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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24571929. #24572044, #24572064, #24572299, #24573824, #24573909, #24574109, #24574289, #24574414, #24574694, #24574724, #24574819, #24574964, #24575344, #24575629, #24575824, #24576304, #24576599 are all replies on the same post.

swiftfoxmark2 wrote:
boulegue wrote: bethesda decided to legalize it
Azarakos wrote: Valve and Bethesda get 75% of the mod income, the modder himself/herself get 25%. More money to the companies.

Welcome to capitalism, brother.
boulegue wrote: a musician gets much less for their music, a developer gets much less for their work on the game, a writer gets much less for their books.....

valve is being very generous in that department
swiftfoxmark2 wrote: Yes, I know that. But I'm referring to the Nexus policy.
boulegue wrote: the nexus is probably not able to give bethesda a share or bethesda is simply not interested in it and partnered with valve
WightMage wrote: And this why self publishing books and indie record labels are all the rage now. So too should it be with mods, IMO.
boulegue wrote: in the top 15 combined print & e-book fiction bestseller list of march 2015 all are published by established publishers to lazy to look up the music charts but i could bet its similar.... selfpublished and indie labels remain a minority because they cant afford the advertising big publishers can.... just as with games.... theres a few exceptions like minecraft but even that has now a big publisher behind it now
Reaper0021 wrote: This statement is 100% wrong. I work in the "Entertainment Industry" in the 'literature' side of things. Author's don't "Get" less for their books in that capacity. Nor is it "Much Less". You claim to work in the 'industry' and if so cool. But please don't step where you have no knowledge.
boulegue wrote: the industry standart for royalties for books is 10% correct?
Reaper0021 wrote: Wrong. Dependent on several factors but not limited to: Authors previous works, legal, notoriety, part of a series/contractual, etc. Too many things to list. No, 10% is not even worth the ink.
Reaper0021 wrote: Writers i.e. Script Writers might get away with that. Think someone like "S. King, R.A. Salvatore or numerous other well known authors would settle for that? No. The amount fluctuates and is dependent on many factors.
boulegue wrote: okay none of our modders here no matter how good they are are world renown they are literally starting the business today
Reaper0021 wrote: Very true. But your statement is still wrong. You've gone from 21 posts today to your current 87. Obviously this is a subject you care about. So, let me just say this once more for your own benefit: I'm NOT against modder's making money. Hell, Bethesda should have paid some of these people out of their own pockets months ago for taking their game and breathing a whole new life into it. I'm looking at/worried about the bigger picture. I'm just that way....far thinking. What I'm afraid of is this will add fire to the current trend of "Pay to Win". An example for you: The Total War Games. Rome II, Attila....all of them have factions. Many in fact. What CA/SEGA does is cuts out the blood, gore, factions, etc. and offers them up as "DLC". Pricey in the long run. This trend needs to stop.
boulegue wrote: its actually 4am and im just unable to sleep i really dont care either way i wont buy mods on steam workshop myself i started by telling people that they could file DMCA complaints if something of their work got stolen.... and i believe i started with 2 comments yesterday just a coincedent i couldnt sleep and came here at the right/wrong time

and i 100% agree you that the pay to win & microtransaction crap has to end.... but starting a whitch hunt at the modders that are trying to make money off of it (not you but others) and others crying for the worlds end just makes it kinda entertaining i could also argue against the valve system but theres already 9000 people signing the petition and another couple hundred here and on steam being against it... very few people defending people like cheesko, isoku and blacklake that do nothing wrong
Reaper0021 wrote: I'm on YOUR side. I agree. Modders if they want money and deserve it and CAN get it....okay. I just think better ideas are abounding about how to do it man. Much better ones that won't encourage STEAM/Valve to keep taking every damn chance to milk us for every last damn $$$ we got/get/will get.
marthgun wrote: boulegue -

Don't make it out like people are mad that mod authors are getting paid. I think that is the least of anyone's concern. They should get paid if they feel so inclined through donations. I support that 100%

There are other more important issues at hand here. 25% being chief among them, followed closely behind by DMCA fears. What's going to happen if Valve gets copywrite for all these mods? Can offering the same mod that just changes a few globals get taken down here? There is going to be no way to tell and a whole bunch of crap flinging. As it stands, its a terrible idea and I haven't seen anything to convince me otherwise.
ScrollTron1c wrote: Actually ValveThesda should pay modders for their work - from their own stash of dollars.

Would be interesting to know how many people only bought Skyrim because of the mods.

me i have it on xbox but bought it again on PC only for mods
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Unless you are a game developer-


No modder should EVER put a price on their mod in my *opinion*. It doesn't matter how long it took you. Modding is a hobby. It something a lot of us do in our spare time off of work,college, or just life it'self.


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This is very sad news. I don't mind paying for things, but I fear this will take skyrim modding down a very dark path.


My Fear is not that I might have to pay for mods, its that modders will start pulling there mods from nexus in hopes of making money off them at Steam.


While this may seem like a good thing, and it could be for GOOD moddeers... when I feel will inevitably happen is paying for POORLY made mods and people taking advantage of this system.


I can not count all the mods I have tried and the uninstalled because they ended up not being what they seemed, or were buggy and broken.



I personally use no mods from Steam, only here on Nexus and some other individually shared mods. I don't want this site to die or even suffer from this.


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In response to post #24574734. #24574879, #24574969, #24574999, #24575194, #24575309, #24575774, #24575984 are all replies on the same post.

Apollodown wrote:
akkalat85 wrote: I love you Apollodown. You are respected for your work, and your stance on this.
CaedesAposis wrote: Now goddammit Apollodown, now I have to respect you even more for your work. How the HELL do you do that?
colinswrath wrote: Dear god thank you. The greed in this world is unreal, charging for mods we don't even know what the files consist of, or even the quality of the mod.
CaptainGame wrote: So shines a good deed in a weary world.

