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Wait, pay? Orly?

If you having to pay in order to gain access to mods, then send that link to BethSoft, and they'll have shut the site down before Skyrim is released. :P


I doubt it. From the sounds of it, they're not charging for mods, but merely for access to the site. They're probably working with some kind of loophole there.


You don't have to pay to sign up to Gmod. It's totally free. Where the heck did you get that from?


I was earlier invited to join the "closed" beta of Gmod after they had uploaded one of my mod. I thought that it was okay that they uploaded mods as long as it was closed and the mods would be removed once it went live. But apparently, it was all a lie, and they went live without removing any mods at all.

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I got the pay for thing from the OP. Perhaps read through it again?


Oh, didn't see that last line, sorry. But still, I haven't seen the owner saying that anywhere...

Still, the owners have been lying, stealing, and whatnot, so I'm pulling my mods from that site!

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Yes, they have uploaded mods without asking first kinda like many others but there was at least an attempt to contact authors (me being one of the first). Also, from my experience with them, they have complied with my wishes.


It has potential for use as an alternate site to upload your mods which is always nice.


It certainly isn't as feature-rich as the Nexus but what site came come close really? It is nicer than some sites but I think they need to continue refining their features such as the ability to host more than one file per mod page and such.


I have not been on that site since I 1st joined, tested and provided some feedback so I don't know what has changed since then.


This is what I propose to those willing: Upload your mods there and only provide the most basic info about the mod and state that if you want support, go to such-n-so site. Then you can link to that site as an alternate file mirror for your mod much the same as you would use MediaFire, 4shared or FileFront.


If you have personal objections for the site, you have every right to ignore it or petition the owner to have your mod removed. If they refuse to remove your mod, let me know and I'll ask them as well...not that I have any clout over there but I'd be willing to help our Nexus members with their troubles.



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Oh, didn't see that last line, sorry. But still, I haven't seen the owner saying that anywhere...

Still, the owners have been lying, stealing, and whatnot, so I'm pulling my mods from that site!


I read through the thread linked in the OP, but must have missed where the CEO mentioned that he's going to utilize a feature for paid membership later. I don't really see it working out, though. Sure, the concept is nice, having all the mods fr various games in a single place, but if you have to pay, I'd much rather spend 5 minutes extra just looking through the various free sites.


Then again, I'm not sure I'd use them at all after this. I can understand that it's hard getting hold of so many modders to gain permissions and everything, but it's inexcusable to upload to your own site before getting the green-light from the mod owner. If I had any mods that could be uploaded, I'd have been pretty pissed if I saw it on a site before being contacted for permission.

Edited by Halororor
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Cheeky, but I have seen my mods on several sites I know I didn't give permission to. Not sure it is worth getting worked up about. As long as people don't come to the Nexus pages demanding why the version they downloaded on some other site had a virus that crashed their system and set fire to their dog.


Yes, but if that site charges a member fee to access mods, then there's a problem, because then they're profiteering off mods they don't have the permissions to host.


Well it is a problem for the person who paid money to download mods they could have got for free here, especially when you consider they also wont get any support from the mod authors in question. Although to be honest it seems like a business model doomed to failure. Who is going to pay for membership to this site when they have alternatives that are superior and free?


Now I do wish they had asked me before uploading my mods as 'test mods' though.

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I remember these guys. They were going around here a few weeks back spamming PMs to people about their new site. I guess they didn't go away after all. Bunch of thieves they are.
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It´s happening more frequently, but this one is even worse. The site that's mentioned isn't some big ignorant site that tries to generate more visitors by uploading random material to try generate better google searches. That site wants to succeed to exist by doing so. Looking closely to its linked sites it seems to have been not really going where there from 2007 and it´s been re-uploading like some others have done. It might have to do with the fact that Bethesda's been actively endorsing/promoting the nexus and similar sites in their interviews/blogs and those random site owners woke up and thought to do the same as well.


