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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24778264.




Harbringe wrote:

No one is forcing you to read anything I type.


If it's getting so tiresome, then stop reading it.


Is such a concept REALLY that hard for you to comprehend?


And, once again....it's "you're", not "your". That almost annoys me as much as entitled stoners who think I owe them a living.





See now your a spelling nazi , it just never stops.

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In response to post #24774004. #24775424, #24777064, #24777154, #24777539, #24782864, #24782899 are all replies on the same post.

Lateraliss wrote:
HadToRegister wrote: I tell you, even BETHESDA should be Endorsing SKYUI, because it accomplished what they couldn't, the team actually should've been paid BY Bethesda for doing Subcontract work them

This is how a portfolio is built, (one of the many reasons for modding)

Brasscatcher wrote: @Hadto I know, right? With all the extra sales and increased longevity, There's a handful of core mod developments that definitely should have gotten contract checks from bethsoft.
sunshinenbrick wrote: @Hadtoregister

Completely agree!
phantompally76 wrote: I'll pass.

Thoughts on greed and/or entitlement aside, that dev team was extremely arrogant, condescending and demeaning towards users AND authors who had concerns about selling SKYUI. They were literally taunting individuals who disagreed with their decision.

No, they can take SKYUI 5.0, and they can shove it up their MCM menu.
Ryker61 wrote: That was uncalled for Phantom. Really uncalled for.

You are SOL when mods you use need to be upgraded and they require SkyUI ver5.0.
Vesuvius1745 wrote: I don't agree with the way he expresses it, but I understand Phantom's frustration, and he has valid points.

It really depends on who taunted first. Was the taunting on part of the SkyUI team in response to those who showed hate and vitriol first? Neither side is completely guilty or innocent here. And regardless, there is this thing called forgiveness. People can, and do, learn and grow.

As for donating, I think I will. Thanks for the info.
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In response to post #24783529.

block2001 wrote:

Yes, a wake-up call.

Provide something for free without any remorse for years, and the moment someone wags a huge wad of cash under your nose, yell and demand that you want instant recompensation for your work, never mind the artificially inflated prices which make it 4 times bigger for the end user. Then call these users "entitled assholes" for not wanting to pay 4 times the cash to corporate coffers for items that had a lot of problems from the beginning.

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In response to post #24778264. #24780889 is also a reply to the same post.

Harbringe wrote:
phantompally76 wrote: No one is forcing you to read anything I type.

If it's getting so tiresome, then stop reading it.

Is such a concept REALLY that hard for you to comprehend?

And, once again....it's "you're", not "your". That almost annoys me as much as entitled stoners who think I owe them a living.


Those entitled stoners, no matter how high they may be, do not and will never owe you anything for free either.
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In response to post #24780039. #24780859 is also a reply to the same post.

shingouki2002 wrote:
bullpcp wrote: Well stated. Being pragmatic under previous conditions does necessarily denote preference under new less constraining conditions. Free to chose.

So modders spend all those countless hours and hard work that now needed to be compensated because they... followed rules? Are they super masochistic or something?

Also, lots of modders have already stated they did just that, made it because they wanted to and because they could, and explicitly stated they want their mods to be free.

Bethesda suddenly making it legal and some people actively trying to profit using other modders' resources without the appropriate approval or license (or even outright stealing), feeling entitled and actually demanding payment for something they made and perfected through the collective effort freely given from other modders and users, even the very specific case of upgrading a mod the community had deemed essential and built around it, then putting the upgrade behind a paywall to basically try and force people to eventually buy it, yet somehow slandering those same people they were trying to lure in only served to separate the wheat from the chaff.

