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Unusually long load times addressed in Fallout 4 Beta Patch 1.3.47


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In response to post #33696455.

NCRForever wrote: My load times are exactly as they have always been. Beta or stable. It's still up to 45 seconds. However, there is def some issue with the beta patch and nVidia GeForce Experience. With the beta, it wants me to LOWER my settings by 1/4. I am not sure why because even on max settings, my game runs smoothly with beta or stable. So am not sure what has changed.

Oh, don't get me started on Geforce Experience... lol. I think the idea is good, but I got so fed up of it causing my games to crash, suggesting ridiculously low settings, and just plain not being set up for some games at all, I eventually completely gave up on it. It lowering my Skyrim FPS by about 20 at one point, was the final straw. Now every time I upgrade my drivers, the first thing I do after is uninstall Experience. Edited by J Allin
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In response to post #33696455. #33732115 is also a reply to the same post.

NCRForever wrote: My load times are exactly as they have always been. Beta or stable. It's still up to 45 seconds. However, there is def some issue with the beta patch and nVidia GeForce Experience. With the beta, it wants me to LOWER my settings by 1/4. I am not sure why because even on max settings, my game runs smoothly with beta or stable. So am not sure what has changed.
J Allin wrote: Oh, don't get me started on Geforce Experience... lol. I think the idea is good, but I got so fed up of it causing my games to crash, suggesting ridiculously low settings, and just plain not being set up for some games at all, I eventually completely gave up on it. It lowering my Skyrim FPS by about 20 at one point, was the final straw. Now every time I upgrade my drivers, the first thing I do after is uninstall Experience.

It was doing great for me. Setting everything to max. But after the last two FO4 beta updates, it wants to set it lower. Edited by NCRForever
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In response to post #33571090. #33594520, #33605155, #33614635, #33630775, #33638860, #33644130, #33673835, #33719490 are all replies on the same post.

Mainframe wrote: blah... Am I the only person here whos tired of trying to that all elusive perfect modded game? I speak as a player/smalltime modder since Morrowind. I remember dumping money into a system for Oblivion..hearing oh get a ATI card & ur set. Blah blah blah. I've built system after system & I know it's my fault. I do. I just can't run these games @ default settings. Their ulgy..just plain darn ulgy. You have LOD popin (which drives me nuts!) and an assortment of nonsense that comes with this buggy engine. Build a game with a 32bit exe..why not? have some whacky built in memory limit that crashes your game..sure thing!

Bethesda I'm tired. So tired. I want to play your games. And yeah I know ok. I'm adding more stress on myself with the mods. I get it. I've tried to go clean. To stop abusing myself with these delicious little community induced acid trips. Oh lord have I. But I can't. I can't stop letting modders fix issues that you yourself have ever even commented on.

So yeah I deal with the slow texture loading in F04 with ini settings. And I deal with shadows that tank my GTX Titan (bought to run Skyrim @ max modded goodness..and couldn't due to that memory limit)..and Godrays..oh Godrays how you tank my system but how I want the eye candy....

Ok rant aside. please on the next game get a new freaking engine. STOP talking about the new engine your using when we all know it's the same pos when new paint!

Oh and load times are about the same here after the beta upgrade..thou I'm using a regular HDD
GWDarcX wrote: Man did I enjoyed reading ur Comment and do i agree with you, fine Sir. Keep on Struggeling. Even if it is not worth it, when u think about it in the End. (There is no End. Too - many - Moooods!)

Mainframe wrote: lol
DeMocha wrote: Something of a love-hate relationship with these games to me.

Love the game/s, but i got to agree they need a NEW engine. NOT a upgrade of an upgrade of an upgrade. Especially when many of the same issues still exist from Morrowind, memory leak, loading time increase, save file bloating leading to corruption.
newfy69 wrote: Like many, I've been at Beth's games for years.... and overall, they helped me fill in allot of "personal down time".
Unfortunately, the "filled down time" was mostly due to the need to spend hours upon hours fixing things... mostly via modders (thanks guys/gals).

To date, I've ran through FO4 and most, if not all, quests two times.... and cannot do a third, I just have no interest at all in continuing.
I find the content lacking big time, quests are garbage for the most part, hate the companion system all together.
There are a few memorable npc's, but most are crap and suk big time.
Quest triggers not going off, texture pop ins, tired of having to tweak this, tweak that....forever tweaking.

