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A poem a Day


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Gloom and doom is what I preach

While I am away from you


Never thought that time was slow

Till I was far from you


I will never be fixed and right

Unless I see her smile

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Chess's secrets laugh at me

As a saunter wearily

The roads down which all novices go

Bound in chains of tightening woe.

These paths curve both left and right,

Revealing little to my sight.

And I, in neophyte chagrin,

Have small hope of getting in

The ranks of polished, proper skill

That three years in, elude me still.

But then, Gloom's curtain starts to tear

And the sun I see high in the air.

Its brilliant reddish-orange shine

Quickly breaks despair's strong bind.

And past the gold beams way up there

Sits my Creator in Heaven's chair

Reminding me that with His help,

I will not always be a whelp.

So with new patience born of mirth,

I work to grow my knowledge's girth

So when the tests come passing by,

I'll nary be scared, sad, or shy.

Perhaps you all will be one day too

At whatever your tasks, so I pray for you.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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The morning was a hurry,

Was the last morning to see,

The concrete was staring at me,

I'll never be able to be free,


Oh lord it was 43 days,

This horror is eating my face,

I dreamed a summer with grace,

I woke up, arrows on my face,


I don't ask for a filthy vengeance,

Let it fade and left without replace,

Why exploitations love to mention,

Let it be a news without my face...


This is a tribute to a homicide victim whose her murderers were freed from justice

R.I.P. Junko Furuta

Edited by saldin93
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Oops! Looks as if I have to write

Another poem of might

Will I write of serious nonsense

Or possibly of common sense

Either way it must be done

And it must be fun


Rains and fogs

Snow and ice

I will never be nice

While I wait by the fire logs


Thanks to the few

Honor to the proud

Tell the sacrifice aloud

Tell the story anew


Thanks to those whoever

Started that Turkey Feast

So I can eat like a beast

And sleep forever


Over the Year Crossing

I make a new resolution

Never to have one as the solution

To my problem of losing


Finally this mess is over

I hope nothing was leftover

We find that there is no way

To fight the rivers sway

I must go with the flow

And take it nice and slow


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have wandered the weary paths

Of hopefulness and love

Desiring what many others hath


Never tho I felt it so right

I feel an overwhelming joy

Sleep will not come easy tonight


Nevertheless, I have faith and courage

To conquer whatever comes

Face my Thu'um and my rage!


Shower the doubts with envy

Burn them with desire

And destroy by vying


meleth nín


Gerich veleth nín

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  • 2 weeks later...


Fanuilos heryn aglar

Rîn athar annún-aearath,

Calad ammen i reniar

Mi 'aladhremmin ennorath!


A Elbereth Gilthoniel

I chîn a thûl lin míriel

Fanuilos le linnathon

Ne ndor haer thar i aearon.


A elin na gaim eglerib

Ned în ben-anor trerennin

Si silivrin ne pherth 'waewib

Cenim lyth thílyn thuiennin.


A Elbereth Gilthoniel

Men echenim sí derthiel

Ne chaered hen nu 'aladhath

Ngilith or annún-aearath.

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I thought I would try my hand at this. Maybe it's no good. Maybe it's not even poetry. But I have to share it. Here goes:



It wells up inside my chest.

It buzzes in my skull.

Time slows down.

My heart speeds up.

How much longer now?



It claws at my thoughts.

It erases all happy feelings.

Death. Doubt. Rejection.

Nothing else can exist.

Will it all be for naught?

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I sit with stillness

I sit as still as possible

I am stillness

The world spills over me

I am one with the world

I am the world




A Zen style poem.

Edited by Maharg67
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In the past month, I have written 123 poems. So many to choose from... but I choose my favorite: Signed, The Hydra.


Signed, The Hydra... it is a tale of sadness and love. It tells of the pitiful life of the dragon of myth, The Hydra.

It paints a traditionally evil being in a light of sympathy, that you are brought to feel it's very agony and pains.

It is written from the Hydra's perspective, in second person, to the audience (in this case, the reader, you).

I wrote it that you can really FEEL the intense sadness and pain of the Hydra, as it tells its tearful tale.

The Hydra is personified as a pious creature, and often tells the reader that it spends its life in prayer.

As well, the Hydra is a very kind and loving creature, and it tells how it doesn't want war, but to be loved.

In the end, the Hydra falls in love with a beautiful woman, who heals his wounds, and the two spend their life together.

All in all, it is possibly the greatest, most beautiful, and most emotional poem I have ever wrote in my life. So without further ado, I present it.




