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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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  • 3 months later...

I have approximately 225 hours logged playing Fallout 4 and still have problems with some of the simpler things. One thing I would like to find is a mod that places a marker by the name of the misc item(s) that have been viewed, read, listened to or otherwise interacted with so when looking at the inventory list it would show if interacted with. I found a mod when I was playing Skyrim that does something similar with some objects in that game but none found for this game.


If anyone knows of a mod that does this please let me know by message if you can.



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Personally, I think it's a great game. Of course, it has serious design flaws, annoying features and pointless omissions - but so does every game (Skyrim, GTA, etc.).


I think like someone said earlier in this thread, it's the internet. I agree. The vocal few now have the perfect medium to make their anger public.


I also think there are plenty of rose-tinted glasses out there, not just with this game but with a whole bunch of other games. I'm 45 and with great age comes great resignation. In your 20s you want your women, career, and games to be perfect. By the time you reach my age, you're happy with any woman who smiles at you, any job so long as it pays the bills, and as for the games... Twenty years ago, I thought every game was a masterpiece. Ten years ago, I thought every game was a travesty. Nowadays, I'm just happy with any game that actually works and doesn't instantly explode my computer. On that basis, FO4 is pretty damn good.

Edited by crawe1x
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From the time that Doom first came out, I've been playing FPS games on consoles and PC's, then I discovered RTS games such as Command and Conquer. After a few years, I decided to try something else, I think that it was Oblivion on the Playstation, then Dragon Age, Mass Effect , The Witcher and Fallout 3 and I've been playing all 3 types of game ever since. Which brings me to Fallout 4, I love it. Is it perfect, no. Do I sometimes get frustrated when the last piece of floor doesn't slot into place? Damn right I do, but I still enjoy it. To some of the people on here, it may not be an RPG, but to me it is.


Let's not lose sight of the fact that Bethesda are IN BUSINESS to make money. If they don't, no more games. To make money they have to sell the maximum number of games, games that have been made within a budget. That means they have to sell to ALL formats, including consoles, I have an xbox one, (which i use as an expensive Blu Ray/DVD player) but the vast majority of my gaming is done on my PC, which allows me to download mods (Kudos to all the people who write the mods)

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I love Fallout 4, it is what i expected and more. I initially bought FO4 and played it to level 55 two times straight away with two different endings, then i started modding it and now i lost interest. I will give it a few months until far harbour is out and the mods became CK Mods instead of FO4Edit. Maybe i will have fun again without cheating, more content and an actually engaging gameplay, because FO4 is WAYYYYY to easy. Thats a point ive ready man people complaining about. Also that you cant say "no" (you actually never could) but why would you say no to a quest in a game that is ONLY driven by quests? thats beyond me. Also that the speech is dumbed down to : 1: "Why?" 2: "No" (aka later) 3: "Yes" and 4: "Yes, but I'm a smartass". I dont really care about that either, what annoys me the most is that in conversations you have to be the good guy in 90% of the game while your actions can (ofc) be rediculously evil and you don't even get bad karma for relentlessly murdering a bunch of peasants because you wanted the Two stimpaks they have. Edited by Thaneize
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  • 4 months later...

i have never seen so many ignorant fuqs. the game plays great and they took a sightly different route than previous games. I have played every Fallout game now, and played fallout 3, new vegas, and 4 on console and pc. They all work exactly as they should and update will just make them better. They obviously put time and effort into this game as ive never had this much fun in fallout. Downtown Boston is enough to make the entire new vegas map look bare. This games graphics are far superior to that of fallout 3 with mods (bethesda knew people were going to mod the game as well to they took that into consideration when making this) having games so versatile can't always have perfeect graphics and yet fallout 4 still has great graphics for what it is.

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A lot of it is not that they actually hate the game, it is that they built it up so much in their own imagination how wonderful it was going to be that they are disappointed that it is not the super duper be all end all game that they imagined it was going to be. Reality was a big let down for them. They will still play the game, and enjoy it while still whining about how terrible it is. :tongue:

These are the same people that complain about how awful their job is, but don't bother to look for a new job.


'Unrealistic expectations' was the phrase I was going to use. Everyone has desires and expectations for what the next game should be; that's natural. However, when the game arrives and it is not what we had dreamt it would be most folks find it easier to blame the game than take responsibility for their own expectations. Sad really.

