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Now that I know you are working against the kind of ads I hate, them being the reason I use adblocker at all, I have decided to turn off adblocker for this site. I am glad to hear that a site is actually trying to make ads less annoying and malicious like this, and sharing that info with the users. I hope one day, I won't have to use adblock to not see those bad ads.
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In response to post #35630357. #35630877 is also a reply to the same post.

DreamingGirl wrote: I would buy premium if I could do so without giving up my personal information. A simple 'pay with paypal' button would suffice. I don't give out my real name and address on the internet unless it is vital. Sorry.
Dark0ne wrote: Feel free to give false info at the start then give proper info (for obvious reasons) to Pay Pal, if you wish. Bearing in mind anyone you buy off online can see your name and address anyway (which is all the site asks for) so really...whether you do or don't, the store always sees your details anyway!

But Nexus isn't a 'store' by any stretch of the word. Giving your name and address to Amazon is one thing, as they obviously need it to send you your goods. They also have strict security measures to keep your private data private. But Nexus is a gaming fan site, and have no need for this info. Nothing personal, but I doubt a privately owned site like this would have the same kind of security measures in place.

As long as I can not make this purchase completely anonymously, I unfortunately will not buy it. Just my two cents :)
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I will admit, I do run AdBlock (still do, I'm probably going to wait a little while on turning it off, and I'll mention my reasonings below) and I'll admit that I do so while feeling more than just a bit guilty.


First and foremost, my reason for not turning it off immediately: The Nexus is an always open tab for me, but not often checked. I'll wait for the most annoying ones (video ads, pop-ups, sound ads) to be killed off first before I think about turning AdBlock off for the Nexus. Why? Because at any time, I may be watching a YouTube video, a series on Hulu (where my adblock is honestly disabled. I will tolerate commercials when binge watching a series), playing a video game, or just browsing a forum somewhere. If, out of nowhere, it sounds like the apocalypse has occurred in a tab, I'm going to be rather upset.


As for ads that I think should also be reported, I'd like to suggest anything that uses Flash. I don't know how many times I've had a Flash-based ad crash Adobe Flash Player while I was doing something else.


Now, I understand, I may seem cold and heartless, planning on waiting a month or two to turn my ad block back off, but I have my reasons. I'd rather not put up with an ad providing annoyance while I'm not even paying attention to the tab, forcing me to stop what I'm doing to go kill it.


Now, as to answer the inevitable "Why don't you buy supporter or premium?" questions, the answer to that is, "I've tried." Visa Gift Cards apparently don't like it when you try to order something in the USA that requires spending something that isn't the Dollar. I don't have a standard credit card, nor do I plan to get one. As such, I use ad-block because I couldn't get rid of the ads by paying to remove them, not because I couldn't afford it, but because I wasn't allowed to pay for it. Do I feel guilty for it? Yeah, I do. I know ads are the only way for some sites to survive. I'd gladly have paid to get rid of them, but wasn't able to complete the transaction.


As for my reasons for using an adblocker, you've hit most of them. I avoid annoyances (loud autoplaying ads, flash ads that cause Adobe Crash Player to throw up, ads that cover content, and any ad that causes slowdowns of my system) while avoiding malware at the same time. I look at it a bit personally on the level of annoyance versus the level of guilt. I can either be guilt free, but annoyed (and possibly angry), or I can be annoyance free, but feeling guilty. One of the two makes me feel like crap, the other makes me want to punch my screens. I'll take the one that doesn't give me a headache.


So, in a month or two, I'll probably turn my adblocker off for the Nexus. Until then, I'll feel lightly guilty about not doing so, but at the same time not feel irritated by yet-another-loud-ad suddenly trying to get my attention.

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In response to post #35634417.

ChEclarinetist wrote: Adblock+ user here, chiming in to say I'll be giving another go of running this site without the ads blocked. I tried it before, lasted 2 days before I hit an ad with autoplay sound that could not be muted, so up went the adblocker again. The only reason I use adblocker is because of the annoyance of pop-up ads, force redirects (granted those are very rare), and autoplay sound. Would do wonders if the ad providers and ad makers realized that these types of ads just piss off viewers and are what are driving the adblocker usage.