I think this whole scheme is going to fall through simply because of sorts like you - sorts who are either doing this for the art alone or want a more fair and reasonable method of receiving compensation. They can't get you to make DLC for them if you don't let them.

guiaugu132 wrote: Here Apollodown , have a kudos :)
Tantalus010 wrote: Thank you, man.

As someone who mostly downloads but has made a few mods of his own (though none anywhere near as good as yours), I am also against selling my work, and I'm even more against someone else profiting off of it. It's very shady to me for Valve and Bethesda to take a (majority, even) cut of someone else's work. Yes, the mods wouldn't be possible without Bethesda's tools and wouldn't be sold on the marketplace without Valve. However, you don't see the clerk at an artist's shop asking for a cut of the proceeds of every work of art created with one of their paintbrushes. That's just lunacy. If Bethesda wanted to charge for the Creation Kit, I would understand and be okay with that - but taking a cut of every mod sold is flat out wrong.
Ash117 wrote: You are as awesome as your mods :)

For the record, I do not disagree with Bethesda's cut. They set a price, and there were apparently people willing to go along with it. However, even if the price were 50% to the modder, I would think it was foolishness.

I am simply happy that you all have played my work. Less of you would have had I forced you to pay for it. I am continuously grateful to this community, and to the nexus administrators. I remember being an amazingly talented and good-looking college student, holed up in his room stoned out of his mind for 6 weeks straight downloading and attempting to play FCOM, Kvatch Rebuilt, and numerous skimpy dresses for my sneak thief from here back in 2006. The girl that I had really cared about had recently left me, and Oblivion was the only thing keeping me going. No matter what is going on in my life, the Nexus has always been there for me.

The Nexus was a beautiful thing then, and it is now. I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to the community. It is where all of my work will always stay, and always for free. Edited by Apollodown
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In response to post #24571819. #24571979, #24572124, #24572239, #24572369, #24572524, #24574354, #24574409 are all replies on the same post.

Laxe wrote:
boulegue wrote: he wants as little as 0.82€ i cant even get a cheese burger for that price
Laxe wrote: You can't try the mod without buying and you have no insurance that it will work after 24 hours refund protection ends.

Imagine trying out hundreds of mods before you find out the ones you like, it will cost you hundreds or even more if you have to buy them. that is modding kill for me and i will just stay away from such games.

Anyways i hope that at least they stop pooping on Mod name and call it what it is - Third party DLC
boulegue wrote: isokus mod are still avaible on the nexus for you to try out as much as you want without spending money the versions on the workshop are just updated, if youre not willing to spend money then simply dont noone is forcing you to spend money....

and if you currently spend $1 you can try out every mod there is.... and $1 for 17 days is very little
SvarogNL wrote: Problem is that all the refund ends up in your Steam Wallet. While the Modders don't have to deal with that problem.
boulegue wrote: you have to spend 0,82€ once to test out all mods currently uploaded to the steam workshop.... not 17 times 0,82€ but just once the refund is basically instant and you can try another mod 2 clicks later
crashpilot wrote: And what about after 17 days.
Anyway, it does not matter. I have about 200 Mods installed, even if the price per MOD is ONLY about 1 $, it would mean I would pay about 250 bucks for an acceptable Bethsoft game.
No thank you, For that kind of money I can entertain myself better.
Striderhien wrote: I just realized there's a gigantic loophole that allows anyone to get the paid mods for free.
The refund process is oversimplistic because many mods might be broken, which allows you to download, copy, get a refund and unistall the mod. then reinstall the copy.
GG valve. yet again you failed

His OLDER versions are available. Not any current ones.
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In response to post #24576794. #24577274, #24577549 are all replies on the same post.

Kevlar39 wrote:
Kevlar39 wrote: My edited post makes more sense than the original. :)
Reaper0021 wrote: Your post still makes sense even without his original as it still talks about what I'm worried about. Keep the post AS IS.

Bethesda is testing the waters. If this backfires, then they will quietly drop this in their next game. If it makes money, then you will see them continue to expand their reach until it backfires. So this is not to create more revenue to fund Fallout 4, but to see if this model could work on Fallout 4.

Hence why it is imperative to kill this before it begins.

Edit: My post no longer makes sense now that you changed what your post was stating.

Edit 2: Well you lot seem to think my post make sense, so I decided to edit it slightly. Looked a bit odd without the edit since I was answering a statement instead of a question. Edited by freedom613
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In response to post #24576539. #24576709, #24577109, #24577169 are all replies on the same post.

WightMage wrote:
fgambler wrote: The problem is other people stealing their work. Take custom textures as example. Modders that make standalone followers hardly use vanilla textures or make their own.
WightMage wrote: This is true. In this day and age, it is damn near impossible to stop people from copying your work. Is it unethical? Yes- but unless you find creative ways to stop it that can't be easily circumvented (certain DRM, or scripts that fire upon detecting a bootleg copy which renders the game unplayable) your only other options are to make use of the pirating as free marketing and hope more people buy your stuff (has been done before), or to not release it.

It is as much a reality in today's world as dying is, and it won't change short of a worldwide disaster that obliterates the internet. And even then, people are still going to see you make something, and copy it.
fgambler wrote: Sure it's expected, and it's also the reason it might kill free and good modding.

And? When you release a free product like this it is to be expected. You will mostly get a bunch of crap copies that don't do anything but occasionally there might be that one that improves on want one started. If you don't want people to copy your work don't share it, that simple. People will ALWAYS copy others no stopping it. Its good to see that people are taking a stand. Edited by XenocideAgain
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