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Witcher 3 MODkit Update Released


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Still in awe that Projekt RED thought this abortion of a program was worth the time to create. The game itself is great, but if I want to change a characters clothing color or swap one mesh for another it shouldn't take me a hour to do it just to find out I forgot to place a comma somewhere and have a pile of mangled code for my efforts...



...and fix the collision.cache, I'm sick of having to reload it every time it decides to rewrite itself...

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  • 2 months later...
In response to post #48112835. #49095792, #50448892 are all replies on the same post.

Gascon wrote: This version is old it doesnt work with the latest game update. Anyone who wants the latest version of MODKit visit this link:
johneee wrote: Nobody posts links like Gascon, helps modders like Gascon...
DIE4DE7HKLOK wrote: Gascon, da real MVP

My hero.
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I'm reading here: https://witcher.gamepedia.com/Script_Studio#Editing_Scripts that Script Studio is apart of the official modkit. Where is it? I have modkit and have been using it along with wss_lite wrapper ModKitchen but I don't see script studio anywhere.


Are script files just the .ws files? Are .xml files considered script files? So far I only have access to .xml files that are uncooked using ModKitchen. These files don't seem to contain what I'm looking for. Opening .ws files with NotePad++ to try and find what I'm looking for but it really is a needle in a haystack and I'm unsure how to pack any changes I make to those files into a mod. What other file types should I look into. What do the bundles contain? There are a lot of things I want to tweak but first and foremost I must turn off leveling up. Secondly I'm going to want to supplant autogen with base stats. I don't want autogen lvling or adding abilities or any of that stuff to items creatures npcs or any of that stuff. And I want balance stats and abilities for all these things myself. I know it is a lot of work and won't be easy. What I don't know is the first two steps. All I could find in .xml files from content folders relating to leveling was how much exp is required to gain each level. I came across a call or pass to autogen but nothing that would let me supplant it.


There are so many resources teaching how to alter graphics and I have no interest in changing models or textures. There are a few that go over .xml files but it pretty much stops there and there is a huge gap in resources teaching where else to go though the tools to do so are present and hard to find if you don't know what to look for and really difficult if you think everything stops at .xml files located in content folder.

Also NEXUS Mods Statement link for download the modding tools is broken. I know I can get modding tools here but that doesn't help others from there.

Edited by MarkRushow
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In response to post #51218512.

Nikoli Grimm wrote:

Still in awe that Projekt RED thought this abortion of a program was worth the time to create. The game itself is great, but if I want to change a characters clothing color or swap one mesh for another it shouldn't take me a hour to do it just to find out I forgot to place a comma somewhere and have a pile of mangled code for my efforts...



...and fix the collision.cache, I'm sick of having to reload it every time it decides to rewrite itself...

f*#@ing right?!?!
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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
In response to post #51218512. #53739993 is also a reply to the same post.

Nikoli Grimm wrote:

Still in awe that Projekt RED thought this abortion of a program was worth the time to create. The game itself is great, but if I want to change a characters clothing color or swap one mesh for another it shouldn't take me a hour to do it just to find out I forgot to place a comma somewhere and have a pile of mangled code for my efforts...



...and fix the collision.cache, I'm sick of having to reload it every time it decides to rewrite itself...

DueyDecibel wrote: f*#@ing right?!?!

i second that.

This pile of junk does not deserve the name Mod kIt.
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  • 3 months later...
In response to post #57518101.

Maribeth wrote: Here such error. How to solve? I will soon kill myself -.-

[2018.02.12. 18:51:31] [Error] [WWise_Global] Voice Starvation
[2018.02.12. 18:51:31] [Error] [WWise_Global] Voice Starvation

delete Edited by BiRaitBec
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