And don't get me started on settlements.
If I wanted SIMS, I'd buy SIMS... OK !
I like the concept, but it's way to involved and takes away from any storyline (what storyline).
Simply put, WHY must the General build everything, manage everything, fix everything, ... Where are the minuteman, why are they not protecting the settlers ?
Why must I rescue every god damn retard settler ?
How da cluck do 3 bandits get into a heavily fortified settlement with 20 settlers fully armed and armored....with walls and lasers all over the place and cause issues...
lololol.... you get my meaning I am sure.

On a POSITIVE note, I've recently been introduced to Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen.
WOW.... I didn't know what enjoyment, exploration, epic battles, awesome magic and effects were all about.... until now.
You guys want a good/great experience.....I'd suggest giving this title a twirl.
It's the first time in years for me that a game caught my attention like this one.

Goodbye Beth..... like a bad wife, you sucked the life out of me for years.
gmbee wrote: No matter how fast this title will load from a hdd or ssd in the future, for me, Fallout 4 is the black sheep of the Family. It has a vague atmosphere, feels pale and hollow, and I dont even want to start about this rediculous shootification, which follows a completely wrong path, a path Dead Space 3 already fell victim to (and what awesome games DS1 and 2 were). Sad to see where this is going.
DeklanLePek wrote: Amen dude, you are so damn right.
Timerider42 wrote: Good thing FO4 is 64-bit.
gingykilledu19 wrote: LOL I have around 100 mods so load times are a bit longer then normal but I can deal with that.

I am a heavy user of mods with 16 gig memory okay HD and a 6core processor, my video is considered low grade for FO 4 and mid grade for skyrim sighs so little money but need to update my systems video
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In response to post #33570630. #33583920, #33594950, #33602320, #33618630 are all replies on the same post.

dZastreux wrote:

This very annoying bug is still there ( not only "long loading times", for me, but "endless loading times" ! Unless it might unstuck after 5 minutes... Won't check. )

...In my case it happens only ( sometimes ) when trying to go into an interior worldspace from "outside" ( or the other way out ) :
Openeing the door will trigger an endless ( often blank : No model won't even show ) loading screen.

Forcing the game to close, restarting, and then opening the same door again will just work in approx. 20 sec.
It's not happening during laoding savegames or fast-travelling, only in opening doors from a worldspace to another.
( Which is, by the way, a real pain in this game, even when it works, as the gamedesign often forces you to travel back a lot between worldspaces and sometimes to meet people inside buildings you can just fastravel outside of : Twice loading time for free and, for me, a chance the last loading won't even work at all, which I'd be aware of once more than 1 minute would have been spent waiting for nothing !
How to use F5 in a game every minute... )

I'm using ENB .91 and Shadowboost to get less stuttering ( another joy of this Fallout 4 ), but I tried without that and encountered the same bugs.
I also have some texture replacement mods installed, but as it happens randomly and not typically in some places, this bug seems very game related.

I'd say it happen often after approximatively half an hour of gameplay ( meanwhile travelling doors will open correctly ).

Beta patch, yes, I know... Still : Same kind of loading bugs happen since the very beginning... Very ( very ) broken game.
I'm playing and modding Bethesda's game since more than ten years ( Morrowind )
I even became developper because of their games ! - and this one, even if rich of great contents and ideas, is the most buggy I've ever seen coming from them.
Perhaps even the most buggy from all games I've been played to be honnest.
I just can't understand how they managed to go bad so far with all the money and experience they have gathered all these years.
( Not saying this as mad because of this bug, but really because of the incredible amount of all other bugs and unpolished and unfinsihed and poorly or badly done features : This is the first time I ever wonder if I will bother make a mod for a game from Bethesda. Usually, I always do because I love their games. Perhaps this time I won't, even if Fallout 4 has more qualities than their previous games, it mainly also has many many more problems : Too much time wasted yet in just trying to play it to think about trying to mod it... )

Einster wrote: I run Fallout 4 on a ACPI x64 system windoof 10

Nvidia GeForce GTX 660
on ATA runing my HDD with 2TB yes not a SSD a old simple HDD.
Suportet from a old i3 cpu runing with 3,07 GHZ his RAM is 12GB.

The only thing who let my Fallout 4 stutter or lag or delay my aktions on full details with the vivid landscape 2k mod is my logitech software. if i play fallout i turn it off and i can enjoy.

I dont know what you are all saying about "i have high end pc and im laggin i have crashs", it must be a fail in your clocking or management of your device.

