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Survival mode disable mods?


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I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure Bethesda has some sort of agenda here that involves forcing Bethesda.net on us and making plugin managers like NMM useless.

I am concerned about the same thing and fear that you may be correct. Although attempts by industry types to go down the proprietary route is seldom successful, it doesn't seem to put them off. I'm particularly concerned as Bethsoft seem to be repeatedly upping the stakes with mod-prevention with FO4, and I worry that they may not figure out it's as bad an idea as when anyone else does it until they find out the hard way.

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Curious, I am planning to do a backup to try the beta mod free while keeping my 1.4 game intact. That said, rather than renaming my current folder, then verifying (and thus redownloading the entire game), is it not possible to rename my folder, then make a complete copy / paste and naming the copy back to fallout 4, and do a verify of that folder? will that not work to save me redownloading the entire game?

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Almost everyone seems to be missing the true reality here; plugin-based mods have been disabled since the first patch. At launch, that functionality was simply hidden in the vanilla launcher. Ever since the first update, we've had to go around the launcher to use such mods - this fits the definition of 'disabled'. The new beta merely stiffens the enforcement via the executable itself. All arguments about the necessity of disabling mods for the purposes of beta feedback etc.etc etc. blahblahblah are nonsense, because disabling plugin-based mods made before Bethesda releases their CK has been their intent all along.


The worst part is Bethesda representatives (jurassica and gstaff) have both stated that mods aren't disabled, when the game itself has been disabling them right along (except for straight replacers).


Simply put, Bethesda isn't being straight with us on the subject of mods.


I guess I hadn't considered the fact that in order to make plugins even run, you have to do some .ini tweaking.


I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure Bethesda has some sort of agenda here that involves forcing Bethesda.net on us and making plugin managers like NMM useless.


I'm going to file this theory with the theory that the jews did pearl harbor.


There is no logical indication of this, nor reason to even consider it.

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that will work I always did the verify method just to insure I had a totally clean install with no stray files.


Got ya. I may at some point, but this will be the easiest route for me to get some testing in.


I am, however, highly curious about what I was reading / seeing in another thread, showing that the 1.5 fallout 4 .exe is actually communicating with a mods.services.bethesda.net. (There is a screencap showing it, assuming its not just a ploy by a troll trying to stir more fighting over this.)


That to me is quite curious if true -- it can certainly be some kind of groundwork for the pending release of the GECK, or it could be something else entirely.. People are of course assuming the worst though. *shrug* I plan to keep a 1.4 backup either way till the dust settles. I really think people are getting worked up over nothing, but I also am willing to accept I could ultimately be wrong, and thus I have a plan B :)



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Then again, just browsing Peter Hines twitter feed, and crossed this:


(Apologies, I have no clue how to copy twitter comments over properly -- I don't use it, so.)



Azrael ‏@ArchAzrael Mar 30

Hey. @DCDeacon True or false: The recent beta moves you guys made are because you're about the cut out 3rd party mod access like Nexusmods?
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Pete Hines ‏@DCDeacon 24h24 hours ago

@ArchAzrael 1) I don't know what you're talking about. 2) if you want to continue to use those sites, you can. Presumably you already are.
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Azrael ‏@ArchAzrael 24h24 hours ago

@DCDeacon *After* the beta period,will Bethesda be cutting off the ability to sideload mods. independent of your new bethesda net?
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Pete Hines ‏@DCDeacon 24h24 hours ago

@ArchAzrael do you read anything i just said?





Seems to be a pretty straight answer to me, for those fearing that they are trying to cut the Nexus out of the loop. If it proved to be false, that would be easily shown to be a lie.

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Do people not understand what a beta is???? I really hate the way game companies used "beta" as a selling point. When I beta tested games in 1999 beta meant the game crashed or had game breaking bugs every 10 minutes at least. It's not some cool hidden background info session.... it's for working out major issues.

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