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too few vaults


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I think this happens every Fallout game. after a while of playing I miss that feeling of discovering a new vault, exploring it and learning the story behind it. eventually I cave and, risking spoilers, look up other vault locations on the internet. sometimes I find I missed one or two (this time it was 95) but then comes the realisation that there are no more vaults left to find in this game. there's still more places to explore, more quests, more people to meet, but without the prospect of more vaults to find the world just feels a little bit emptier


don't get me wrong, I expect there's still much for me to enjoy, but I do wish there were more vaults


also, one day, I really hope to somehow run into one of the brains behind the Vault experiments and beat them senseless with a spanner... while at the same time really looking forward to the next story of what evil ideas they came up with

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I think that the writers have decided to limit the number of Vaults they include in any new game as according to "canon" there were only 122 constructed across the US and we've seen over 25 Vaults so far throughout the series. So It stands to reason that there should only ever be a few Vault in any area and really there should be a good number of regions in the US where there are no vaults at all.

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Yeah 122 total vaults, and let's be honest here... they gotta make this franchise 'stretch' as far as they can. At the present we have 38 canon vaults in the games with 8 additional borderline canon vaults mentioned or in disavowed canon. Assuming they only do 5 vaults per game, at the present we can only do 17 more games before the franchise runs out canon vaults.

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also we have to remember the vaults that arent apart of the vault experiment. like the vault tech vault from FOBoS: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Secret_Vault



so altogether we're looking at 130 vaults tops unless they retcon the limit... which honestly i wouldnt mind if they did by hinting at there being more vaults and the 122 was just the number of vaults in the modern US area and that there are more in Canada and Mexico.

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Fallout : Brotherhood of steel is NOT canon at all as far as i know.

i know it is non-canon i am merely using it's vault as an example of something Bethesda might use later.


Also,we never talk about Fallout : Brotherhood of s*** in the fallout community. It's the banned game of the death. You don't ever write Brotherhood of steel.


What is Brotherhood of steel?

Edited by ApertureScienceXS2000
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