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In response to post #24611249. #24611339 is also a reply to the same post.

lolmoper wrote:
megamawman wrote: Being a modder myself, I am not encouraged to go selling my content. I plan to keep my content free for all users to enjoy. I may create a Skyrim mod in the future.

If they do, that's their prerogative and I support them. You can't eat kudos or endorsements, as has been stated more than once on these forums. Not everyone has the luxury of being financially secure while also simultaneously having the time and energy to put into the creation of some of the brilliant content hosted gratis here for you. The Nexus supports mod authors getting more than a pat on the back as well, that's why the donation button exists.

However, since the Nexus is based on the principle of offering its service freely to anyone (which is absolutely not the same as saying 'free mods all the time everywhere forever, merely that they will always be free HERE), nobody has to pay for anything, and authors can't hold out their cups or hold content hostage to donations.
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In response to post #24612364. #24612569, #24613129 are all replies on the same post.

Walruscopter wrote:
8_of_11 wrote: They knew exactly what was going to happen. This was nothing more than a cash grab, an attempt to exploit an abandoned game that was still going strong due to mod presence, and if it kills the community, all the better in their eyes - those users will now have to buy TES:Online or the next Bethesda sequel if they want more ES content.
Salzber wrote: If you have problems paying your rent and still mod in your free time you need to work on your priorities.....

It was like this:Modder A makes a mod for free and uses other mods for free,Now it's will slowly become like this:

Modder A makes a mod for free ,Modder B uses it but makes his own mods for cash.Why would Modder A give Modder B his mod for free?

Maybe I was unclear. I don't support Valve and Bethesda here. I do agree with supporting modders. Lasting communities support each other. I see the Nexus ideas (donations system) as hopeful, we'll see where it goes. I believe this mess on Steam will only strengthen the community on here.
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I like the Nexus idea that mod authors give a good explanation of what their mod is and does.


For instance, what language does the follower speak or does it speak at all? Does the sword or armor have any stats? Can the sword or armor be used for all body types? Where the heck does the quest begin? Seems absurd that these items have not always routinely been included in the mod description.



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In response to post #24599574. #24613394, #24614094, #24614579, #24614814, #24614874 are all replies on the same post.

Nostalgiaheart wrote:
Norard wrote: 2k hours?! You humble me with my paltry 1094! I salute you sir!
anonownsyou wrote: 1303, suck on that
xgeneofargox wrote: @Draugas I believe TB said it was 75%. In case you think that I mistyped; that's seventy-five percent.
Draugas wrote: xgeneofargox, hmm?

I don't think I'm the droid you're looking for.

(ie, I don't know what you're talking about :D)

Ohhh ok. I mean what percentage from people who will be posting Blender content, not Skyrim mods.
KensaiTonada wrote: 2163 hours. I don't know whether to be proud or horrified.

There is certainly a lot of panic, and a deep breath is warranted, but sadly it's just the start.

Blender is now up on Steam. Thankfully it's GPL, but what plans does Valve have for the inevitable Workshop content? What percentage will they be asking from content devs who want to post there?

edit: Just to clarify, the second paragraph is my musing about future Blender content going into Steam Workshop Edited by Draugas
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Honestly I think the biggest thing I agree with is that like 85% of the mod descriptions - even for the 'AAA' mods - are garbage. They're full of giant f*#@ing graphics, stupid banners, horribly formatted changelogs, completely indecipherable arcane installation instructions that swap colors every five lines, followed by more graphics, etc.
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In response to post #24612364. #24612569, #24613129, #24613419 are all replies on the same post.

Walruscopter wrote:
8_of_11 wrote: They knew exactly what was going to happen. This was nothing more than a cash grab, an attempt to exploit an abandoned game that was still going strong due to mod presence, and if it kills the community, all the better in their eyes - those users will now have to buy TES:Online or the next Bethesda sequel if they want more ES content.
Salzber wrote: If you have problems paying your rent and still mod in your free time you need to work on your priorities.....

It was like this:Modder A makes a mod for free and uses other mods for free,Now it's will slowly become like this:

Modder A makes a mod for free ,Modder B uses it but makes his own mods for cash.Why would Modder A give Modder B his mod for free?
Walruscopter wrote: Maybe I was unclear. I don't support Valve and Bethesda here. I do agree with supporting modders. Lasting communities support each other. I see the Nexus ideas (donations system) as hopeful, we'll see where it goes. I believe this mess on Steam will only strengthen the community on here.

You do realize that a staggering number of people (quite possibly most) have problems paying their rent, yet still manage to carve out a slice of free time for themselves to do something besides worrying about it. If these people changed around their priorities, I'd wager a healthy portion of the mods you take for granted wouldn't exist. You should never be too quick to tell hungry folks they're doing something wrong when we live in a world where there isn't enough to go around by design.

As for the second point, that's the trick isn't it? That's why royalty systems had to be implemented for circumstances like that. If a paid mod utilizes systems or resources from a free mod (bless you SKSE team and FORE), royalties ought to be paid, out of simple fairness. Either that, or the paid mod should be self-contained and have no requirements besides the basegame. That's why the option (for authors of modder's resources most importantly) to put up a disclaimer for making the use of those resources by a paid mod verboten. Copyright law would make it legally actionable to defy that disclaimer.
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