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How come noone cleaned up the mess in 200 years?


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I think it makes sense that they don't bother to clean.

I mean in the world how it is shown in Fallout 4 you basically have to be ready to abandon your hideout at any minute.


Raiders, Super Mutants, Synths and Settlers are fighting each other over the scarce resources that are left.

Not to mention the Brotherhood that just arrived.

It's a constant cat and mouse.


Sure, diamond city may be an exception.

But then again in theory even diamond city could be attacked by a massive group.

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Part of me jokingly wonders if the skeletons is a weird cultural thing people do. Like, 'we're not touchin' those things NOPE'.


Realistically, I've seen bones reclaimed by forest wildlife chewing them back into the earth in a couple of years tops. Bones surviving for 200+ years is unusual unless there's a severe lack of animals/bacteria to consume it in the current game age. Which I suppose is entirely possible? FO4 doesn't take place in a desert, it's a dang forest. I'd like to think molerats and those mutatey canines would be all over that for the nutrition at the very least.

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Part of me jokingly wonders if the skeletons is a weird cultural thing people do. Like, 'we're not touchin' those things NOPE'.


Realistically, I've seen bones reclaimed by forest wildlife chewing them back into the earth in a couple of years tops. Bones surviving for 200+ years is unusual unless there's a severe lack of animals/bacteria to consume it in the current game age. Which I suppose is entirely possible? FO4 doesn't take place in a desert, it's a dang forest. I'd like to think molerats and those mutatey canines would be all over that for the nutrition at the very least.

fo4 does have animal life, but they are not the same at normal animals.

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I have resolved myself to the idea this is an alternate world, Fusion Power with vacuum tubes!!! Also those computers and auto doors with no power. Must have their own fusion cores or awesome batteries to last 210 years not to mention power heavy or even light doors.


I can understand not worrying about all the skeletons lying about as why bother. However the ones in your house or right outside your door, no way. The main thing though is how unmotivated the people are, it takes no brain power to take the most solid wrecked house you can find to live in and then cannibalize the others for replacement parts. The Mc Abernathy's farm house has huge gaping holes in it yet it is 3 generations old. There is no sigh of the cities being mined for things like door hinges, sinks (just a wash basin with a plug) or even porcelain toilets for the outhouses. This is not even mentioning bricks, cinder blocks, door and wall frames and pipes or girders etc. Sure there is a problem with gouls, but heavily armed 'city miners' could do it and trade with other communities for food and clothing. Who's making their boots? I would expect to see a lot more Ho Chi Minh sandals made out of strips of rubber and rope.

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I find it rather absurd that it was 2077 when the bomb dropped, the Radio is pretty clearly not manually DJed at all hours (you can walk into Travis's house and talk to him, and hear him DJing Diamond City radio while he's clearly not doing that.), which means he has the ability to set up a playlist and audio files (since there's no way you could do that with just the records... which by the way, I've never SEEN a record in a Fallout Game, and if they expect you to think that, Travis's trailer should be FULL OF THEM.)


But somehow NO MUSIC WAS CREATED between 1950 and 2077, and apparently no one created any NEW music in 200 years either. Really?! Somehow culture and entertainment just STOPPED being made, and it doesn't make any sense to me. People wouldn't just stagnate, somehow, someway, people would find a way to make new music and entertainment.

He plays new music from the lady in Goodneighbor after you visit her. They are fairly cool songs too. Three or four of them. So ...yea there was music created since then. BUT....yea *shrugs* i dunno :P the idea that the world itself was still holding onto the 1950's lifestyle in 2077 in and of it self is slightly silly. So I take everything the game with a grain of gaming salt that reminds me to....JUST PLAY IT...

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The main thing that I can't understand, is how you can create a working GENERATOR for power, and an INDUSTRIAL WATER PURIFIER for god's sake, but you CANNOT build STRAIGHT WALLS without GAPS?


How the hell does that even make sense? You are putting together pieces of WOOD. That would be infinitely more easy than creating a working LASER TURRET from scrap parts, let alone 50 of them!


You SHOULD be able to build nice looking houses, with an additional cost in parts, of course. There is even paint in the world like Yellow and Blue paint, why can't we use it to paint wooden houses that we make? Why does everything have to look like a broken piece of janky crap? You are building something from scratch, so why does it have to look run down? I get the things in the game, yeah, they are already made, but you can make NEW TOWNS from scratch... you should logically be able to make nice, straight looking, new looking houses. By new, I don't mean 2077 new, I mean like a nice looking, non garbage taped together shanty town. No matter what, there are always holes and gaps in EVERYTHING we can make.

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People get wrong-footed by Fallout because it appears to be science fiction and Sci-fi, or good Sci-fi is logically consistent. Fallout isn't Sci-fi, It is Sci-fi themed Fantasy.


Fantasy stories value other things over mere making sense, things like humor for instance. Which is why in fallout you have two headed cattle and no other domestic beasts, nuclear motorbikes despite the tech to produce fusion cells that contain enough power to put a bound of bacon into orbit and an apparently stable currency based on bottlecaps.


They were meant as jokes guys, those thing were put into the Fallout universe to make you smile at the absurdity by people who couldn't have imagined where it would all lead. You see this all the time in writing, J.K. Rowling was probably wishing she'd never come up with 'Pumpkin Juice' by the time Harry Potter was dealing with bereavement and working out what it means to live in a corrupt society - which is about as un-humorous as you can get. But she'd put pumpkin juice in the first book and was stuck with it..



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Fallout isn't Sci-fi, It is Sci-fi themed Fantasy.

You mean sci-fantasy? That a genre.

Now everything makes more sense.



You SHOULD be able to build nice looking houses, with an additional cost in parts, of course. There is even paint in the world like Yellow and Blue paint, why can't we use it to paint wooden houses that we make?

That a lot of work, you have to make textures for each color. And personally, I want beth to waste time on other stuff that colored houses.

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