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Wasteland Workshop Official Trailer


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Really mixed about this dlc. So far seen nothing that would make me jump up and down with joy. My strongest reaction is, perhaps with some mods that will be a neat feature.


Shoot, I'd have killed for faction specific buildings. Or really fancy trading dens.

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Really mixed about this dlc. So far seen nothing that would make me jump up and down with joy. My strongest reaction is, perhaps with some mods that will be a neat feature.


Shoot, I'd have killed for faction specific buildings. Or really fancy trading dens.

Humm, quest mods can make use of arena and trapping features.

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For workshop modders, there's a lot of new, fancy s#*!. And I see they finally got around filling those metal and concrete categories with something.. Y'all using SK will have some issues there :)

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Oddly the planters are the coolest part. More traps seem pointless since I've never once used a trap. Machine Gun/Zooka turrents deal with pretty much anything in short order.


Can't say I'm too excited about the pets/arena system either. Hopefully though it means much needed refinement of the workshop mode though.

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I like these traps, as personally these ones appear more re-usable than the current traps (Current traps need repaired each time, these look to me like they SHOULD be always functional, but I could be wrong!)

I love the idea of gladiator arenas, its something I had wanted to do anyway, so thats nice.

My biggest concern is the keyword limit, if they didn't fix it for this DLC< I imagine the base game will be pretty close to the limit, and thus modded games are going to struggle to deal with it. I really want it fixed, so I can start using my own categories for my stuff.. *sigh*

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I like these traps, as personally these ones appear more re-usable than the current traps (Current traps need repaired each time, these look to me like they SHOULD be always functional, but I could be wrong!)


I love the idea of gladiator arenas, its something I had wanted to do anyway, so thats nice.



My biggest concern is the keyword limit, if they didn't fix it for this DLC< I imagine the base game will be pretty close to the limit, and thus modded games are going to struggle to deal with it. I really want it fixed, so I can start using my own categories for my stuff.. *sigh*

I don't expect new keywords, but who knows. The workshop keywords are already implemented (cages, neon lights, concrete, metal).

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