And that is ultimately a good thing. No, I'll miss none of these people. Sorry. Edited by np11
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In response to post #24782074. #24783184 is also a reply to the same post.

redslime wrote:
bullpcp wrote: I agree that Bethesda didn't create the tools solely out of benevolence for the community but profit is not inherently antagonistic to the modding community. A mutually beneficial agreement between the modding community and Bethesda is just that... mutually beneficial. I'm not sure who is under the illusion that modders and the modding community just "take" and "take" but you seem to believe them being compensated at all is a "bad thing". Again, mutually beneficial arrangements can be mutually beneficial, i.e. no one need be necessarily exploited.


Mutually beneficial to modders and Bethesda at the expense of end users who would have to pay 4 times the price... right.

Bethesda got an insane number of sales from an extensively modded game. Valve would provide nothing new. Those 3$ paid from every 4$ would come from the customer's pockets. I know you're ok with that.

They weren't so they protested.
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In response to post #24783529. #24783794 is also a reply to the same post.

block2001 wrote:
Azradun wrote: Yes, a wake-up call.

Provide something for free without any remorse for years, and the moment someone wags a huge wad of cash under your nose, yell and demand that you want instant recompensation for your work, never mind the artificially inflated prices which make it 4 times bigger for the end user. Then call these users "entitled assholes" for not wanting to pay 4 times the cash to corporate coffers for items that had a lot of problems from the beginning.

@Azra Why are you so close minded, I get it you don't like change, I get it you don't want to pay for your mods because the have "always been this way" I get it you're selfish, so am I and many others. It doesn't make the statement about being entitled assholes any different than before. Because it has been this way before you..rather we feel entitled to it and that mod authors have no right to demand anything, but seriously take a step back and get beyond your own selfishness and really look at it objectively especially from many mod authors perspectives.

I will agree though that the current system that was set up was very flawed, that much is true but the amount of hate directed to these mod authors who opted into the system is really unacceptable. If people really had a problem with how the system was set up rather than the idea for paying for mods, then why attack the authors? Edited by block2001
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I'm going to post a segment of a comment left by a user on the Bethesda Blog, written in response to the 'Why we’re trying paid Skyrim mods on Steam' article. He goes by the name of JasonJones, and I think he sums up the biggest problem with the system far better then I can. It is a bit of a wall of text, but it hits the nail on the head.


Comment starts here:


1. Bethesda games (TES/Fallout) are not modded like games like Countre Strike, DAYZ and GTA. This comparison must be STOPPED.


Gary’s mod is NOT like a Skyrim mod that adds a SWORD…


Even a Skyrim total conversion mod will either use resources from other mods or must be made in a way that it is compatible with other mods. This requires ACCESS to how those mods were made and some of the code used. This means modders must be working together, sharing and collaborating with each other. Something not required even a LITTLE by “gary’s mod”…


This does not happen often in other games outside of the Sims community and also the Mount and Blade community.


2. Paid mods are not new. They have a long history…and in that long history they have torn large modding communities apart. Modders stop sharing, they stop collaborating and they start working against each other as other mods are then seen as competition.


The sims 2 community was the single largest community in HISTORY. The game had more mods than Skyrim/Oblivion/and the Fallout games combined. Once several modders started selling their mods and stopped sharing their resources it split the community apart as more and more started doing it…and then the attacks started. Blacklisting leading to groups targeting other modders hosts with tons of complaints getting sites taken down…personal LAWSUITS claiming the stealing of ideas. People taking someone else’s mods and selling them on their own sites…


The only reason the community survived the madness was due to the Mod the Sims site that stayed free and promoted sharing and collaborations.


Spore…a game made around the very idea that players would CREATE the majority of the game. EA had a website for the mods with a pay option…and that game was trashed by modders attacking each other to limit competition…mods being reported for “looking” like another claiming ideas were being copied. Needless to say, the game never lived up to its potential.


It took 1 entire day for the Skyrim community to be hit by this bad idea. The maker of SkyUI, the most popular SKyrim mod in its history announced he wouldn’t support it anymore and was going to be making a pay only version for the future.


