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Ad reporting functionality


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I compliment Dark0ne for this very reasoned article.


Well, I do use Adblock pretty much everywhere whereever I surf. But here on Nexus I decided to take up the cheap offer for Supporter membership. Nexus provides a real service, it's a great hub for sharing mods, and I want it to stay that way. The cost of some $2 for life is ridiculously cheap in my opinion.


I would encourage all free members to honestly ask themselves if Nexus indeed does not deserve this small investment from you. And also ask yourself what you would do if Nexus was your site and you were faced with a $800'000 bill per year running it...

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In response to post #35630357. #35630877, #35634887, #35635242 are all replies on the same post.

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Couldn't you allow for options like the paysafecard which allows you to pay securely and anonymously?
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I use an adblocker, and one of the biggest things for me is


Ads take so long to load.

I dont want annoying ads done in flash with moving parts. I dont want ads that slow the page down while they load, or prevent it from being loaded at all until they load.


I turned it off after reading the article, only for the reload to take several seconds longer than with it on.


In addition, while i am typing this, a new ad just appeared on the page which is currently slowing down me typing this.


The site is just noticeably slower without adblock.(It seems ads reload and change themselves out, which is what seems happening right now, and is very slow when it happens.


Plus, none of these ads are relevant to us. If the ads could be directed more towards something people who play videogames might want...

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Thank you so very much for this feature Dark0ne. I started using Adblock because of the frigging autoplaying sound ads, which for some ungodly reason were the only ones that would ever load on my end. Now that we can actually get rid of those, I think it's time I whitelist the Nexus again.
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In response to post #35630357. #35630877, #35634887, #35635242, #35636402 are all replies on the same post.

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the concept of buying anything online in total anonymity is quite amusing to me. Can't see any way for that to actually mesh with the reality that the information is there, and more people than you realize know it.
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