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Question: User Ranks, You Decide


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Hey folks,

The current ranking system for these forums only works for people who have up to 300 posts - past 300 posts there are no more ranks to be obtained, and it looks like this may need to be changed :rolleyes:.


The current ranking system is as follows:


Hireling 0 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

Retainer 10 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

Oathman 30 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

Lawman 50 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

Kinsman 75 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

House Cousin 100 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

House Brother 150 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

House Father 200 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

Councilman 250 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif

Archmaster 300 http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gifhttp://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/Hardwire-995/pip.gif


I wouldn't mind changing these as obviously, they're not very imaginative ;)


If anyone's got any ideas, let me know in this thread, with a full list of rank names. As an example on the old MWC Forums, we had over 20 ranks which accounted for people with up to 5,000 posts. Starting with lowly ranks like peasant, layman, farmer et cetera and moving up the ranks to "mastermind" , "paladin" et cetera.


Let me know.

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Top Posters In This Topic

0 - Newbie

10 - Neophyte

50 - Apprentice

60 - Journeyman

70 - Expert

80 - Adept

90 - Master

100 - Grandmaster

200 - Elder

400 - Legend

800 - Demi-God

1600 - Deity

3200 - Elder Deity

5000 - Ancient

10000 - Needs to Get a Life


Ya think that's too many? :P


(Earlier names blatant rip from Ultima Online :P)


Yeah those were cr@p, but I agree it would be cool to have some higher rankings.

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I think it's a good idea to have a few higher ranks but you could also widen the gap between the numbers of posts required to advance especially at the lowest levels. (Sees himself demoted to novice!)


As for titles you could invent a set based on Morrowind creatures or summonings or some combination. Rising to Dagoth.

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I would certainly have wider gaps between titles...a legend with 400 posts? Demi-god with 800? Up that significantly...to dishearten the spammers right from the start.


I like the latter titles in Switch's list.....particularly the 'needs to get a life' one. :lol:



As for 'imaginative' titles....


0 - 20 Novice

21 - 50 Initiate

51 - 100 Disciple

101 - 150 Acolyte

151 - 250 Master

251 - 500 Grandmaster

501 - 1000 Hero

1001 - 1500 Legend

1501 - 2000 Demi-God

2001 - 2500 Immortal

2501 - 3500 Reaper of Lost Souls

3501 - 5000 Eternal Creature of the Night

5000 - 10000 Spawn of Cthulhu

10001 + Forever Doomed to Darkness



Err.......well, it IS almost Halloween http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/Sarge/Dracula_anim.gif

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I dont really have any ideas, soon in time i will though, and ill post them, but i think we do need more ranks...it makes people want to get on more so they can move up in rank...and 300 is VERY low...and many people are past it already it seems...make more!! MORE i tell you MORE!!!
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Well, the only problem with the higher ranks is that custom titles come at 500 posts. So (as I've seen on other forums with a similar system), the end result is that the higher titles are rarely seen. Maybe adding in a few to fill the 300-500 gap would be a good idea.
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how about this?




1 Fresh Meat

21 Cannon Fodder

51 Alternate Target

101 Assistant

151 Morrowind Helper

251 Idea Maker

501 Morrowind Hero

1001 TES Slave

1501 TES Savant

2001 Master of Morrowind

2501 Modder

3001 TES Ancient

3501 Master Modder

4001 Demigod Modder

5001 World Creator

10001 TES God

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