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By over 200 years after the bombs some plant life would resurface


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looking into our own past of nuclear reactor explosions. Plant life & tree life reinserted itself after decades.

Decade = 10 years. So in the areas you see dead plants and trees there should of been live ones growing up. if life can be found after a couple of decades in nuclear areas then it should do so in fallout universe.

If there is one thing that is the same there and here is plants & trees are the same.


So over 200 years have past and you are telling me no plants and no trees anywhere are showing signs of life. 20 decades after the bomb and we would have grass growing and trees returning to life. or at least new ones that after 20 decades would be as tall as the old ones.


This is why I as a person who has made mods is going to make a mod when geck comes out that in the most lore friendly way will have a greener wasteland. in the places that it would make sense to regrow.


I know there are mods out there that have part of this. but I want mine to be as lore friendly as possible and not over killed. nor will the non-surviving trees be replaced or removed. just new trees in it's way. and the grass will grow back, but will be a different shade of color to match the fallout. due to it wouldn't exactly be the same.


My thoughts,

Thank you for reading!


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well boston is pretty much right next to the epicenter, Can expect plant life to grow, but the soil would be more radiated than it would have been with out the explosions. Not enough to kill plant life by this time period. But what kind of effect would nuclear bombs going off across the world have? Would it make plant life non existent due to the radiation all around in the atmosphere? Well, it is all speculation really, no one knows because there is no evidence of world wide nuclear radiation to that scale.

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What always gets me, is that in 200 years people haven't figured out how to use a broom or otherwise sweep piles of junk out of their living spaces.

I know right!


Dhegonus -


Without trees that create oxygen there would be no life.. thus nobody around except for ghouls and super mutants.

Edited by randydg
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The water is bad.


The soil is bad.


The air is bad.


The weather is bad.


There is some plants that lives on small resources. Grass, shrubs, ferns?, fungus and others around though, but stuff like trees need more.


Plus, keep on mind that rad workes just like what people from 50-60 think it would. Your science is invalid.


Would like your mod though.

Edited by Boombro
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Without trees that create oxygen there would be no life.. thus nobody around except for ghouls and super mutants.

All things considered, with the total collapse of international trade, the trend towards destroying the equatorial rain forests would have abated. During the Great War, there really won't all that many high-value equatorial targets. So very possibly, for the last 200 years the rain forests may have been rebounding, pumping out more than enough O-2 to keep the atmosphere viable.

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Nuclear Winters would really suck for survivors. Killing plant life. Killing crops. Killing animals that feed off of those plants. Starvation. Breakdown of society. War for increasingly scarce resources. Etc.


Nuclear War doesn't affect only the main combatants. Everyone is screwed.

Edited by Warmaker01
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Ahh this is a familiar topic.


Plant life will have returned given 200 years. In fact plant life returned to nuclear test sites within a decade. Yes a nuclear winter would have knocked off most plant life however that would have passed and plants would return.


Think about it for a moment - the earth has had 5 extinction level events over is 4.5 billion year history, the last being roughly 66 million years ago and life just keeps coming back. You'd have to totally sterilise the earth, turn it into something like Venus to remove 99.99% of life here.

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Based on the information I have read from the game itself, I did not see any evidence of a nuclear winter, although that should be the case after an extensive nuclear war. I do not know how longterm radiation would affect plants, but the constant radiation storms, combined with acid rain could explain why trees for example wont survive. Even if the atmosphere would clear out over time, the soil would still be contaminated, and most likely not allow much growth.

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It's the style they chose and they're sticking to it.


Hopefully some modder will be able to do something to make it *look* more like a place where it rains 50% of the time, which it does.


Radiation completely doesn't work the way it does on TV, or the way people think it does. Look up Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Google Earth.

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