Like as been stated these sites offer no support as the author's most likely not present at all and that's the worst part. I find it particularly interesting that it's not explained at a single place what the G means in gmod.com, making it easy to link to the fact they want to attract more people from the Source mod Gmod/Garry's mod just by having a name. It'd be like calling it Gnexus.com :P. It might just be a coincidence, but there's really little info around.

Edited by Pronam
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I didn't say 'had to pay' I said it LOOKED like they were doing this and setting it up so that they could eventually charge for it. They've got a few places in the TOS where they're basically trying to make it so that anything added to their site belongs to them, and that at some point if they want to charge for it they have every right.




"lympus Entertainment may from time to time offer items other than software, content and services for purchase via GMOD (e.g., apparel, books, posters, etc.) ("Merchandise"). Olympus Entertainment may offer Merchandise together with or separate from Subscriptions, but such Merchandise is incidental to Subscriptions and the predominant purpose of GMOD is and shall remain the provision of Subscriptions and services related thereto. All offers to purchase Merchandise via GMOD are made and accepted subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Your communications with Olympus Entertainment or submission of any purchase order or other similar forms containing provisions contrary to the terms of this Agreement or the terms presented by Olympus Entertainment during purchase of Merchandise via GMOD are hereby rejected and are not binding on Olympus Entertainment."


It's the 'together with or seperate from subscriptions' part that made me think.




"User Generated Information" means any information made available to other users through your use of multi-user features of GMOD or to Olympus Entertainment through your use of the Software. User Generated Information may include, but is not limited to, chat, forum posts, screen names, game selections, player performances, usage data, suggestions about Olympus Entertainment products or services, and error notifications. Subject to the Olympus Entertainment privacy policy referenced in Section 1 above, as applicable, you expressly grant Olympus Entertainment the complete and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, transmit, broadcast, and otherwise communicate, and publicly display and perform the User Generated Information and derivative works thereof in any form, anywhere, with or without attribution to you, and without any notice or compensation to you of any kind"

Also, this made me giggle

"GMOD® Terms of Use Agreement


This made me giggle


"D. Restrictions.

Except as otherwise permitted under Section 2© with regard to the SDK, you may not, in whole or in part, copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, disassemble, decompile, create derivative works based on, or remove any proprietary notices or labels from the Software or any software accessed via GMOD without the prior consent, in writing, of Olympus Entertainment.

You are entitled to use the Software for your own use, but you are not entitled to: (i) sell, grant a security interest in or transfer reproductions of the Software to other parties in any way, nor to rent, lease or license the Software to others without the prior written consent of Olympus Entertainment; (ii) host or provide matchmaking services for the Software or emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Olympus Entertainment in any network feature of the Software, through protocol emulation, tunneling, modifying or adding components to the Software, use of a utility program or any other techniques now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose including, but not limited to network play over the Internet, network play utilizing commercial or non-commercial gaming networks or as part of content aggregation networks, without the prior written consent of Olympus Entertainment; or (iii) exploit the Software or any of its parts for any commercial purpose."



It just seems to me that they're taking all these mods in order to beef up their site and make it look impressive, without having to do things the hard way and build and reputation so that they can make a fast buck. If you folks go to the thread over on the Runic forums, you'll also see how the CEO hasn't bothered posting anymore.

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Let’s face it: a modding site without mods is just sad. Not to mention, it’s impossible to judge its quality. So, for the time being, we’ve pre-uploaded several mods whose authors have not placed restrictions on where their mods are hosted. We have reserved the authors’ names for these mods to be claimed if the authors decide to join Gmod.com beta. Once Gmod goes live to the general public (no invite required), any unclaimed mods will be REMOVED.

While we do appreciate your input, please remember that we are in beta for a reason; the website is not complete yet. We will be updating and adding content on a regular basis over the next few months."




I bet their CEO just stopped posting because he knows he hasn't got a leg to defend himself on and so his only response can be to shut up and continue.

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