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Well I'm impressed by how this turned out. I still need to see the TL mods taken down before I'm 100% satisfied, and it would be nice to see the ability to delete your own files after claiming an account, but if this goes as the video says I can't say I have any more complaints.


Yay for community activism.

Well, I'm not quite convinced yet...

Once burned , twice shy.


We'll see....


Honorable effort tho.

Edited by Metallicow
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I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point and will keep the place in mind as long as things continue to improve in a positive direction.
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I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point and will keep the place in mind as long as things continue to improve in a positive direction.


My best friend is also my worst enemy,

Lets take that in thought,

I am with you brother, lets watch.

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Maybe -- and only because they eventually seem to conform to the generally accepted principals -- bad publicity is good publicity. If it was planned, pure makaveli. If not, they were still smart to be so fair. No offense, and no direct insult to you, but does anyone even know who zidder (OP) is? I see like 15 posts since last year. Not that that is unusual in and of itself, but why the sudden renewed interest here? And Webbstre? Sometimes these effects are called catalysts.


Sorry, just speaking my mind. My intent is not to try and discredit this or any one person, only question.


And none of it matters so long as people agree to having their mods there. I just want to be sure of how we got there. I mean, they did blindly DL these mods and then re-upload them without question. Yes, maybe they're stupid. Or brilliant. I'll leave that up to the heavy-hitters here. But have some food for thought at least.

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I'm dumbfounded that anyone would still want to support gmod .


They have the knowledge that they cannot charge for mods, Therefore they would surely have the knowledge to Not upload any files that they didn't have explicit permission to do so and yet they DID.


And to have the owners of mods Need to join so as to remove files ...they've got a hide thicker than a croc's back,

To top that off they put their site online accessible by the public and claim it was for testing purposes......Like Dark0ne said...it should have been on a closed circuit only accessible by their staff/crew. .......why do I smell the stench of deceit ?????.


In the past I have used mods downloaded from a site only to find the instructions on another site in another mod made by a "different" modder......thing is it was not a "different" mod it was the EXACT same mod.....only repacked with a different authors name!!!.


Think carefully about this mob, somehow if they can find a way to make money from mods .....they certainly will do it....even if it means selling mods from a "sacrificial pawn type" site.


The simple fact that they took mods and then ask that modder to request removal should say it all.


NO I would not go near them ......exception would be only to give them a lesson in "RESPECT" .

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I'm dumbfounded that anyone would still want to support gmod .

NO I would not go near them ......exception would be only to give them a lesson in "RESPECT" .


Granted, this guy has screwed up, have you not..? ARE YOU PERFECT? . NO.

We will give this guy a chance. I like competition. It is what keeps the game running....

He HAS posted an apology. Let's see what he as got.



Watch... and learn......

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Thank you for the review of your methods and the apology. I wish you all the best in making a useful, feature-rich site.

Sucks it isn't working.

How about a me likin to upload the first mod just to check....!

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