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In response to post #24583199. #24583509, #24583529, #24583584, #24583629, #24583909 are all replies on the same post.

nnstalker wrote:
WightMage wrote: I'm down with Patreon. If possible, Nexus integration.
Hellfire_Jags wrote: There we go, on the right track. Constructive ideas. This is a good one.
Ramon1 wrote: With the statement recently issued by the SKSE team, there goes one of the biggest chances of shutting this down early, so I fully agree with you, right now the best thing to do is community wise surround the Nexus and hope for the better.
truehardlol wrote: Nexus mods need to create their own Patreon-type foundation system where content creators will put their own goal $ for certain mode or updates.I think this is far more better than that 75% greedy cut.
nnstalker wrote: I don't want to wait for Nexus or anyone else to do what WE want to do. We want to support the modders, so let's figure out a way.

I completely agree with this. I love the Nexus community and I would hate to see it go. I vote for the Nexus Patreon!
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In response to post #24584199. #24584419 is also a reply to the same post.

SamusKnight2K wrote:
mkess wrote: You know, that you break saves, if you remove or add a mod in the elder scrolls/ Fallout games, right?

There is no such thing as a clean save. Every time you add or remove a mod, you have to start a new game. Otherwise it WILL lead to corrupt savegames eventually, many hours after the change.

I do not know how Steam and Bethesda will handle THAT problem with the paid mods. Now that these mods cost money, and the players are customers.

first, i don't think this levee is going to hold. People are rightfully outraged at this. GamerGate has already established an infrastructure for outrage and we are on top of this. Letters will be sent by the thousands.

second, you are absolutely correct about the compatibility issues. And where will everyone go to get their patches and community support? The nexus ofc, and for that reason alone its a massive slap in the face. I know alot of mod authors want to take 100% of the credit, and they deserve far more than that could ever entail. but mods are a community project as well, not just in the utilitites that were created so Mod Y could get made, but also the support and suggestions from the user base. It's like they'll rake in the dough over at the steam gold factory and send all the complaints over here.

No thanks. That's why i suggested banning anyone who signs onto this from the nexus. ok maybe that's too extreme. but instead of coming to the community saying we want shekels, they ran into the arms of the arch demon of shekels himself. I think we can solve this issue as a community, no need to invoke Gabe Newell.
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In response to post #24584199. #24584419, #24584599 are all replies on the same post.

SamusKnight2K wrote:
mkess wrote: You know, that you break saves, if you remove or add a mod in the elder scrolls/ Fallout games, right?

There is no such thing as a clean save. Every time you add or remove a mod, you have to start a new game. Otherwise it WILL lead to corrupt savegames eventually, many hours after the change.

I do not know how Steam and Bethesda will handle THAT problem with the paid mods. Now that these mods cost money, and the players are customers.

marthgun wrote: first, i don't think this levee is going to hold. People are rightfully outraged at this. GamerGate has already established an infrastructure for outrage and we are on top of this. Letters will be sent by the thousands.

second, you are absolutely correct about the compatibility issues. And where will everyone go to get their patches and community support? The nexus ofc, and for that reason alone its a massive slap in the face. I know alot of mod authors want to take 100% of the credit, and they deserve far more than that could ever entail. but mods are a community project as well, not just in the utilitites that were created so Mod Y could get made, but also the support and suggestions from the user base. It's like they'll rake in the dough over at the steam gold factory and send all the complaints over here.

No thanks. That's why i suggested banning anyone who signs onto this from the nexus. ok maybe that's too extreme. but instead of coming to the community saying we want shekels, they ran into the arms of the arch demon of shekels himself. I think we can solve this issue as a community, no need to invoke Gabe Newell.

The Workshop discourages making mods that need compatibility patches. When two mods need the same records, the most influential mod wins. Simple as that.

If Apocalypse were a paid mod, I wouldn't bother with the whole Litem script to dynamically add spellbooks at runtime. Easier to saddle everyone else with the problem instead. If they can't solve it, that's one competitor down. GG.
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In response to post #24584389. #24584569 is also a reply to the same post.

Daiyus wrote:
Inertio wrote: I hope Nexus opens up a Patreon Account so we can give back to the community if we want.

I think that could be wise. I wouldn't mind modders having personal accounts I could contribute to either, heck, I'd actively encourage it now. I wouldn't even mind Bethesda/Nexus taking a cut of that contribution (as long as it's negotiable).

It's the requirement of paying on the Steam Workshop I dislike, the philosophy is all wrong. Ask for money by all means, but don't demand it. Edited by Daiyus
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The whole idea is a bad joke. Not because of the payment itself, but because of this specific payment scheme.


I think the Kickstarter model suits it better: Modder makes initial release, users pay for the development of extra features they want to see in the future. Users should never pay for downloading a mod.

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while I do agree with threats and abuse being an issue I also feel you permitting developers to publish on nexus while only threatening those who are defending the mod community is wrong. what about the tools that are given to them that allow these mods to exist those tools where not given so people could profit off mods as anyone knows mods have always been free it is an unwritten rule and has always been that way.


What about the clear theft of mods will you do anything about that? It seems to me your dragging nexus in support of steam and bethesda's clearly bad choice. In the end it will create a hostile environment for modders period it will be a bit hard for people to help each other now. It will be hard to get free tools and education now because everyone will suspect the person they are helping will take profit from them I think you are picking the wrong battles with the people who support the modding community

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In response to post #24581894. #24582039, #24582049, #24582084, #24582119 are all replies on the same post.

NamelessTed wrote:
akkalat85 wrote: Valve is promoting the view that large content mods should be sold for a price. Whereas before we would release content because we loved to share, now we must decide whether to be taken advantage of, or sell. No they aren't preventing us from releasing mods for free, but they certainly are promoting the opposite idea for the express purpose of lining their own filthy pockets with 75% of your creation's return.
phantompally76 wrote: And who are you to say that if a mod author has been hyping the newest updates for their existing mods for weeks and weeks without telling their endorsers/subscribers that they must pay to download them isn't a HUGE slap in the face to said endorsers/subscribers who have been eagerly awaiting said content?

THAT is why everybody is freaking out over this.
GenBloodhorn wrote: its the reason that the large mods we love will go to the workshop and sell it instead of sharing it free with the community.

The fact that yes, there are good alternative mods, but they cant be as good as those mods. (no offense to mod authors around). and remember, the first batch of corruption included Chesko and Isoku, wonder how many more authors could get corrupted. btw, Im not really mad at Chesko as long as he makes the mods free (wont really care for early access bs).
WightMage wrote: And it wasn't just one author, either.

You people are using word like "corrupt" is absurd. These people spend a lot of their time on these projects and now they have a reasonable venue to make money off of their hard work if they choose to do so. If you don't find their work valuable then don't pay for it, it is that simple. You don't have the right to the content, and you don't have the right to get it for free.

I have also thought more about the 25% revenue share and don't find it as bad as most people probably think. Realize that in a traditional publishing scenario a developer usually only gets 10-15% of physical retail sales, the rest goes to distribution, retail, license (MS, Sony, Nintendo), marketing, publisher, tax, etc. Getting 25% doesn't sound like much but it is certainly a bigger share than what is already established.

Also, if a mod is actually good and worthy of a few bucks isn't it a great idea that these mod authors could make a living doing this? Instead of only having spare time to work on these mods what if they could do it full time? Imagine if these people didn't have to work a full time job if they didn't have to and they could make more mods or make their current mods even better wouldn't that be better for all of us?
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