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Hasn't Wolfenstein already had swastikas in their games for something like 20 years now?


Perhaps Wolfenstein was banned in those countries and people wouldn't know about its existence. Not surprised.



You maybe surprised to learn that Wolfenstein3D for instance was not banned . Just heavily edited so it did not show the Nazi Swastika . Also the Anthem of the Hitler regime was edited out . Even the Boss was changed so he did not resemble Hitler that precisely anymore .



Game developers go to some lenghts n/p to get their Games on the market in Germany .


Same is true for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"....well, any game of the Series obviously XD .


p.s.: you really think people in Germany would not know about that GameSeries if it had been banned ? Really ? *sheesh*

Edited by Kastergir
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Dumb arse Racist Card holders these days. Get over yourselves and realize that some of us have different views. As a Gulf War Veteran I love what the Nazi's did during wartime because that's war. And then omg the Confederate flag is soooo bad too lol Just because you don't like something doesn't give you the right to take someone else's liberties and beliefs away. So get over yourselves in thinking your an online mall cop that's going to rid out racism and stick your nose back in your own pie hole of life. And lastly the symbol used by the Nazi's on their flag etc. was not designed by them originally so the symbol itself is NOT racist. It continues to be commonly used as a religious symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism

Edited by krossbonzz
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Dumb arse Racist Card holders these days. Get over yourselves and realize that some of us have different views. As a Gulf War Veteran I love what the Nazi's did during wartime because that's war. And then omg the Confederate flag is soooo bad too lol Just because you don't like something doesn't give you the right to take someone else's liberties and beliefs away. So get over yourselves in thinking your an online mall cop that's going to rid out racism and stick your nose back in your own pie hole of life. And lastly the symbol used by the Nazi's on their flag etc. was not designed by them originally so the symbol itself is NOT racist. It continues to be commonly used as a religious symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism


Yeah, you know, its a legal thing really . Germany, as its own sovereign, is absolutely free to make its laws as it sees fit, and tbh. I am quite amazed how much disrespect this fact earns in this discussion...i.e." stupid idiots"..."get over yourselves"...."blahblah" etc. How about "Stupid US of A, friggin get your Gun laws sorted already, its idiotic people can buy guns and ammo in Supermarkets ! " Sounds good ?


And yeah, it is a well known religious Symbol....which is part of why the laws prohibiting its useage/public display are problematic, since Germany also grants freedom of religious practice XD . But it can get much more trivial than that...a few years ago, I was flying back from India with a box of matches in my pocket...both sides of the cover richly decorated with deity depictions, a svastika in each of the 4 corners . I actually was a little bit worried when passing through customs...


Oh, and btw..."loving what the Nazis did during wartime because that's war"....is kindof...idk what to call it really . Let me tiptoe around it : If you had half as much of a clue about what the Nazis did during wartime as I have, you would NOT have written that . Or, maybe you still would have. Which would make you a deeply disturbed person In my book .

Edited by Kastergir
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As a Gulf War Veteran I love what the Nazi's did during wartime because that's war



Gulf War Veteran or not, that's a dumb thing to say. Hopefully badly worded from someone with no tact, rather than an actual admission of admiration for the lengths the Germans went to during their wartime.


Respect their tactics on the battlefield, sure, but don't respect their actions during the war in totality.

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I think... it's the way they viewed war which I can kind of appreciate rather than the methods they employed. As hard as it is to admit, we live in a world where war is a novelty removed from our personal lives, it is a thing which occurs out of sight, a glorified form of entertainment for national prestige. Our modern world thinks little of the ravages of war because such things occur removed from the larger population, elsewhere. Instead, we have the nasty tendency to think only of the prestige, glory, and general sense of self-aggrandizement brought upon from fighting what we naturally view as a just cause.


However, they viewed war differently. War was a means to an end, an exercise of the military machine, mechanical, precise, objectified. War wasn't something you did to appease the burdened conscious of the self. War was something you did to perform a mere function. That... is a very different type of mindset you don't see much of anymore, and it makes for a type of enemy you definitely don't want to ###k around with.


People who think like that don't fight wars as posturing sport like we do now-a-days. They fight to win, no posturing, just straight forward butchery. In short, they took war more seriously back then than we do today. And note, I said 'they,' because the United States has own interesting spin on National Socialism... but I would rather not talk about such things.


OK, I'm done. No more attention to this board.

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It's not even that simple. It was a war just to have a war, more or less.


