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Outside Looking In: Does Real-Time Combat Even Work?


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So,in other words,my understanding was mostly wrong... But crits are still impossible to do if you're playing in real-time. Crits,which dominated my play style in New Vegas,each and every time. Don't get me wrong,being able to press a button in VATS to get a crit off when you need it most is nice. But completely removing random crits does nothing but completely remove a potential mode of play from the game,and that cheeses my onions.



I've always enjoyed randon crits, but they are no great loss from FO4 because the game is full of combat encounters which are more difficult than what you usually find in FO3 or NV. Banked crits, which were unnecessary in the other games, have real utility in FO4.

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I've always enjoyed randon crits, but they are no great loss from FO4 because the game is full of combat encounters which are more difficult than what you usually find in FO3 or NV. Banked crits, which were unnecessary in the other games, have real utility in FO4.


Good point, this shows why it's hard to compare games based on a single feature. Often the feature will be heavily influenced by the context in which it's used.

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I almost never use Vats....Maybe used it like 20 times so far...Got hundreds of hours in and don't miss crits.


I've never had issues switching weapons but sometimes I don't switch guns I just use the riffle, grenades, and run up an bash em.

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It's a playstyle issue. I don't use VATS at all. I don't spend any perks on it. It's just another choice.


Also, I only use semiautomatic and bolt action rifles once I get them. No energy weapons at all. No rocket launchers. I use a mini-gun once. No grenades.


You, of course, are free to do as you please.

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If you are the kind of player that likes shooter games, you should even want to have critical hits. There is nothing realistic about a bullet magically doing more damage just because you have raised your critical bar. It is an rpg element for rpg style gamer who like to use VATS.


Keep the VATS stuff like criticals in VATS and keep the shooter elements clean. Everyone should be happy here.

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played entire game with only using VATS to 'cheat' (More on that in a moment) on survival, am level 180(ish?) now.


Never felt a need for it, except for the 'cheat'


The cheat is just to 'check' if there are mobs I cannot see in the distance(hit vats real quick and it will zoom in on nearest target, enemy or friendly, in your cone of view)


I can happily go without vats(And when the revamped survival mode is out, I am going to hope someone creates a mod to completely remove it from the game)


(Not knocking those who enjoy vats at all, just saying from my POV and playstyle its unneeded, for either melee or ranged combat, and diminishes the game's 'fun factor' for me)

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