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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24731789. #24731909 is also a reply to the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)

I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.
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In response to post #24731659. #24731874, #24731934, #24731964, #24732044 are all replies on the same post.

Dark0ne wrote:
mnelson999 wrote:
...Only 8% of the Skyrim audience has ever used a mod. Less than 1% has ever made one....
sheson wrote: Yes trying to force such a paradigm shift on the community without any prior public communications. Whatever were they thinking?

Lets hope we as a community learned a lesson or two as well. Because apparently we tent to over communicate.
sheson wrote: Wild guess: They counting consoles maybe?
Riprock wrote: Hmmm. I personally wouldn't make money decisions based on those numbers so I wonder. Grain of salt, etc on those figures. Eight percent...I'd bet one new dollar that was what they figured on, and then they found they weren't on the mark. Of course, this also gives a hint at how popular their game is.

So much for that 5% kickback.

Tough break.
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In response to post #24731804.

Jokerine wrote:

Very slight changes, to the extent you could literally port the esp files from one to the other by changing the version numbers in the header, and then updating armour/damage reduction values. Edited by Halofarm
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In response to post #24731924. #24732384, #24732499 are all replies on the same post.

Mitch2129 wrote:
JCDNWarrior wrote: This doesn't even have to be just donations, but supporting with friendly words and understanding, as well as offer even more support for beginning modders and promoting small-time modder's works if found to be potentially good.
spar117 wrote: It makes me realize just how under appreciated and under-rewarding mod developers are. Steam/Valve wanted modders rewarded for their work but went around it the wrong way. That system should have had a donation button in its place. I would certainly donate, but I am not that rich... **** it, I am going donate.

Absolutely this. I have quietly sat back and watch the craziness over the last few days and it's been really difficult

I am going right now to donate to SkyUI, Frostfall, Immersive iHud and Wet & Cold. I've used their mods from the beginning and this has served as a good reminder that they've worked hard to make a great game even better. Thank you to all the modders for your great work! Edited by Cauldar
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I guess they saw the chaos they caused with this system, and read all the comments on the mod, full of... middle fingers gestures.


It's good to see they consider the mods more valuable and important than money.

After all, many players buy their games because of the modding community, which work hard to improve the game in all aspects. If they hit the modding community, they damage themselves.


Obviously it was not their intention to hit the modding community, but to offer an opportunity to modders (and also valve and themselves) to gain more money. But this system backfired, and it seems they learned the lesson.


Long live the modding community!! :)

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In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094 are all replies on the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)
Avastgard wrote: I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.

If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.
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Always remember that if it wasn't for continuous, internet-widespread revolt against Valve and Bethesda, they would have kept going.


Valve isn't your friend.


Bethesda has shown their hand, they have been/still are very willing to throw the mod community under the bus. They are also not our friend, perhaps neutral.


Consider boycotting both companies for this attempt or at the very least temper all expectations and remain vigilant for new betrayals.


Don't upload your mods to Steam Workshop, however. When they reintroduce this system, they can still monetize your mods without giving you even a cent.


In the meantime, we can get back to modding without as many immediate worries.

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In response to post #24732124. #24732174, #24732264, #24732339 are all replies on the same post.

Salazanz wrote:
CelticPaladin wrote: Those "Greedy" modders are very unlikely to be back with their mods, and it's a damn shame.
phantompally76 wrote: It is. But others will take their place.
KoZAcK1021 wrote: Why? If they can't monetize it why not make it free?

I don't know if we could trust such modders anymore, though. We may also have to look out for spite updates from them for being caught between the two forces like this.

Having said that, I do hope they will return to the fold and redouble their modding efforts for the community. Edited by JCDNWarrior
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