By 35-36, after Schacht had stabilized it once, the German economy was threatening to tank AGAIN, because Hitler was using the limited foreign currency from exports to build a big army instead of on resources for the industry. Hjalmar Schacht and others actually petitioned Hitler to stop that. It didn't work.


At the same time, while in the countries around Germany the life expectancy was rising, in Germany it was dropping. Especially juvenile mortality was going up. Why? Because Hitler had stopped food imports, to pay for building a big army instead. Especially protein intake was becoming a major problem discussed even at the top. Germans were getting malnourished.


The whole plan to starve a few million Ukrainians to death to feed Germans instead -- and yes, they actually planned and calculated how many Ukrainians have to die, among other people -- was a self-manufactured problem. Germany could feed its own citizens perfectly well, if it didn't choose to pay for a war instead.




So basically the "war never changes" BS is false. It was a war for resources, but those resources were just needed for the sake of having a war. It was literally a war just for the sake of having a war.


Regardless of what you think about the Gulf War, I like to think it's not just some kind of war-boner reason. Which really is what WW2 boils down to.

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Dumb arse Racist Card holders these days. Get over yourselves and realize that some of us have different views. As a Gulf War Veteran I love what the Nazi's did during wartime because that's war. And then omg the Confederate flag is soooo bad too lol Just because you don't like something doesn't give you the right to take someone else's liberties and beliefs away. So get over yourselves in thinking your an online mall cop that's going to rid out racism and stick your nose back in your own pie hole of life. And lastly the symbol used by the Nazi's on their flag etc. was not designed by them originally so the symbol itself is NOT racist. It continues to be commonly used as a religious symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism

You love what they did to the Jews? Are you psycho? Do you even have a soul?


This thread needs shut down.

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As a Gulf War Veteran I love what the Nazi's did during wartime because that's war



Gulf War Veteran or not, that's a dumb thing to say. Hopefully badly worded from someone with no tact, rather than an actual admission of admiration for the lengths the Germans went to during their wartime.


Respect their tactics on the battlefield, sure, but don't respect their actions during the war in totality.



Initially, they made great strategies. But toward the end, they lost the war mainly due to their lack of foresight. Afrika Corps lost to lack of fuel, and in Russia they lost to miscalculated the super harsh winter. Not to undermine Allies' efforts, Allies too made a lot of mistakes. But in wartime, desperate moments require desperate measures, and sometimes you just won't know if it comes out as a win or a stupid mistake until ... much later.


Not to say I wished the war did go on longer (what a bad thing to say), but German did plan a lot of amazing prototype weapons (like some awesome looking plane), while Allies planned for a super carrier (bigger than any carrier we have in existence), and it is made out of .... an iceberg? (or maybe I mix up 2 different things). But bigger doesn't always mean better. The super railgun German made was a big waste of money and resources and probably saw service once.

Edited by tomomi1922
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As a Gulf War Veteran I love what the Nazi's did during wartime because that's war



Gulf War Veteran or not, that's a dumb thing to say. Hopefully badly worded from someone with no tact, rather than an actual admission of admiration for the lengths the Germans went to during their wartime.


Respect their tactics on the battlefield, sure, but don't respect their actions during the war in totality.



Initially, they made great strategies. But toward the end, they lost the war mainly due to their lack of foresight. Afrika Corps lost to lack of fuel, and in Russia they lost to miscalculated the super harsh winter. Not to undermine Allies' efforts, Allies too made a lot of mistakes. But in wartime, desperate moments require desperate measures, and sometimes you just won't know if it comes out as a win or a stupid mistake until ... much later.


Not to say I wished the war did go on longer (what a bad thing to say), but German did plan a lot of amazing prototype weapons (like some awesome looking plane), while Allies planned for a super carrier (bigger than any carrier we have in existence), and it is made out of .... an iceberg? (or maybe I mix up 2 different things). But bigger doesn't always mean better. The super railgun German made was a big waste of money and resources and probably saw service once.



wow....just wow....


although even i, as a german, can show some respect for tactics and technology, calling what was done "desperate measures" is completely off.

what happened was planned genocide, massmurder... long before any "desperate mesures" could count in.

as soon as "we" invaded poland, the murder of "unwanted humans" began behind the lines.

there was no desperation, just the will to kill everything that might be a threat, took up valuable space or just didn't fit into the ideology.


what i find funny is: the germans learned their lesson... and now are called "cowards" if they choose not to jump into every war big brother might want to start for their own sake.



but this thread really has to be closed down...

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