On my pc are only few games instaled fallout 3-4 dota and a mmo.
Maybe your device space is to low. Or your SSD is going to die, cuz they are not made to install and deinstall many things.

Btw on my device fallout run well and the loading times are the same as befor, if i enter a dungeon i can cost me 1 min, fast traffel i think maybe 30-40seconds but i think this is okay for my old system. And im more as happy that they made fallout 4 so pc friendly o:

i like the beta patch o: after some troubles with mods it runs well.
GWDarcX wrote: I want to agree with Einster. I did a small test. I used the OV Genius Lite tech from MSI to overclock my System Automatically. The Result - Stuttering, teh Framrate dropped from 55 - 40 indoors to 20 but while it was going down the Game fully stopped for teh Fraction of a Second. Stutter appeared. Running on an AMD FX 6300 with overclocked to 4,1 GHz stable at 65 degrees (Sycthe katana 4 Cooler) 8 GB of DDR 3 with 667 mhz clock or something like this I ain´t no Pro :D I run on an older 1 TG HDD with a shitty MSI Mainboard, but with a pretty decent running Asus R9 270X 2 GB, DCII Top, a fairly good Graphics Card. So thats my Thought - since Einster said taht bad clocking CAn be a Culprit, and i previously did such Test wich turned out to harden his evidence what does a Man with Knowledge says to that? Is it possible taht a lot of People have just horrible clocking Profiles with 'Awww yeah 100000 GHz per Core mmmh, sho goo' but in reality their Clock make steh Whole system go garbage? I don´t know much about it, but apparently it looks like it.
CZukoff wrote: Asus Maxmimus V Extreme Z77 Board
i7 3770k 3.5ghz
3 EVGA GTX 770 4gb ACX SC cards
32gb Corsair DDR3 2400hrz
1/2 TB Crucial SSD

(Upper mid grade gaming rig)

Windows 10

Zero Mods
Zero Overlocking

Never experienced a load time more than 4-5 seconds to date, consistent 50+ FPS, one of THE LEAST buggiest Bethesda releases in memory. And like you I've been around since Morrowind came out and learned a fair amount about video game development thanks to Bethesda's policy regarding their games development.

On a side note I aslo built a buddy a PC 3-4 months ago consisting of an I5 2550k, 16gb DDR3 1600hrz, EVGA GTX 970 4gb ACX 2.0, WD Black 1TB HDD, windows 10, And some random MSI Micro ATX Mobo I salvaged from an old "prebuilt" PC.

And hes running the same setting as me (Max settings/distances) and has had no dramatic load times, hitching, lag spikes, or "Fit" worthy issue...

So... Maybe try a reformat, or a smiple reinstall of the game without the mods and overclocking.
GWDarcX wrote: I guees thats a good Starting Point to reformat the Disk, i did that too after a couple of Years using my System ad it helped me a lot with Startup Time and a little biot with Fps (I guees) Well we will see whta Beth gives us for the Future, I hope the Creation Kit will solve some Problems :D

I have an 15-3690k overclocked to 4.2 GHz with 240mm liquid cooler and factory overclocked msi r9 390. If I apply any graphics overclock at all Fallout 4 crashes on startup but no other games have a problem.

I have found odd spots in interiors and exteriors that drop from 60 to 40 fps for no obvious reason. One spot was simply 2 lights shining on a wall in Malden Research Center, even though there were other walls with the same lights shining on them that caused no problems.

Initial load time with 50 plugins including big mods like Homemaker and OC Decorator never takes more than 30 secs from my SSD.
Tried the Beta patch and could not use a single mod with it, even with deleting and re-editing the ini files after the launcher recreated them. Will not touch it till it is released as a stable update.

As Mainframe said in his rant/post, I can only hope Bethesda follows CD Project Red in building a new engine for their next game, because they are only hurting themselves and limiting their potential. There is no reason to get 20fps drops in this day and age.

Tl-DR: Patch breaks my mods, Bethesda needs to stop shooting themselves in the foot and get a new engine. This game should run better on my system. Edited by Timmster
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This is my first post on these forums, but I am a long time lurker.


I have been playing Bethesda games since Morrowind, back when I had an Athlon XP!


Anyway, this is the first Bethesda game, since Morrowind, where in its Vanilla state I had not 1 CTD!


Played the game straight through as Vanilla (always try this before modding so I have a baseline to judge against), and was just overjoyed at the fact that it ran like hot butter.