Signed, The Hydra


The bitter life of the misunderstood is so clear, that it comes to fruition and light

Men try to kill me, yet all I desire is to be left alone, I asked not for this cold wound, this Mark of Cain, this horrid scar

All I want is to keep my sanity, and yet all man thinks of me is a monster, but I do not wish to fight

Even though I hide in a cavern, a rejected scourge and a burdened beast, living deep in this desolate and despondent mar

The only wish I have is to be left alone, yet the malice of fate and the hearts of men corrupt me, that I must scratch my claws against the rocks, as I cry a vapid river tonight


I could get riches immeasurable, I could be the nightmare that destroys empires in a fortnight, I could be the daemon no man could ever slay

But I want none of this, I wish man would put down his swords and spears, for I am kindhearted, but no being would ever see the light

All I ever wanted was to be loved, to have a single soul care for me and see what I really am, but no one wants me to live that way

Why am I so hated, that a million arrows line me from my necks to my breast, that I am wanted for nothing more than my heads and hide?

I sleep in the cold, icy rain, naked to the sky above, and I have spent every night in my life praying to the God of love that he can take this cup from me, I have had my fill


Yet all I ever hear as lightning and fire raze my flesh, and burn my soul, every night, is a simple message, that am ordained on high for a purpose, something in which to hold pride

I tell the Lord as my burning lacriment flows like brimstone down my cheek as it chars my throat, "Let it be that I may bring peace and love and light, for I never want to kill.".

So must I be faithful, and so I must weather a thousand empires come and fall as I cry a tear of pain for every soul I must take to preserve my cursed life

My scales are shards of obsidian that tear me as greatly as the wicked barbarians who raise a blade to me, and I only scream and cry and holler in pain as my body is torn

Yet faith I hold in my Saviour, my Lord, that he tells me what glory is in store for my soul, a boon to counter that very immeasurable pain I have felt, my infinite and eternal strife


By the scoffer's crown, I would hang by a tree and be stoned, yet I do not understand why, for I have not done a crime and I live by the holy word of the Bible, yet my hide would be worn

How vile these men, that I live in holy prayer and solitude, and I worship the Lord with my every breath, cursed as I was spat from the womb

Can they truly be so blind that they believe my life is unholy and daemonic, when I would come before every single one of them in a sackcloth robe and ashes, and with words of forgiveness?

Every breath I have made is one of love and kindness and praise, yet I would be cast to a fire and fed to the dogs, that men see me not even fit for a tomb

By all the good in the world, I must proclaim they are truly the monsters, that they would murder me and desecrate this holy temple I am different, in complete lovelessness!


Yet the Lord saw what I truly was, scared and afraid, and that I was a being of love for all creatures, and that I even am sad to take a life of a tormentor in preservation

O, kind Lord, how blessed you are for the love you gave me, and for the words of love you spoke to me every night to soothe my sanguine cuts that abound

And, yea, though I see in every blink of my eyes the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall not fear the razor or the thorn, for thy rod and staff comfort me, and I am brought salvation

For coming is the light, and even if I am not to wake again after my sleep, I shall come to see your face in the glory of heaven, Father, for as lost as one can be, I have been found

Yet I question, if my eyes may be so gifted as to open, what shall I see before me? Shall I feel another thousand blades, or will I finally see the light?


I come now, as I woke once more, to see ordained the unfamiliar, the strange. I saw before me a woman, who only smiled as she helped me to my feet, an odd gesture from the start

An angel, did I see her as, for I asked if I had come to breathe the saccharine air of Paradise, but she merely responded that was a fate for much a different night

What I could merely ask is why she was not among a horde to slay me, and she answered in her sweet voice, "I found you, in great pain . You are seen a daemon, but I see your kind heart.".

Could this truly be? That so blessed was I, to find one that would have had spent their night healing the wounds of a great wretch as I was, to be the only one to show me love

I saw the years pass before my eyes, and I saw a fate, where I could have shown the kindness of the light that all men so greatly had seemed to lack


The story of my life has now began, and I have come from the wreckage, I held by the promise of the Lord, and sent had he by mere chance what seems like an angel from above

My hurt shall now fade, and I shall show the love I always had to those whose only wish was me to die, as little as mankind had cut me in the way of slack

I breathe a new light, as the stars shine, and smile comes to my faces, a love shown never before has come, and I have seen the true power of the Holy Ghost

So as this night comes, and rest does this Seraphim so peacefully against my haunches, and I in the bliss of my knowledge of mercy and love incarnate curled up so

The pen has writ the beginning of my tale, but I will bless the reader so as to write the last words of my tale of eternal bliss as I fade to Old Age, and you succeed me, gracious host



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