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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Is there any mods that adds in the other Oblivion realms from the other Daedras? I hate the fact I can only play in Sheogorath's Shivering Isles and Mehrune's Dagon's hellish Oblivion Realms? Yes Mehrune's Dagon's realms closes down for good after the Oblivion Main Quests are done and over with, but I also have Midas Magic which has a spell that allows the player to open up a portal to Oblivion! So, besides Sheogorath and Mehrunes Dagon, is there any mods that adds in the other Daedra Lord's own realms into Oblivion?

Edited by LordPalpatine2020
misspelling of word
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I have seen video footage of a modified model of the KvatchHeadPike aka headpike.nif to have a pointed ear and redder eyes, specifically the first one found when entering Kvatch, although I assume the change applies to all instances.

One clue might be in the footage at 43:41, which showed a daytime skybox in Kvatch while the dremora came out of that house where the head is (this ONLY happens when you charge the city with Savlian Matius after closing the Oblivion gate, where normally it has the dark skybox). May be unrelated though


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Curious if there is a good way to look for old mods that are no longer findable anywhere (thinking specifically about Chakaru's mods, but not necessarily those only).  One unfrotunate thing about people who found Oblivion late (thanks to it becoming available as a GOG or Amazon gaming giveaway) is that many of the best mods can't be found anywhere nowadays, with the download sites going away and so forth.

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One thing I've found is that searching for the mod author's name sometimes works. There are a few independent sites out there that might have copies of the author's mods or might provide a way to contact them.

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Is there a mod that will allow a custom race player character to be recognized as one of the default races for purposes of dialog and greetings? It seems like in all the long years of Oblivion modding that someone would do mod to tackle this - something at the start of a new game or something when playing a Custom Race?

I saw there's a SetAlias/GetIs OBSE function but I need a more end user type solution or barring that an edit I can do to the Custom Race esp.


Following an old thread topic from another forum:


1. Create a quest, e.g. MYQUEST.
2. Create a script, put this into it:

Begin GameMode

SetRaceAlias [CustomRace ID] [Vanilla Race]

Stopquest MYQUEST


I have the Custom Race ID from the editor and the Imperial Race ID...but not sure how to get this "script" into the game...

SetRaceAlias [RACE:01000ED1][RACE:00000907]

Edited by Cl3v3rP0tat0
added more info
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Race alias will not survive restart of Oblivion for example, so presented script is insufficient to do a job you want. However for player only it shouldn't be much more complicated to make it. And as it's clearly a quest script, you just define a quest and attach that script to it.

To enhance script to work as you desire, I would consider these steps:

1. Detect the restart of Oblivion. Using GetGameRestarted function will do it.

2. Detect if player's is already one of vanilla races using GetIsRace function.

3. If not, fill up reference variable using GetRace function and use it in SetRaceAlias command.

Edit: OK, I didi it. If you're still interested: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/54466

Edited by RomanR
To add a link for my mod.
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When i was a kid I had this female shrouded armor replacer mod. The mod added this sort of miniskirt to the outfit (the legs were still covered up with the default leather leggings and didn't show any skin) and added a bit of cleavage, but it really wasn't anything too skimpy. The rest of the look was pretty vanilla and it didn't change much. I'm also very sure It didn't require any body replacer mods like HGEC or anything like that. I already scoured the nexus and didn't find anything. I'm sorry i don't have any images of it, It was a very long time ago (around 2010-2015-ish)

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I have been reinstalling my mod list from two years ago. Some updates. But I have a mystery mod that is showing me a timer. After 15 mins of playing the game there is a pop up that tells me I've been playing for 15 mins. Then another at 30 min then another at 45 mins... and that's the furtherest I got before CTD or quitting to install more mods.

It's very early in my mod list install probably in my list of bug fixes/engine fixes/anti-crash mods... or it's Maskar's overhaul and I set something off in the ini file when I edited it. I even tried to reinstalling the mod list fresh I can't find the cause it's very annoying . Does anyone have any idea about what mod this might be and how to turn it off?


Probably the biggest difference from last time I had this mod list installed is years ago the list was installed Mannually with assistance from Oblivion Mod Manager, with Omod files for characters (Robert's males and HGEC female)... this time in addition to looking up the latest bug fixes, I am using Oblivion Character Overhaul with block head and Seemless, and its being installed with MO2. Can anyone think of a dependency or new bug fix causing my timer issue?

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