If you use Firefox you can prevent being directed to another site.
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i disabled my adblocker for this site since i know how its privately owned and not really rolling in the dough from ads being the only source of income to support a massive.. ahem... nexus of users and content..

its nice to see them giving back

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In response to post #35630357. #35630877, #35634887 are all replies on the same post.

DreamingGirl wrote: I would buy premium if I could do so without giving up my personal information. A simple 'pay with paypal' button would suffice. I don't give out my real name and address on the internet unless it is vital. Sorry.
Dark0ne wrote: Feel free to give false info at the start then give proper info (for obvious reasons) to Pay Pal, if you wish. Bearing in mind anyone you buy off online can see your name and address anyway (which is all the site asks for) so really...whether you do or don't, the store always sees your details anyway!
DreamingGirl wrote: But Nexus isn't a 'store' by any stretch of the word. Giving your name and address to Amazon is one thing, as they obviously need it to send you your goods. They also have strict security measures to keep your private data private. But Nexus is a gaming fan site, and have no need for this info. Nothing personal, but I doubt a privately owned site like this would have the same kind of security measures in place.

As long as I can not make this purchase completely anonymously, I unfortunately will not buy it. Just my two cents :)

As I said, you can enter Mickey Mouse, Disney Land on the site if you care that much. You just, naturally, have to use the correct details on Pay Pal in order for your card to actually work.
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In response to post #35627322. #35627617, #35627792, #35628007, #35628477, #35628922, #35629122, #35629182, #35629262, #35629352, #35632922 are all replies on the same post.

Psijonica wrote: As someone who has been very critical with most of Dark0ne's positions in the past I have to support this decision. I do believe he is trying to find a middle ground. The fact of the matter is simply that expenses are rising almost exponentially and so if everybody paid the 1-2 dollars then add revenue would not even be necessary.

And that brings me to my point: This is the area that should be focused on. How do you get more people to buy memberships? You would think 2 dollars would be an easy sale yet it seems you are unable to turn that around in your favour. This is an issue that needs to be solved.

I think you need help in this area. I don't think you will get the results to want by increasing download speeds. I do think it comes down to "PACKAGING." You are not "selling" it effectively.

Years ago I predicted that Pay-for-Mods would one day become a reality and I have also predicted that in the future the hard costs of running a service like this will become so high that some type of "Membership" will be required to download mods. I can picture a future scenario where in ten years users would get 100 free downloads and then they would have to buy a basic $2 membership. *Again like all predictions they don't happen exactly as predicted but I picture something along this vein.*

piotrmil wrote: > I can picture a future scenario where in ten years users would get 10 free downloads and then they would have to buy a basic $2 membership.

Oh sweet cheese and crackers, no. That's a horrible future. Although, to be completely honest, that wouldn't hinder playing with mods in ANY way. People would simply upload their stuff (or other people's stuff) elsewhere. So that silly and - let's hope to god - hypothetical restriction will do absolutely nothing.
Psijonica wrote: I think it is inevitable.

I think that is going to happen across the board so it would be3 an even playing field. The costs are sky rocketing. Every year the costs are going up.

The real point is how to turn over more memberships. How do you turn more users into paid memberships?
piotrmil wrote: Well, I seriously do hope that you will be wrong. Although, as the modgate showed us, we are prepared for the worst, and have a correct mindset. Just like Nexus does - the addition of donation button, a donation - not-obligatory payment - was the simplest rebuttal against Steam. It's the simple fact that telling people "you can do that" is better than "you HAVE to do that".

As for how to attract more memebrships, I dunno.
Psijonica wrote: Let me tell something. They way the internet looks now is a nightmare. When I turn on my iPad and get bombarded by all these adds everywhere make me want to turn it off. 15 years ago if someone told me that this is what the internet would look like I would be saying the same thing you are saying now, "Oh sweet cheese and crackers, no. That's a horrible future." But yet here we are.

In a perfect internet everything would be free but we lost that internet a long time ago. The corporations are here and they have monetized the internet so we are now slaves to this reality. Every year the costs are rising and they are rising FAST! There will be a time where all websites will enforce an AddBlocker ban. That is the future and because of that I believe "Memberships" will become a requirement.

