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Would Those Who Oppose Paid Modding Have an Issue With it Being Limited to Consoles?


Paid Mods for Consoles  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you support paid mods for the Consoles?

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I just watched the CK video and a thought suddenly occurred to me. Now putting your overall feelings on the idea of Paid Mods for the PC, I'm curious what issues those who opposed Paid Mods would have if the paid side of things was exclusive to the consoles. After all, one of the biggest complaints regarding paid mods on the PC, is that they are taking away something that was once free and now profiting from them and the effect it would have the community. But that issue isn't relevant to consoles. As well, I don't see it being as divisive to the modding community as before because theoretically in this system you'd still have access to free mods. In fact, it might be very important for those mods to remain free on the PC, to allow it to be fully tested before releasing to the console.


I myself support this idea, but I also support the idea of paid mods on the PC as well, so I'd be curious for those who didn't support this concept what they would think or if they would oppose Paid modding being an exclusively console thing.

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You should have worded your poll so that the answer people would pick is the same as what people would pick in response to the title. I think paid mods are fair for PC and Console as long as they are regulated. If a mod is found to be too buggy, it shouldn't be paid for. If a modder doesn't update their mod or confirm that it's still compatible with the latest version of the game, the mod should lose its status as a paid mod until the modder does something. What I hope for is that some mods that are very high quality will be released as a result of this and a majority of the mods will still be free.

Edited by noahdvs
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I was always pro paid mods, in a fair and transparent way, but I'd really have an issue with paid mods only on consoles. Either paid options for both or for neither, everything else just brings bad blood either way.



Though mod makers should have some grasp of the actual potential for making money.


Lower priced mods will likely see much much much more downloads then the high priced stuff.


They should also consider that yes while they may have put allot of effort into making the mod it could be much better for them & the community as a whole not to go insane with how much they price it at.

As I said above a lower price means many many more people will consider downloading it and if you combine the console-computer player base your looking at tens of millions (20+) of players.


So in all likelyhood a well made mod priced even at 50 cents of which you get half could net you tens of thousands if not even a hundred thousand dollars if not possibly more

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Unfair treatment of mod authors, and gamers is not acceptable. Some mod authors can make money by selling art assets in other games while none art/model mod authors can not. Console gamers already pay extra for online services that should be free when PC gamers will always have such services for free.


Paid modding should return with the option to sell equally to all audiences, not just one. And with much better and more thought out customer support and profit sharing to boot.

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Why should other people have to pay for the same content we get for free? That's plainly unfair.


Why yes ! Why should we pay for something that took hours and hours of work, hours and hours of learning and time a modder could have used to be a consumer instead of a creator !


In case you're wondering I'm answering that sarcastic as decent modding isn't something you fart out in a whim.

This 'we need everything free' attitude is sickening, and a reason why I'm very skeptical about what custom meshes I'll be using for F4, Beth meshes I can kitbash to save myself the drama when some twat decides to steal it. (because I can't use kitbash on my portfolio, as it isn't 100% mine )



Obviously I'm pro paying for mods,this isn't something that won't happen, it just will. People are spending more and more into their mods and the quality has skyrocked from Oblivion to Skyrim, this community has some of the most impressive work all around. However they have to be 'stand alone' mods, I know this eliminates the more complex mods but I imagine if you go build your mod on FO4E things just get complicated with payments, credits and copyrigths.

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I was always pro paid mods, in a fair and transparent way, but I'd really have an issue with paid mods only on consoles. Either paid options for both or for neither, everything else just brings bad blood either way.


I'm curious if it's an issue of principle, as you believe that there should be paid mods, or that you think it's unfair for console users. Assuming it's the latter, there's potentially a very good reason why it would be paid for consoles only, which I think Bethesda might do. For paid modding to work on consoles, it's going require a fair amount of screening from someone. This is doubly so in the aftermath of the debacle that occurred on Steam. That means you have hire or task people with going through these mods and either approving them or not. Moreover, modders will have to conform to higher standards of QC to ensure nothing really game breaking slips in. You have to realize that unlike the PC, the consoles are FAR more regulated. It's why it takes forever to release a patch on the consoles as opposed to the PC. So my point is, if there is going to be some QC on Bethesda's part, then paid mods make sense to help cover that cost. After all, Bethesda is a business and not a charity and there not giving away mods on the console for free.


You should have worded your poll so that the answer people would pick is the same as what people would pick in response to the title. I think paid mods are fair for PC and Console as long as they are regulated. If a mod is found to be too buggy, it shouldn't be paid for. If a modder doesn't update their mod or confirm that it's still compatible with the latest version of the game, the mod should lose its status as a paid mod until the modder does something. What I hope for is that some mods that are very high quality will be released as a result of this and a majority of the mods will still be free.


I'm not sure how the poll and the title are that different, as both asks if you'd support paid modding on the consoles. I suppose you could argue that I should of added in something like "exclusively" to the title, but I just assumed that was understood. In any case, the point you are making goes into the reason why I think paid modding makes sense on the consoles, but less sense (note I didn't say no sense) on the PC. This system isn't going to taking over the PC modding scene, and I think Bethesda understand that at this point. But more to the point, allowing it to be free for PC users means you can have far more people bug test your mod to get it read to be put onto the console. The other thing is that from a business stand point, it makes sense to go this route. As I discussed in first reply, Bethesda will probably have to institute some QA or else suffer backlash from the consoles manufacture (i.e. shut the program down if it starts messing with consoles). And, also like mentioned in the first post, Bethesda isn't a charity and is going to not only want their costs covered, but also make a little more as well. Whereas on the PC, Bethesda's attitude has been "have fun modding your game but don't crying to us if it breaks". That sort of attitude won't work on consoles.



I was always pro paid mods, in a fair and transparent way, but I'd really have an issue with paid mods only on consoles. Either paid options for both or for neither, everything else just brings bad blood either way.



Though mod makers should have some grasp of the actual potential for making money.


Lower priced mods will likely see much much much more downloads then the high priced stuff.


They should also consider that yes while they may have put allot of effort into making the mod it could be much better for them & the community as a whole not to go insane with how much they price it at.

As I said above a lower price means many many more people will consider downloading it and if you combine the console-computer player base your looking at tens of millions (20+) of players.


So in all likelyhood a well made mod priced even at 50 cents of which you get half could net you tens of thousands if not even a hundred thousand dollars if not possibly more



It depends. I do wish the Steam Paid Modding system wouldn't of been shut down so quickly. Don't get me wrong, it was a really bad system and needed to go. Nevertheless, due in large part being that most of the mods on their were junk or re-releases of mods one already could get on the Nexus, we didn't really get to find out what was the market value of mod x. Because of that, we don't really know where on a profit curve the optimal price is. Say for example mod author A releases a simple mod for $1 that just adds a new set of armor to the game and sells 100 copies, whereas mod author B releases a mod that is more complex for $10 and only sells 20 copies in that same timespan. What would be the result is mod A would see a revenue of $100, while mod B would see a revenue of $200. So despite the fact that mod B was more expensive, it was prices well enough to make more of a profit. In economics we illustrate this idea with a Marginal Revenue curve, an example of which you see below.




My point being that while yes you might sell more units at a lower price point, that doesn't mean that it's the most profitable course of action. And in any money making endeavor, you're not really looking to sell the most units, but make the most money. I suspect in the beginning there will be a lot of fluctuation in the prices between people start to settle on different price points for various mods.

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