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Path of Sorcery - Magic Perk Overhaul (WIP)


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I really love what you are doing with the vanilla perks and so was wondering if you consider taking a look at the alchemy tree? I understand it is no longer strictly a "magic" tree, but it has been considered so in previous games. I just feel like you could make one of the most boring vanilla perk trees interesting!!

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Um...I haven't actually been looking.


This past week, I've gotten involved in the Beyond Skyrim project, and that's been taking up all of my time.


Go check it out! https://www.facebook.com/BeyondSkyrim



As a teaser, here is some of the stuff I've been working on:





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So, I went to Reddit and asked about it. This is what I got, as far as ''most complete answer to the question'' goes:



You don' t make a perk mod compatible with ASIS. You make ASIS compatible with the perks mod.

Also if you don't use the perk distribution part from ASIS you are totally fine.

If you want to do this though, then you need to make sure ASIS won't ditribute perks that are not meant to be by adding the appropriate keywords in the appropriate blocklist, and this really depends on the mod and the perks. Some mods give information about that. It can be bad to ditribute perks for various reasons. You can also look at the ASIS improved ini files on the Nexus to see what they did.


I hope it helps.

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Honestly, it's been hard to get over the hurdle of fixing the last few bugs and testing everything. My motivation just isn't there.


You guys are great, but there's only about three of you, and recently it just hasn't felt like it's worth the effort. Especially since the mod will either flop and be pretty much ingored, or else get a bunch of whiners and complainers spewing their entitlement issues all over the comments section, the way I've seen happen with Ordinator.


I don't know. I'll see if I can't work up the energy for one big push to get everything finished and out the door, but I can't make any promises at this point.

Edited by steelfeathers
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