If you read Dark0ne's post he says the same thing. Forbes is blocking AddBlockers now and they are not the only ones to do it.

Now that doesn't mean that there won't be AddBlockers. It does mean that the future will be different and your experience online will not be the same as it is today.
uhmattbravo wrote: The problem with paying for mods is that the quality isn't consistent. Some of us aren't professional software developers, we just learn as we go. Have you never tried a mod, and thought to yourself "wow, even if they ever actually finish it, this mod would still suck." Would you want to pay money for that mod? Should it cost the same as something absolutely incredible?

So what do you do? Prevent people who don't know what they're doing from even trying? In that case, what about those few you find that say things like "don't judge too harshly, it's my first mod" that turn out to be amazing?

The only time paying for mods is the answer is when the question is "how could I ruin something beautiful?"
absintheminded wrote: I use AdBlock on every site bar this one. But I really ought to shell out the £1.29. Hell, it's cheaper than a two litre of Coke.

Btw, bravo for the 'report ad' feature. I was working, forgot I'd left Nexus open, and got the fright of my life when my speakers blared out "Getcher cheeto-lovin' ass off the couch". I mean, rude to gamers much? Sod off, I'll eat my bloody crisps whilst taking down ghouls if I want.
Psijonica wrote: This post is not about paying for mods. Lets stay on topic please.
Psijonica wrote: it's cheaper than a two litre of Coke

hahahaha that is a great catch-line! :teehee:
uhmattbravo wrote: Mandatory paid membership = paying for mods
Psijonica wrote: Yes and No. Indirectly perhaps,.. but that is what these mods are worth. If I would take the number of mods I have downloaded and divide that by $2 then I believe that is a fair price.

If Nexusmods wants my $2 then they'll get it. I tip a lot more at the pub :woot:

>When I turn on my iPad and get bombarded by all these adds everywhere make me want to turn it off.

Never had an iPad, but surely someone has figured it out how to block ads there, right? I know you can root androids and install some blockers there (never did that anyway, so I might be wrong).

And yeah, I get that the cost are rising, and all of that, but at the same time, every time something monumentally stupid happens - like if someone wants you to pay for something that is free - someone smarter comes along and shows how to omit that. Or, in a few cases people revolt, and the barrier is gone.

>Mandatory paid membership = paying for mods

I'm willing to agree with that, even though it is not "directly" true. Either way, we have to stay on guard to make sure these things won't happen. Edited by piotrmil
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In response to post #35627282. #35627707, #35628177, #35629397 are all replies on the same post.

adammcbane wrote: Wow very nice thank you for this. The auto ads are my pretty much only issue so glad to hear this, to me it at least shows our opinions matter more. This makes me want to go premium when I can for sure.
Psijonica wrote: Hi, I just want to use your post as an example.

You see it only costs $2.00 to remove the adds. Is that not affordable to you?

The reason I ask is because you mentioned in your post that you would do it when you "can". That kind of paints a picture that you think it is an expensive thing to do.

So my question to you is: How cheap does it have to be for you to buy a membership today?

No offence to you. Please don't take this as me being rude. I am really trying to help this site because I believe that this idea which is not knew is not being Packaged properly.

So again I honestly ask you, How much would you pay to remove adds today. As in right now, right away. If the Nexusmods and Dark0ne offered you a, "LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP" that permanently removed adds FOREVER, what would that be worth to you? How much would you pay? If Dark0ne offered that to you for $1 dollar would you buy it right now?
piotrmil wrote: Remember Psijonica that your argument is slightly flawed - just because someone doesn't pay for some optional feature doesn't mean they don't have money, or think the price is set too high. For some the fact that the price is set at all is already an issue. For example, I'm playing a free-to-play game right now which constantly punishes me for not getting some upgrades with mone- I mean, no, not money, uh, jewels! Yes, totally not money. But I promised myself never to stoop such low and use any of the payment options.
Psijonica wrote: It is not an argument but a question: What will it take to get you to buy a membership today?

Nothing, really, since I don't need it. Edited by piotrmil
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I never regretted taking the 1 month of premium membership. Being a supporter for something that is as great as the Nexus and all the people behind it feels really good.


Keep going @ Nexus.

Edited by blattgeist
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