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SSL Testing on Nexus Mods


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I had the https for the last couple of days, as well as SERIOUSLY long loading times (some of which could only be 'fixed' by reloading the page), but today it's back to plain ol' www, not even an http. Loading times continue to be absurdly long most of the time, tho.


- EDIT - page loading will hang, according to Firefox, while "Transferring data from staticdelivery.nexusmods.com...", if that helps any.


- EDIT 2 - after seeing apachii's post up there, I looked at my security thingy in Firefox...it also says unsecured

Edited by EvilOssie
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I don't see https and a padlock anymore, I did for a couple of days.

Now I see only www.

I use Chrome and when I inspect the security it says the page is not secure.


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In response to post #37187105.

apachii wrote: I don't see https and a padlock anymore, I did for a couple of days.
Now I see only www.
I use Chrome and when I inspect the security it says the page is not secure.

This...for me too - no padlock etc on any page I can find. If I put in https manually it redirects me to the standard www site.
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In response to post #37187105. #37191940 is also a reply to the same post.

apachii wrote: I don't see https and a padlock anymore, I did for a couple of days.
Now I see only www.
I use Chrome and when I inspect the security it says the page is not secure.
mikebug wrote: This...for me too - no padlock etc on any page I can find. If I put in https manually it redirects me to the standard www site.

Same. Mod site has been serving normal pages again since last night while the forum is now serving secure pages.
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In response to post #37187105. #37191940, #37196695 are all replies on the same post.

apachii wrote: I don't see https and a padlock anymore, I did for a couple of days.
Now I see only www.
I use Chrome and when I inspect the security it says the page is not secure.
mikebug wrote: This...for me too - no padlock etc on any page I can find. If I put in https manually it redirects me to the standard www site.
Arthmoor wrote: Same. Mod site has been serving normal pages again since last night while the forum is now serving secure pages.

Me too. The nexus was secure for me yesterday but now the padlock is gone. While it was there the nexus ran smoother for me than it ever has so I miss it. I also miss the warm fuzzy security the padlock brought… *sniffle* Edited by CyrusFyre
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In response to post #37179240.

Erem wrote: I'm not seeing any padlocks, green or otherwise, but the option to upload a profile image is working for me at last, so I'm happy. (Although I've had that default No Avatar image for so long, I've actually become quite attached to it.)

Lucky we are to have our identities back, Erem !!
Also the greenie (padlock) visit my site every now and then :-)
I am happy too - progress is nice !!
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On the forums I am seeing the lock, but it has a red dot with an exclamation point. When I hover over the dot it says broken. Clicking on it tells me that while some of the material being transmitted is encrypted, there is some unencrypted material being transmitted. Which is what I would expect during a transition.

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