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The last movie you watched thread


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Watched it the other day for the first time in I don't know how long.

That movie never gets old..


OT: I watched Fellowship of the ring (2001) yesterday, first time that i saw it. Acting and story is pretty good, and environment/decors are stunningly beautiful. I only didn't really like Orlando Bloom, his acting is so bad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Get your Astronaut freezed dried backpacking food here? It's great for movie times.


A little bit of Archaeology about a Norse ship, a little bit of Skyrim, and we have what I watched last night.


To have an EVLI: Electronic Voice Language Interpreter do the honors so I could just turn the subtitles off and hear the translated words from any movie translated to my language would be nice.


Especially, Now, that we are all living in the 21st Century.


Buck Rogers isn't back from outer space yet! The comic strip said his ship went off course Freezing him for 500 Years. Of course we're not supposed to know :tongue: he was freeze dried, permanently. :blink: He is so valuable to us, enough so, we will thaw him out and restore him to full mental and physical functionality. :wink:


We really need to have an EVLI: Electronic Voice Language Interpreter to be readied just in case. Especially for Buck Rogers! Just in case when he returns we don't understand a word of his language, :ohmy: when he does regain his speaking ability. :blush: :sad:

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The Legend of Bagger Vance

I saw that a week ago. Will Smith does such a great job in that movie... he seems like he fits right into the movies scenes whereas some of his other movies I felt like he tried hard to look like he belonged in the movies cast but just didn't so much. Rotten tomatoes is sometimes full of it, and in this case the critics think the movie sucked, which it' really is all about personal taste I think.
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THE ZERO THEOREM. A Delight and dulling strike at another possible exciting future. It made me sit back enjoying the colorful delights of people, advertising in focus taking us out of the more desirable designs of 'back to the future' future plans we may have in mind. It gave me the sense of what is more likely a future possible. Possibly the way for existing cities which are crumbling and lived in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife and I managed to get our hands on a cheap copy of Winter Soldier, which we weren't able to see in theatres; this meant we were completely lost watching Agents of SHIELD, so we've been behind on that for a while. We're not doing a run of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, and just watched Thor: Dark World last night.

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