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Survival mode disable mods?


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Because I can't stand people like you... who buy a game or pay for a product, and think you're entitled to the world.


Heh! Keep your shirt on.


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Sounds like some people don't understand what the purpose of a beta test is...

No, it sounds like we paid pretty much money and that's why we should have qualify content from the start. We are not beta testers, and it's not free to play game.





You know what that sounds like?




Let me tell you what you are entitled to.


You are entitled to a game. No updates. If it doesn't run on your system, you're entitled to some troubleshooting to help find out why, but not a fix.


Let me add in what you are not entitled to by buying the game.


1. Updates. Those are put out at the company's discretion. That means when they want to patch some of the security in the game, or fix the way it looks because something makes it crash... they will opt to fix it. It's not a right to get an updates, it's a privileged.

2. Broadcasting your gameplay. The content belongs to the company. Showing it off, that's breaking DMCA, and you should be grateful that they allow you to do so, and monetize it on youtube so you can make money off THEIR creation.

3. Mods. You're technically not allowed to change the source code of the game in anyway. That would break it's copyright. Oh? you don't like that? Well how would you like to write a book and have someone buy a copy just to change around the words on you?


All you are entitled to is the base game. That's what you paid for. You then agreed to terms of service when you installed it. The company's terms. EVERYTHING else offered to you, is out of the kindness of their hearts. Don't like that thought? Uninstall the game, and sell it on EBAY, give it away, put it away, or destroy it. You are entitled to do that.


Oh don't like my thoughts on it? Okay, let's compare it to a game that's been out a while, Spore... no more updates, no more custom content, nothing. The support you get on it exists overseas and doesn't speak your native tongue, oh and their solution is always that your Operating system is corrupt and that you need to wipe your HDD and reinstall everything... because that will make you say "Eff this" and stop asking. Not a good example? Okay, Look back at your older games. Don't have any? Do a search online. How many are still supported? How many have regular updates. Slim to nil chance you'll find one that's 10-20 years old that will have any support what so ever. but you know what's still there? The base game. What you paid for originally. Be glad it's working.


Who am I to speak? A modder. That guy you call when your computer breaks in order to get it fixed too. That's my 9-5 job. I paid my money for the base game, and I gladly volunteer to beta test for an update that Bestheda didn't have to put out. I gladly volunteer to make things that you can enjoy in your game, in your little world. When I'm not doing that, I'm that guy making a youtube video to try and entertain you. I'm that guy writing a book that you may pick up. I'm that guy out there trying to make your miserable little existence a little less miserable.


Why say all this?


Because I can't stand people like you... who buy a game or pay for a product, and think you're entitled to the world.


Never read such a load of DRIBBLE in my life.


Most nations have consumer protection laws which include FITNESS FOR PURPOSE (Valve just lost big in Australia over exactly such a law). So YES, companies are OBLIGED by law to release updates fixing problems in their software, or refund the ENTIRE cost of purchase.


Most nations have FAIR USE laws, which most certainly does allow 'broadcasting' of the game's content within reason. The law looks at the PRIMARY commercial purpose of a product, which in a game's case is the experience of PLAYING the game. Broadcasting a game doesn't infringe on this, although FAIR USE is a limited concept.


MODS are most certainly LEGAL- redistributing the IP of the game publisher without their permission is not. So LEGALLY texture mods for FO4 have ZERO to do with whether BETH gives permission or not, since a texture mod can contain ZERO original game IP. And YES, under most circumstances, the legal owner of software CAN modify the code for their own PERSONAL use. This LEGAL PRINCIPLE was long ago established by the third-party market for auto-mobile spares, that companies like Ford fought tooth and nail to shut down.


And by the way- that SELF-ANNOTATED copy of a textbook you own, you can most certainly SELL under the FIRST SALE DOCTRINE, so your so-called 'example' is a joke as well.


Too many trolls and dribblers don't have the first concept of how real law actually works. Most software EULAs are as worthless as used toilet paper- and rely on the legal ignorance of people to attempt to encourage them NOT to employ their legal rights. Companies like Microsoft have waved their useless EULAs in front of the courts of Europe, and lost every time. The law of the land OVER-RIDES any wording in any so-called contract.

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Too many trolls and dribblers don't have the first concept of how real law actually works. Most software EULAs are as worthless as used toilet paper- and rely on the legal ignorance of people to attempt to encourage them NOT to employ their legal rights. Companies like Microsoft have waved their useless EULAs in front of the courts of Europe, and lost every time. The law of the land OVER-RIDES any wording in any so-called contract.



Well and truly stated.

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These kinds of threads just make me love my life a little more with each post. I can't believe how pissed off some of you are over a BETA


Complain about bugs, then get pissed off when they release updates to try and fix them.


Mod a game without their consent, then complain about updates breaking your unauthorized mods.


Then actually believe that your "rights" have somehow been violated. Unbelievable.

Edited by Evil D
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I understand this is a beta, but am still bummed out mods are disabled. Frankly any problems caused by mods we're running is our problem, not Bethesda's. The stupid save on sleep thing pisses me off more.

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yeah...BETA. and if they are still disabled in the proper patch when it's out than what you gonna say huh?


they will not.

but if they will (and they wont), then we will have a real reason to be upset. but only then.

It's actually pointess, to say the least

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It does seem like beth tried to piss off as many people as possible with this beta. Lets not forget, that mods still are not really allowed, even on the normal non beta release. So, now they created more hoops for us to jump through. Only this time they are on fire.


But ok, its a beta. Now what about that console access? That little knife in the dark, will apparently stick with us even after the beta is gone. No more summoning companions that disappear on us. No more fixing broken quests (from vanilla, or modded in once geck lands)...

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That is funny... there are a lot of post complaints about console.

But, I have to say in 180 hours, I never got stuck, or got a single crash, so I never used (or had to use) the console once. I really dont get the madness about this.

I really have the feeling that a lot of people can stand to play fallout4 in a regular way. No... they *have* to use the console, they *have* to use mods, just because... because... I don't even know why, actually. People seem to think that everything that come from bethesda sucks by principle. They just forgot that Bethesda actually made the whole game and the Api. This is really weird.

However... I used the console a lot in Skyrim (which was far less stable), mainly when I was learning to make mods, because I obvioulsy needed to cheat at this time.

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