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New Feature: File requirements


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Yeah, those absent minded, lazy modders. Sheeeeeesh...

They act like they're doing us a favour just by creating their mods! :wallbash:

Enough with the sarcasm. I never called them lazy. I just think it's kind of ridiculous when they wouldn't just put a link there in the first place. Unless they were either purposely inconsiderate (People who put allot of time and effort into things can sometimes get stuck up about it. It happens.) or they forget (perfectly understandable) or they're foreign (which happens allot).

You are right, you didn't call them "lazy". Just "inconsiderate" (twice now) or "forgetful" (twice). And (with the additions of "stuck up" and "foreign") imply that those are the only possible reasons for someone not to do something you want them to do: which lack of action you then go on to describe as "ridiculous".


I was somewhat humorously (I thought) pointing out that modders are already doing the rest of us a favour simply by posting their works. If they want to go further in making it easier for others to use them, that's great. But I see no reason to insult those who, for whatever reason, don't take those extra steps.


And I would certainly take being called "inconsiderate", "forgetful", or "stuck up", or my actions called "ridiculous", as insults if any of those were directed toward me. (And might take "foreign" as one too, depending on the exact context...)

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Y'know the only reason this is a problem is because moders wouldn't just provide a full link in the first place, due to them being either too forgetful or too inconsiderate too realize how hard it is to find certain mods by just using the search box.


I was all set to deliver a witty retort parodying what you said here but then I clicked "add reply" and the internet ate the post.


Logically speaking, it's just as likely - perhaps moreso - that this was done because users aren't bothering to read readmes that usually tell you all you need to know. Quite often including that "full link" you're on about.

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I don't know why ya'll are speculating as to the reasons why this was done. Dark0ne made it absolutely clear in the 1st post as to why.


1. Focus is on reducing the amount of clutter mod authors need to put in to their mod descriptions

2. Make finding requirements easier (if they did not already provide links)


The primary reason is freeing up room on the description....for the description of the mod.


I tend to keep the redundant info in my descriptions because I use the same text in many RELz threads and other mod sites. And even if I did remove redundant info in the description, they would still exist in the readme inside the archive because once a mod is downloaded, people may never again see the mod page and rely only on what is in the archive (such as handing a bunch of mod files to their friends)



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@KingShelby: Theres should be a new tab on the page of any mod that has started using the feature called "Requirements"; if you click on that tab, it should provide the links to the required mods.


Oh.. Thank you for pointing that out.


I'm not sure how I missed that. Possibly the mods I was looking at just hadn't updated yet. It seemed funny that everyone was talking about links to mod requirements, yet I was only finding the "Mods that require this file". New enhancement and perhaps I was looking to close too soon.



I happen to like the new feature, but sadly there will be many that never get updated. Wish there was an e-mail system in place that the admins or Max could send out to everyone whom has uploaded a mod to inform them to come update.


Thanks to all involved for the continued efforts of improving the site.

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Very cool. Will have to go back and fix up my mods now.


edit: It literally took me less than 10 min to update three seperate mods. This is awesome! Would be nice to have an optional mods part thou. Think that was mentioned.


Edited by Parcheetahzan
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