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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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Ironically, I don't hate Fallout 4, I hate 'the lack of choice' in Fallout 4. A lot of the story elements appear stream-lined in comparison to Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. However, our community is more than capable of rectifying that situation... eventually... with our own produced content. I see a, 'happily ever after mod,' as inevitable, given the state of our current endings. That having been said, they are still far less disgusting than the endings from Mass Effect 3.


Also, I'm with Someguy... I would really like a Fallout: New Orleans game. There is a lot of fun that could be have from a Southern Fallout game... and not just with banjos and inbreeding.

Edited by jcdenton2012
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Hey, have some hope. They maybe will never do that again since everyone is pissed about it.

After Skyrim, and now this. At this point I'm defeated and sad.


These games just aren't made for my tastes anymore. I do hope they at listen put their ears to the ground and listen to what people are saying.


But at this point it's very clear where these games are going, and I'm not getting any younger or having the free time to enjoy them anymore.


What people are saying? Or what you are saying? Because judging from sales "people" are saying that they like it. One thing that will never change however is that with any game release there will always be a small number of people that are pissed off about it. It doesn't matter what the game is, how it looks, or what you can do in it... there will always be someone that stands in the corner stomping their feet.

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This is worth watching, I think it sums up the games lack of role playing options quite nicely. (contains some spoilers)


"The player character is dead, long live the player."


That phrase from the video perfectly sums up the central problem with the game for me. Everywhere you go it feels like Bethesda make the assumption you're playing as yourself and not as a character. Even going to the trouble of recording a couple of thousand names for old Codsworth to voice is part of servicing that end when you think about it.


But I have hope that a lot of this can be rectified to some degree with mods when they release the tools, even if it will take a lot of work. In fact, I'll help out with any project that aims to put a bit more roleplaying into this game.

Edited by tirnoney
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. Everywhere you go it feels like Bethesda make the assumption you're playing as yourself and not as a character.

Because it true. There is a lot of who as themselves, more by a mile than hardcore RP players in fact.



I wouldn't describe myself as 'hardcore' by any stretch, but I guess you're right. It seems to be the trend in several of the major franchises. In Dragon Age for instance. With Origins you had multiple ways to roleplay a character, then in the second game you got three: diplomatic, sarcastic and aggressive. In Inquisition it's hard to feel like your Inquisitor has any clearly defined traits and personality that exist anywhere other than in the player's own head.


Someone in the marketing division of these companies clearly thinks this is necessary to bring in new business and that it won't alienate the existing customer base. Sadly, they're probably right.

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I meant hardcore as normal RP.

We are hardcore to the normal players.



've got goosebumps. Please let this be a real thing.

While I having a big blast with Fo4, I would like a better RPG experience in a fallout world. It will be a great game with the updates beth made to the CK.

They better make a better world though. They are s#*! at it while Beth mop the floor with them. Wasteland 2 and FNV was horrible in that department, you can never make the world better even with mods.


It funny how one is good at what the other is bad at.

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I meant hardcore as normal RP.

We are hardcore to the normal players.



've got goosebumps. Please let this be a real thing.

While I having a big blast with Fo4, I would like a better RPG experience in a fallout world. It will be a great game with the updates beth made to the CK.

They better make a better world though. They are s*** at it while Beth mop the floor with them. Wasteland 2 and FNV was horrible in that department, you can never make the world better even with mods.


It funny how one is good at what the other is bad at.


heh. I've often mused that if Bethesda, Bioware and Obsidian got together and made a game it would either be the best RPG ever or the worst abomination in the history of gaming. Bethesda could build the game world, Bioware could write the characters and Obsidian could write the quests. It could be epic.


I actually quite liked the Mojave. With AWOP and a few other mods it's not too bad. On the other hand, without engaging quests, one dungeon starts to feel much like another after a while no matter how pretty and detailed they are. I have clocked many more hours in FNV than I have in FO3 for that reason.


Another mod that FO4 could really do with is the equivalent of Skyrim's Interesting NPCs, although I have no idea yet how any of that is going to work with a voiced protagonist. Presumably silenced.

Edited by tirnoney
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heh. I've often mused that if Bethesda, Bioware and Obsidian got together and made a game it would either be the best RPG ever or the worst abomination in the history of gaming. Bethesda could build the game world, Bioware could write the characters and Obsidian could write the quests. It could be epic.

Dame, that one epic wet dream. I would kill people for that.


Let me add some to it. Gameplay and animation by monster hunter team, Here is an example

they also great at making armors models, I mean look at those sexy armors http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121229044244/monsterhunter/images/1/12/Mhcgartworks2_armor_Page_05.jpg







Bioware is funny and odd. DA:I has one of the best written NPCs in a game, but the quests were so boring, forgettable and pitiful I loathed doing them and beth throw lore at your face better. The combat felt like an mmo and the crafting was a joke. The world was fabulously boring and it just... Why the hell it was it game of the year?



I actually quite liked the Mojave. With AWOP and a few other mods it's not too bad. On the other hand, without engaging quests, one dungeon starts to feel much like another after a while no matter how pretty and detailed they are. I have clocked many more hours in FNV than I have in FO3 for that reason.

I'm more of explorer and like fo3 more for that reason. If you asked others, it the same thing. Explorers like fo3 and dislike FNV, RPGs dislike fo3 and love FNV, It very funny imo in forums.


After modding four beth games, one can always mod great quests, better npcs, textures, gameplay and AI no matter how good the base game is. But almost no one will make the whole world better. That why I feel rested when fo4 showed it had a great world even with all the features removed. Not that I'm okay with it.




Another mod that FO4 could really do with is the equivalent of Skyrim's Interesting NPCs, although I have no idea yet how any of that is going to work with a voiced protagonist. Presumably silenced.

The team did mods for older fallout titles and named it pretty much fallout 4 npc project.

It better for everyone if the best quest and npc mods had no voice, sends a strong message to beth about what we think of the features.

Edited by Boombro
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