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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24646984. #24647104, #24647439 are all replies on the same post.

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As you paint yourself as the saviour of the free modding community

This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

Why would I delete it? It's a perfect example of the people who don't actually read what I write and, in the process, make themselves look stupid. Edited by Dark0ne
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In response to post #24637444. #24637704, #24638489 are all replies on the same post.

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I don't believe in the statement black vs white only. There's always a grey area. It is easy in retrospect to look at a situation and say "You should have done this and I would have done that." That's not how real life works. There are no choices you make that do not have consequences. He made his choices based on what information he has available at the time. The justification he made in this blog justifies his thinking in the benefit of the mod users more than anything. It's not like he's earning money and spend it on himself. He's using the revenue to fund the site for users to download mods for free.

Call me a realist, but the real world cost money and you cannot live by principles alone.
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In response to post #24646984. #24647104, #24647439, #24647524 are all replies on the same post.

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Because 2 of my comments got delleted befor...

The 1st was a bit aggressive the 2nd not at all.

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In response to post #24647324.

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I would not.

They would use lawyers to take that site down, to protect the image of their "products" (paid mods). That would show how much they care about "Content Creators" and supporting them.
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Well said Dark0ne.


Let us all take a deep breath and calm down. As long as game developers allow modification on their products and not declare it as illegal then it is not the end of free modding, besides if a mod creator chooses to sell his mod or share it for free, there is not much we can do about it, of course we can whine and rage about it but ultimately it is the mod maker's choice to make.


At the very least, the Nexus and Valve should protect mod makers from mod theft, of course it is easier said than done but then that is one of their responsibility.


So chill and take a breather guys and wait for how it will all pan out.

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In response to post #24637584. #24638209 is also a reply to the same post.

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You were lucky to not be chosen as a scapegoat simply because your new mod was not on the Nexus for free from the beginning. Not to mention you had not promised a new update on the Nexus and then offer it on steam behind a paywall. People get emotional quickly when they feel betrayed, no matter what you have done for them in the past.
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In response to post #24637444. #24637704, #24638489, #24647534 are all replies on the same post.

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Dark0ne, always supporting and get where you're coming from with the scale of a web site.

loco, nothing's ever B&W, it's better to not generalize with statements like that and just take in what there is to offer and decide on it from there (as opposed to, "this is good", "this is bad", "this is grey-ish"). Not bashing, just something a lot fall into. Not only that, it seems pretty obvious *most* protesters are just whining about having to potentially pay for mods, should the creator decide to go that route. I don't think any of us can do anything more than react to this when changes are made, and make a wave if things do start to go sideways. The idea is good, the practice needs a bit of work though, eh? Edited by PharCry
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In response to post #24637839. #24638219 is also a reply to the same post.

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Keep in mind he may have to consult his lawyer and verify what he is allowed to say regarding his agreement with steam/valve on the 5%. It is not as clear cut as you'd like. Say the wrong thing and get sued by Valve and the whole site comes crashing down.

That said, he should have posted earlier about the issue, he also should have known not to participate. However, better late than never, no?
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In response to post #24645764. #24646449, #24646594, #24646624 are all replies on the same post.

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thats a pretty ignorant thing to say...

think about it, if it were a scam, nobody would buy it, so the "author" wouldn't even get any money....

even the first person who buys the crap mod will see that it is a crap mod, and return it, posting a comment saying that it is a scam mod, and nobody else will get it........

that's the whole point of the return feature.
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