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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24734264.

cornbreadtm wrote:

Your consoles vs PC sales point that you made is exactly why Bethesda needs to start properly optimizing their games for the PC platform instead of porting them over to PC from consoles (Skyrim was ported over to PC/PS3 from the X-Box 360 version of the game, hence why PC/PS3 users had so many issues with Skyrim playing properly on said platforms). They also need to start packaging 64 bit versions of their games on PC alongside the 32 bit versions like Microsoft does their OSes. This would totally eliminate artificial memory limits for users of 64 bit Windows OSes.
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In response to post #24735309. #24735399, #24735679, #24735834 are all replies on the same post.

BounceDK wrote:
jfisha wrote: Jesus man. Can't you give us just a few hours to celebrate a win?
DariyanSkie wrote: did u even read the whole reprort on steam there will be NO PAYWALL ON WORKSHOP at all.
exact quote
We're going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop. For anyone who spent money on a mod, we'll be refunding you the complete amount. We talked to the team at Bethesda and they agree.

they didnt just say skyrim but the whole workshop.
KaylaKaze wrote: I have no issue with them coming from the beginning with a new game. That game will die within a year and everyone will go back to Skyrim or New Vegas. I always felt the main issue was what it did to the existing community.

They said:

"We're going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop."

"SKYRIM WORKSHOP", not the entire workshop, just Skyrim's.


"We understand our own game's communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating."

Starting in Skyrim was a bad idea. Basically, they'll get to it again with a new game.
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I am not for or against paid modding. It's like any art, some individuals get into it for the challenge, to grow artistically, others for the money as well. Neither is bad or good, just DIFFERENT. It's like many modders post on their page "if you don't like this mod move on don't download it and don't troll" you as a user always have the option to not pay for a mod.


I am surprised Bethesda and Valve listened, and it shows a lot about them as a company and how much they value their customers. Now here are the possible repercussions for future endeavors:


1. no creation kits released anymore to the ungrateful people that didn't know what they had until it's gone.

2. we lost some major modding talent due to some extremists in the community and extreme hate

3. modders that stayed free, garnered hardcore loyal followers...as long as they don't charge money, and showed their loyalty to us as downloaders

4. Dark0ne and other website owners are going to start wondering if pouring money into a website sponsored by such a finicky crowd that can turn on you in an instant is worth dealing with.


So with that said. I love the Nexus and all it's pages. I love Bethesda and Valve for trying something new and taking a risk. Mostly I love my country for being capitalist and the market decided the product wasn't worth buying so it failed. It's about supply and demand. If there is no demand there is no product.


I will keep on buying Bethesda and Valve games. I decided to put my money where my mouth is and I started donating to some of the modders here on the Nexus that have donation buttons up because the Nexus gives them 100% of what you donate. Might not be much, maybe a cup of coffee for the late nights spent modding. But for most of the popular mods that have 500k downloads or more, if everyone kicked in 50 cents, that's a pretty decent thank you and a lot of coffee. Artmoor and Chesko might not be hired by Bethesda, buy they can be hired by the modding community if we all give them a small thanks. Hey even the guys at Venice beach sketching on pads or juggling chainsaws get donations in a hat, why not a modder?


I'm just hoping our community heals quickly, but some bitter taste is always going to be there. As a downloader of mods I saw some really poisonous stuff posted against people that decided to pay the bills with their talent on their pages. I know that if I was a modder, and I lived from inspiration in the heart, that would kill any I had.


Not for or against it. Just think Bethesda and Valve did it wrong, it felt forced down our throats. Too much, too soon. I think people here got scared we would lose our top modders to money and big corporations. That should show how valuable these mods are to everyone.




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In response to post #24731774. #24731829, #24732304, #24732414, #24732439, #24732464, #24732534, #24733239 are all replies on the same post.

SerjoFoxly wrote:
Dark0ne wrote: That time has passed, unfortunately. The friends I was due to go out with are returning tomorrow!
jfisha wrote: Meet me in Kentucky for the horse races this weekend. Bourbon's on me :P I'll be the fat guy in the infield crying because I lost a bunch of money. I'm sure that'll help you find me.
setiweb wrote: Would it be too soon to say I told you so?
Reaper0021 wrote: I live in "Louisville" I'll be there as well drunk on Makers-Mark. We can all have a blast.
WightMage wrote: I'm heading up north in a few months, if you to pay the Canucks a visit. :3
jfisha wrote: We can have some victory shots, Reaper. Maybe that'll dull some of the pain from my failed betting.
Reaper0021 wrote: NOT just you betting brother Mom has $2500.00 riding on this vs my paltry $300.00. Yeah and get Robin to come for some smoked Bar-B-Q and some good ole' moonshine. Of course he's a Brit so he may not like the hard stuff but he'll love the food.

However the Nexus business is still in one piece. You made the right decision staying home.

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In response to post #24734844. #24735134, #24735264, #24735599, #24735689, #24735799 are all replies on the same post.

PROMETHEUS_ts wrote:
badkrma wrote: This is true....if it weren't for mods, I would never have put 100's of hours into each Bethsoft game...
SirTopas wrote: Indeed, which makes Bethesda's ham-handed handling of the whole thing doubly puzzling. They took a potential win-win and turned it into a lose-lose.
Sarfured wrote: I put about 200 hours into my Skyrim when I first played it. Then I lost interest and didn't play it for a year. Once I saw people on YouTube with their awesome mods, I learned how to use the mods and away I went. I'm now 150 more hours into a modded Skyrim and still going.
jas0nr wrote: I do thank the mod's throughout the community. I know this fiasco has pissed off so many people, but I hold a great respect for the modder's. I still play Morrowind regularly, ONLY because there's so many cool mod's for it. I hope we can move on from this chaos, and hopefully patch up our community...
Brasscatcher wrote: @sarfured I made it 180 hours into my 11.11.11 save, then the save file ate itself. I got busy with school, and I didn't come back to Skyrim until the community had developed all of the assets to fix the game. lol. Now I'm something like 600+ in.

Lol i have around 3000 hours in the ck and more than over 10 times that on modding skyrim with tools etc ...
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In response to post #24735859.

ContagiousCure wrote:

The CK for Skyrim is a glitchy mess too, with the most notorious bugs being the inability to load multiple masters into the CK without it throwing errors or crashing altogether & the deleted navmeshes during finalization of a plug-in.
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In response to post #24732584. #24734194 is also a reply to the same post.

WightMage wrote:
Brasscatcher wrote: High five, Wight. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I include popcorn and phantom in this list too. I'll be chucking out a few friend requests today.

Asside from all the namecalling asshats, you people debate WELL. Even those of you making a case for the pay2mod marketplace. Salute.

I guess I have to stick around and be social now...it's kind of hard to go back into the cave after all this! Besides, with my confidence restored, I have mods to get back to work on!

Here, here! :)
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In response to post #24735839. #24735914 is also a reply to the same post.

Jsmorris14 wrote:
erg0sum wrote: there is truth in your words.

War is not over, this was just victory over one battle.
Steam planed all this since 2012 and as you can read they just abondoned it for skyrim. it is stupid to believe that there wont be games with transactions for user made content built in from scratch.

Valve got their taste with TF and Dota, they will not stop.
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