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Ok so you use cookies like every other site


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That does not explain why you need a pop up on the bottom of every page reminding me of this, no you do not get to load every cookie on my computer that you want and reminding me that you want to is not the diretion the site should be going towards treating its members with life time memberships.


With the mess Microsoft has made of windows 10 with all their spying do you really want to remind people that you and your partners want to spy on us as well?

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Well, I don't "exactly" know what's going on, but look at it from a different side.


A webpage cannot access "all" cookies you have on your drive by design, nor does the Nexus ever state anywhere that it does or can.

This bar you mentioned, however, we "had" to put into every single one of our corporate websites in my job recently just as well, so I take it it's a new "legal requirement" now rather than anything the Nexus came up with.


Wait for one of the devs or Dark0ne to chime in here and tell the specifics, but I know it's most definitely "not" a Nexus thing to begin with, so blaming the site for something that might just as well be a new legal requirement for all websites using cookies even wouldn't make much sense, now would it?


edit: Ninja'd by the boss! :ninja: But I was right.

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You can thank the EU for the stupidness that is the forced cookie notification.


Ah lovely, thanks for the info Robin.


So any way to add a back door function in your account settings to stop this notification ?


It happens with Chrome + Firefox + IE + Maxthon so it's not browser specific.

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Does the notification not go away if you click the "ok" button? Cause it did for me and I haven't seen it since.

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@Arthmoor - I have Firefox setup to delete all cookies when i close the browser so the notice comes back. When i made this post i thought it was the site badgering me about having third party cookies disabled and was not just a notice telling us the site uses cookies. :smile:

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