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I'm Really Losing Interest - Is this game even worth finishing?


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I confess that I don't own Fallout 4, but it is amusing to read people praising the characters and the multitude of quests in Skyrim, since the consensus of the overall gaming public is that the Skyrim characters are flat and its quests uninspiring. (Only mostly agree with this, but I would also add that there're too few quests in vanilla Skyrim as well). I think that with official DLC's and proper mods Skyrim is one of the best games ever, but it took some time to get there from vanilla.


Obviously, that doesn't apply to people who were disappointed with Skyrim, as well... but is Fallout 4 really that bland and contentless?

Edited by LoneWolfEburg
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@ LoneWolfEburg


That is of course a matter of personal taste but for me it was/is. Do not get me wrong. I played it for many hours and do not consider my buy a waste .


That said in many ways it feels like not that much of an improvement over Fallout 3.


The shooting feels better and the crafting system is ok. I actually enjoyed the settlement system to start with but it outstayed its welcome due to the frequent radiant quests just appearing automatically for them all the time. The system also feels rather undeveloped and to be added late in the development cycle.


But i found it very hard to immerse myself in FO4 compared to earlier Bethesda games. There seems to be very few actual sidequests. if one does not include the endless radiant quests which are extremly repetitive. And of the "real" sidequests most just equate to "go there, kill a bunch of X, possibly get an item, return".


While there are many locations to explore (i found 330+ marked locations) i found relativly few of them interesting and they seem to exist just to get you abit more loot and stimpacks etc. In addition something like 30 of the marked locations are player buildable settlements.


Also the mainstory derails like within the first hour and while Bethesda games are known for this to various degrees i found it far worse this time. I also found that despite a decent start the story (or rather its exucution more or less collapsed from midway on.


There are a number of other things and while many of them are small niggles they add up.


Now as always a large number of my personal gripes will be fixed by mods but that is to the modding communities credit and hard work, not Bethesdas.


All in all i feel the game engine they use is really starting to show its age and that by heading more and more towards turning Fallout into a shooter and much less an rpg i am starting to loose interest. Its not a bad game but yeah it feels bland and average to me personally.

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If you an explorer you will have a blast, it amazing in that aspect. Beth outdid themselves, ever played batman arkham asylum? Doesn't top the gardens however.


However, it a bad RPG. I have been a Nintendo gamer for a long time in my life, so it hardly bothers me. But if you want a deep RPG experience, save that cash and get original sin, Grim dawn if you like Ds2 or POE. It even worse if you were playing FNV drunkenly instead of fo3. RPGers have this game in their black lists.


My say is buy it in the next summer sale, patches and the Geck will be out by then you would get a good price for it.

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Objectively the characters (companions, major NPCs) are better than Skyrim's and at worst, they are on par (as in, they exist for the purpose of conveying a small side quest). I haven't done much besides the main quest, which seems all right although a little perfunctory in sticking to plot beats. If anything, the impression it's left is that it's a modder's dream come true - so much underutilised potential everywhere you look, whether it's Goodneighbor or the Minutemen or cats. I take it as a sign that Beth has left it for the community to polish and refine, as usual.


Personally, just want the settlement feature to disappear into a black hole since in its vanilla state, it's nothing more than a glorified Hearthfire along with your usual inane radiant questing thrown in to fluff things up. Lots of content, not sure at this point if much substance in it.


But yeah, that main quest...it needs whoever worked on FNV to come back and redo it, preferably without the truly cliched 'science is EEEBUL' routine plus a ton more dialogue options, to say the least. At this point, I just wish Beth would throw in the towel and outsource this franchise to the community because that's virtually what they are doing anyway. :dry:

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Objectively the characters (companions, major NPCs) are better than Skyrim's and at worst, they are on par (as in, they exist for the purpose of conveying a small side quest). I haven't done much besides the main quest, which seems all right although a little perfunctory in sticking to plot beats. If anything, the impression it's left is that it's a modder's dream come true - so much underutilised potential everywhere you look, whether it's Goodneighbor or the Minutemen or cats. I take it as a sign that Beth has left it for the community to polish and refine, as usual.


Personally, just want the settlement feature to disappear into a black hole since in its vanilla state, it's nothing more than a glorified Hearthfire along with your usual inane radiant questing thrown in to fluff things up. Lots of content, not sure at this point if much substance in it.


But yeah, that main quest...it needs whoever worked on FNV to come back and redo it, preferably without the truly cliched 'science is EEEBUL' routine plus a ton more dialogue options, to say the least. At this point, I just wish Beth would throw in the towel and outsource this franchise to the community because that's virtually what they are doing anyway. :dry:

I don't understand why they bothered making the settlement "feature" in the first place. No matter how much this game is modded those 30 locations and the fact that every item has a "materials list" will bother me. It had to have taken a lot of work to implement and they seem to have shaped the entire game around this one thing. I just don't understand why. I can understand one or two people at Beth thinking "that'd be cool" but how did the whole team go along with all of these unwanted "additions".

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I would not call it unwanted, building a home for yourself or making and running a town can be an amazing RPG aspect for open world games. It doesn't make sense to only buy houses, and not even try to make a small shack somewhere.


Sadly, beth system is one of the worst building systems I have ever seen. It just...no.

Edited by Boombro
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I don't understand why they bothered making the settlement "feature" in the first place. No matter how much this game is modded those 30 locations and the fact that every item has a "materials list" will bother me. It had to have taken a lot of work to implement and they seem to have shaped the entire game around this one thing. I just don't understand why. I can understand one or two people at Beth thinking "that'd be cool" but how did the whole team go along with all of these unwanted "additions".



The settlement was nice at first, but it became apparent the more you play the game, it became somewhat of a chore and really dull feature (beside building your own home sweet home).

Partly due to NPC still behave like in Skyrim. Your settler never seem to converse with each others or even interact at all. There are decorations that would seem can be interacted with, like the pool table. Which I had imagined my settlers would use them after long day of work. I even spend time making a small bar.


But no, they just stood there. They gather around at certain spot in the evening. Standing there like convicts, before retiring to their prison bed.

I felt pretty sad whenever I came back to a lifeless settlement.

Edited by ranggiana
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I would not call it unwanted, building a home for yourself or making and running a town can be an amazing RPG aspect for open world games. It doesn't make sense to only buy houses, and not even try to make a small shack somewhere.


Sadly, beth system is one of the worst building systems I have ever seen. It just...no.

I, personally, think settlements could be one of the main reasons Fo4 isn't a proper RPG. Not as a feature but because scheduling making them cut corners elsewhere. Possibly.


If they def wanted settlements I think I could (on pen and paper) design a better approach without magical workshops and resources based on "junk" constantly hindering carry cap, fast traveling, scrapping the personality out of the environment, turning toys into wood planks, and turning the trademark hopeless, every man for himself, environment of Fallout into an endless pool of resources and respectful NPCs popping up out of nowhere.


As an alternative to settlements altogether, they could have just made a town(s) that you could gain control over, with detailed options attached to it offering a sense of progression. Sounds more appealing to me at least.

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