Load times were slow, but this was mainly because, at the time, I was running on a 5 year old WD HDD ^_^;;;


Soon as I swapped to a SSD (transcend ssd250 if ya wander), load times basically vanished.


NOW, since I have started modding like mad (think I have like 68+ mods atm, not at home so couldn't tell you a full figure), the load times have basically remained steady. Areas where I have added tremendous amounts of mods (e.g. settlements), load times are longer, but not to the point its aggravating.


I have seen it mentioned above that people need to check that they have changed their method of MOD validation in their ini files. YOU MUST DO THIS. The one time I did have any lag, was due to this ONE fact. Was like, "...wow this is taking a long time. Hmm check Nexus...oh look a new way to mod in the ini files...[changes ini settings]...ah there we go now no load time." That. Was. It.


Now, in Skyrim, we had the whole issue of it being "kinda" large address aware, meaning that you could get infinite loading screens. So, I can see how people would be worried this bug is back to bite us in the behind. However, I think this (for most players), is simply a matter of incorrect ini settings, combined with maybe too many mods in a given "in-game" location.


Also, keep in mind that the creation kit isn't out yet, so understanding mod organisation and correct mod delineation is still a bit of sorcery rather than science. So it would also help to fiddle your load orders and see if that fixes any load lag.



TLDR: Check your INI files, Check your Load Order, Check how many mods you have in a given location, Switch to a SSD, Be Happy! :D

Edited by vangriffeth
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1. if you did the preload, day one launch, or a beta, best thing you can do is backup your saves, uninstall the game, delete the Fallout 4 preferences folder in My Games, and if the Folder is still there after the uninstall in steam, and reinstall the game.


2. Avoid the beta's unless you don't mind, but keep a copy of your save games someplace else so the beta does not butcher them.


3. Save Game files the add up in the GB's quick, and will slow down games initial load. Each of your characters get on them make one new save for each, once you are done, go to the Fallout 4 saves folder sort by date and remove all past save game files to load up your initial slow startup of the game.


4. if you are having performance issues after all of this use shadow booster, turn down your settings, because the CPU is not getting utilized enough to push the game with its shadows and other options you are lucky if you see 40-46% cpu load. At times you will only see 3% load...


5. Harass Bethesda none stop demand they use their DX11 and implement gpu shadows or fix their engine to take advantage of the cpu and other resources available. Slam them on FB/Twitter/Their Forums pointing out their flaws and especially implementing in Gameworks features before the core game is running correctly. Even harass Pete Hines on Twitter I am sure he had something to do with the little nvidia gives them money to put in Gameworks deal, that lead to cut content, poor content, and a buggy un-optimized engine for the PC. Most of you screamed bloody murder to Valve and Bethesda about paid mods, time to do the same for what they have done to Fallout 4.

Edited by donta1979
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In response to post #33833420.

donta1979 wrote: 1. if you did the preload, day one launch, or a beta, best thing you can do is backup your saves, uninstall the game, delete the Fallout 4 preferences folder in My Games, and if the Folder is still there after the uninstall in steam, and reinstall the game.

2. Avoid the beta's unless you don't mind, but keep a copy of your save games someplace else so the beta does not butcher them.

3. Save Game files the add up in the GB's quick, and will slow down games initial load. Each of your characters get on them make one new save for each, once you are done, go to the Fallout 4 saves folder sort by date and remove all past save game files to load up your initial slow startup of the game.

4. if you are having performance issues after all of this use shadow booster, turn down your settings, because the CPU is not getting utilized enough to push the game with its shadows and other options you are lucky if you see 40-46% cpu load. At times you will only see 3% load...

5. Harass Bethesda none stop demand they use their DX11 and implement gpu shadows or fix their engine to take advantage of the cpu and other resources available. Slam them on FB/Twitter/Their Forums pointing out their flaws and especially implementing in Gameworks features before the core game is running correctly. Even harass Pete Hines on Twitter I am sure he had something to do with the little nvidia gives them money to put in Gameworks deal, that lead to cut content, poor content, and a buggy un-optimized engine for the PC. Most of you screamed bloody murder to Valve and Bethesda about paid mods, time to do the same for what they have done to Fallout 4.

Thank you for #3! I always wondered why my framerate would be stuck at 15-30 on the main menu for 5 minutes before going back up to 60. I never overwrite saves in case I want to go back, and have nearly 6GB of them. After moving them to another folder the game started up as quickly as on day one.
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