That mod…the single most important mod due to other mods being integrated with it, namely MCM…which so many other mods use to allow their mods to have settings that can be changed by users…and many of those makers then stating they will be making updates to their mods to deliberately NOT work with the future SkyUI.


Instantly we had a virtual NIGHTMARE for modders and mod users.


The community had already split, lines were drawn…modders no longer working WITH each other. Even more placing disclaimers on their mods stating they will NOT share their resources with anyone making a pay mod. Again, lines drawn and the entire community taking a hit because that meant even more mods WONT be made because new resources are being held onto instead of being shared.


You cannot do something like this to a game like Skyrim where a person can actually COMPLAIN about 255 mods allowed to be used at one time being NOT ENOUGH…something you will never hear with the other games this move was being compared to…hell, many of those FPS games don’t even have 250 mods total and those that do use mods for those games rarely use more than a few at a time. This means there is no need for a modding community to be working together so their mods don’t conflict with each other with those games…and paid mods wont affect a thing.

Edited by ReconTA
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In response to post #24783529. #24783794, #24784034 are all replies on the same post.

block2001 wrote:
Azradun wrote: Yes, a wake-up call.

Provide something for free without any remorse for years, and the moment someone wags a huge wad of cash under your nose, yell and demand that you want instant recompensation for your work, never mind the artificially inflated prices which make it 4 times bigger for the end user. Then call these users "entitled assholes" for not wanting to pay 4 times the cash to corporate coffers for items that had a lot of problems from the beginning.

block2001 wrote: @Azra Why are you so close minded, I get it you don't like change, I get it you don't want to pay for your mods because the have "always been this way" I get it you're selfish, so am I and many others. It doesn't make the statement about being entitled assholes any different than before. Because it has been this way before you..rather we feel entitled to it and that mod authors have no right to demand anything, but seriously take a step back and get beyond your own selfishness and really look at it objectively especially from many mod authors perspectives.

I will agree though that the current system that was set up was very flawed, that much is true but the amount of hate directed to these mod authors who opted into the system is really unacceptable. If people really had a problem with how the system was set up rather than the idea for paying for mods, then why attack the authors?

Entitled assholes?

I've been modding for about 8+ years I started with oblivion I moved on to fallout NV and then to Skyrim and while I hate the idea that modders do all this work and get very little or even nothing back from it bothers me something rotten. However I have never had the money to just blow on modding, to this day I can't afford to donate to things when I want too because I think it's right and this mess had the chance to take one of my favorite things away from me.

If this had stuck then many of the best mods would be behind paywalls and I would no longer have access to one of my favourite hobbies hell I'm learning to code as we speak so I can get to modding something I've wanted in skyrim for a while. I can't afford to just buy mods especially when they're as expensive as they were which would've meant I couldn't have accessed to the best mods out there.

Am I an entitled asshole? Maybe, was I worried and angry that someone could put so little thought into separating me from something I adore? f*#@ing hell yes.

If this was really a move for the community they wouldn't have taken such a big cut they would've taken something to help with server maintenance and paying the legal bills of setting it up to begin with. I understand how some people may have been scared off but those people should've thought far more than they apparently did about what they were doing before they did it.
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Wow, I must say, I feel the modding community collective came together to say once and for all to the modders of nexus and steam: YOUR WORK IS WORTH NOTHING! That is what money is after all, yknow VALUE. I was truly excited when I heard the news about the pay system. I have had a number of model armors that I had started that I simply hadn't completed because I couldn't justify the time taken to properly finish them as well as original armors that I modeled back in college and chose to keep personal because, well I felt the designs had value. The possibilities could have been endless and ultimately the pay ratio is the choice of the modder to accept and I would have gladly, what with a monetary reason to pursue my passion. To me a fair percentage would have been a 3 way split but for them to even venture into this scheme has proven to be a huge risk. Either way in a world full of starving creatives, this could have been a brilliant new venture that could have expanded modding exponentially, I know it would have encouraged me to, instead now I feel a kind of disdain for the modding community in general.
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