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I didn't have unrealistic expectations. It's not a good Fallout game, it's not an RPG. New Vegas showed what a Fallout game could be, on Bethesda's own engine, and Bethesda f*#@ed it up.

They're writing lacks anything that could be called pathos, the reconning of ghouls to the east coast was a mistake, but making it so "they don't have to eat" is unforgivable, there's no humor, black humor or otherwise, the plot is wasted on unsympathetic characters, and the premise is wasted on a 2287 setting. It would have been brave to make it a prequel, play in 2077, meet all kinds of characters dying to violence, lack of food and radiation poisoning.


It doesn't even tackle the notions it sets out to deal with: you can't bond with your son, your spouse is wasted as a character when they should have been your first companion and primary councilor. You don't actually deal with the long term consequences of the Brotherood's fascist turn, and you don't see nearly enough collateral damage from the Institute's schemes (children orphaned because their parents were murdered for scrap or have one character who has to go through the grieving process of coming to know a relative they thought they knew had been replaced years ago and everything they thought they did with that person was a lie) to remind of what utter shitstains the Institute is to the Commonwealth. You don't even get to explore the Institute's worst crime: the elimination of the CPG. I heard they didn't actually do it. So what? If true, it's not like you can investigate who did it and clear the Institute's good name as say, rapprochement between the Institute and the Minutemen.


Every opportunity in this game is utterly wasted. Even the DLC is a waste. This game was a waste of my time and my money, and if I could get it back I would.

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I didn't have unrealistic expectations. It's not a good Fallout game, it's not an RPG. New Vegas showed what a Fallout game could be, on Bethesda's own engine, and Bethesda f***ed it up.

They're writing lacks anything that could be called pathos, the reconning of ghouls to the east coast was a mistake, but making it so "they don't have to eat" is unforgivable, there's no humor, black humor or otherwise, the plot is wasted on unsympathetic characters, and the premise is wasted on a 2287 setting. It would have been brave to make it a prequel, play in 2077, meet all kinds of characters dying to violence, lack of food and radiation poisoning.


It doesn't even tackle the notions it sets out to deal with: you can't bond with your son, your spouse is wasted as a character when they should have been your first companion and primary councilor. You don't actually deal with the long term consequences of the Brotherood's fascist turn, and you don't see nearly enough collateral damage from the Institute's schemes (children orphaned because their parents were murdered for scrap or have one character who has to go through the grieving process of coming to know a relative they thought they knew had been replaced years ago and everything they thought they did with that person was a lie) to remind of what utter shitstains the Institute is to the Commonwealth. You don't even get to explore the Institute's worst crime: the elimination of the CPG. I heard they didn't actually do it. So what? If true, it's not like you can investigate who did it and clear the Institute's good name as say, rapprochement between the Institute and the Minutemen.


Every opportunity in this game is utterly wasted. Even the DLC is a waste. This game was a waste of my time and my money, and if I could get it back I would.


If you hate it so much, why are you constantly posting about it? FInd something you do enjoy and do that.




I think it's hypocritical how everyone hates on the voiced protagonist, saying it ruins the game for them. And these are the same people saying the Witcher games are masterpieces and the model to which all other game developers should aspire.


Uh... if by "role-playing" you mean pretending things about your character, then, well, the Witcher games are less of a "role-playing" game than FO4. You are named Geralt, you are always male, you have a distinctive voice, you are a bad-ass and ladies' man. In "role-playing" sense this is like being in a straight-jacket.


I enjoy the Witcher games, I enjoy FO4. I like using what is given to us about the character to flesh them out on my own. Nora in particular has some interesting lines. She was a sorority party-girl in college, you learn this from talking with the BoS doctor. I imagine she smokes cigarettes from her voice acting, which I think is superb. She has a bit of a mean streak. Nate is an all-around OK guy. I'm fine with this. I enjoy listening to them talk in dialogue, which is in real-time and can feature multiple participants. It's cinematic and "immersive."


Contrast this with:

1. Tell me more.

2. OK, let me help you, I'm a great person.

3. Gimme all your caps, loser!

4. [intelligence] You seem ill, let me fix you with stimpack.

5. Let's talk about something else.


With a fluid, intuitive dialog that you can walk away from at any time, with professional voice actors, with pacing and so on. It's always cringe-inducing to see games' attempt at strong emotions, here is no exception, but overall I think the dialog is great. Now it's an actual conversation instead of interrogating an NPC with a list of responses.

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